
Terms for subject Computer networks containing | all forms
万维网WWW site
万维网Web site
专业服务网搜索引擎professional service website search engine
中国反钓鱼网联盟Anti-Phishing Alliance of China
主动活动active station
企业商务网enterprise business website
企业网enterprise website
企业网business website
企业网寄存enterprise website hosting
企业营销网business marketing website
免费网托管free website hosting
加速whole site accelerator
公共图书馆网public libraries website
公共政策网public policy website
公司网优化corporate website optimization
公司网营销corporate website marketing
动态数据网dynamic data website
动态网dynamic website
单连接single attached station
双向连接dual-attached station
商业网开发business website development
商务信息网business information website
商务社交网business social network site
商家网merchant website
基本信息单元段・biz 商业网的域名BIU segment
威客网Witkey website
嵌入式网embedded Web
恶意网malicious websites
掘客网Digg website
新闻聚合网news aggregation site
无线基地basis station
无线选带直放wireless band selective repeater
无网营销marketing without website
加速引擎source acceleration engine
特定内容网content specific site
电子商务网E-business website
SCDMA 直放SCDMA repeater
社交媒体网social media site
社交网social network site
移动电子商务网mobile E-commerce site
点本地单播地址site local unicast address
点管理员site manager
net site
cyber station
network site
代码website code
友情链接Web friendly link
安全website security
导航website navigation
嵌入特洛伊木马website embedded Trojan
建设website construction
开发website development
托管基础设施web hosting infrastructure
托管提供商web hosting provider
托管模型web hosting model
挂马website hang a horse
数据挖掘应用Web mining application
流量分析website traffic analysis
流量排名website traffic rank
流量统计website traffic statistic
粘性site stickiness
维护website maintenance
编辑website editor
设计website design
首页website homepage
网络协调报文net coordination station message
网络管理network management station
营销网marketing website
资源信息网website of resource information
超级集群控制super cluster control station
脚本cross site scripting
请求伪造攻击cross site request forgery
车载移动式基cell on wheels
远地地面remote earth station
远程子remote sub station
远程工作remote work station
追踪网点击数tracking website hits
选带直放band selective repeater
选频直放selective band repeater
通信中继基communication relay base
通信卫星空间communication satellite space station
通知neighbor notification
量子中继quantum repeater
钓鱼网phishing site
非系统网络体系结构工作non-SNA station
高速缓存指令cache instruction station
高速缓存数据cache data station