
Terms for subject Management containing | all forms
与员工在一条线上siding with employees
中央与独立厂电力相结合combination of central station and isolated plant power
体育门户网sports portal
公共汽车停车bus stop
公共汽车总bus station
公共汽车终点bus terminal
农业技术agro-technical station
农业技术推广station for popularizing agricultural techniques
加油service station (gasoline station)
动力power house
半自动信息转接semi-automatic message switching center
发派dispatch station
发电output plant
奥运会官方网official Olympic website
工业试验industrial experimental station
工具tool cribs
平衡工作balancing work station
控制control station
服务service station (gasoline station)
服务service facilities
检查check points
水电hydraulic power plant (station)
汽油gas station
电力electric power station
线铺轨station line track
育种breeding station
装配assembly station
搬运工railway porter
边境检查frontier inspection station
边防检查frontier defence inspection station
配种stud farm
配种breeding station