
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一般农业气象ordinary agricultural meteorological station
路径inbound path
速度inbound pacing
人口entry platform
人工授精artificial insemination center
作物育种plant-breeding station
保修service depot
保养service garage
修理service depot
修理与技术服务Repair and Technical Service Station
农业技术推广agrotechnical station
农业技术推广agricultural instruction station
农业推广agricultural extension service
农业推广agricultural extension station
农业推广extension service
农业机器拖拉机agricultural machinery and tractor station
农业研究agricultural research center
农机出租agricultural machine lending station
农机拖拉机machinetractor station
农机拖拉机machinery and tractor station
农机拖拉机machine and tractor station
农村变电rural substation
branch station
分级清洗grading-and-washing plant
切诺贝利核电Chernobyl nuclear power station
汽油加油filling station
动力power plant
预报single station forecast
卸货landing center
厩液liquified manure plant
发电engine installation
变电防雷保护lightning protection of substation
变电分power substation
呼叫calling station
国家农业试验national agricultural experiment station
国家选种state selection station
国立蔬菜研究national vegetable research station
土地排水抽水land drainage pumping station
地方良种local breeding station
基本农业气象principal agricultural meteorological station
制造堆肥composting plant
塔式电泵electric pump station with tower
家畜试验livestock experimental station
Shiao Chan white rice
糙粳米Shiao Chan cargo rice
小型水电small hydro - power station
广播broadcast center
引种试验introduction station
pumping station
pumping plant
pumping station cottage
抽水water pumping station
指定试验designated station
推广extension station
推广extension service
推广服务extension service
摄影camera station
收蔗cane-receiving station
收集collection station
无塔式电泵towerless electric pump station
服务工作server workstation
果品收购加工fruit collection and processing station
检查inspecting authority
检查control station
检验check station
检验check point
森林保护forest protection station
森林天气forest weather station
森林试验forest experimental station
植物保护Plant protection station
椰子研究coconut research station
气象观测meteorological observing station
水位stream gauge
水力发电hydroelectric station
水力发电hydro-electric station
水力发电hydro-electric power station
水泵water pumping station
水稻试验rice experiment station
水量pumping plant capacity
流动气象mobile weather station
标石 observation monument
network (of stations)
海拔高度station elevation
测冰ice observing station
清选seed cleaning warehouse
灌溉实验experimental irrigation station
火险观测fire-danger station
牲畜配种livestock breeding station
生殖卵生产reproductive egg production station
田间工作field station
目视观测visual observing post
离开发射中心测试downrange station
种子seed center
种子检验seed inspection station
种子检验seed testing station
种子检验seed control station
种子试验seed testing station
种母马brood mare station
种马stallion station
台网network (of stations)
定位置site of station
索引号码index number of stations
繁育breeding station
维护maintenance point
育种seed breeding station
自动气象robot weather station
良种seed breeding station
良种繁育seed growing station
蜂王交尾queen-mating station
蜂王交配mating station
观测survey station
计量weighing station
试验pilot plant
试验experiment-station field
试验半生产性 设施pilot plant installation
试验分branch experiment station
调用calling station
谷物加工grain handling plant
转运transloading station
软水water softening plant
载人航天manned space station
运输transport station
远程distant station
远程数据remote station
选种seed cleaning warehouse
遥感卫星地面remote sensing satellite ground station
遥测气象distance meteorological station
配种service station
铁路受货railway receiving point
防护林shelter forest station
集奶milk collection centre
雷暴观测thunderstorm observing station
预报warning station
饲养rearing station
饲养rearing centre
饲养中心、饲养feeding center
高寒地区农业试验highland cold climate agricultural experiment station
高山气象mountain station
高空气象upper-air synoptic station