
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
中央central station system
中心发电central power house
中继stop over station
作业间移送move between operations
供应service depot
信号Sta signal station
信息交流communication station
customs station
司令commissary general
部队驻地商店commissary store
内地合装inland consolidation depot
内地集装箱inland container depot
内地集装箱货inland container depot
内陆保税货inland depot
内陆集装箱inland depot
内陆集货inland consolidation depot
农机agricultural machinery station
出租汽车停车场taxi stand
分发distributing point
分发distributing place
get in
货物arrival station
到达领航arrived pilot station
加油bunkerage service
协调联运交接internodal exchange
原子能发电atomic-energy factory
发运dispatch station
发送交货价free forwarding station
国际中转international transfer point
在…车站交条件at... station terms
大型发电big power station
工作调度balancing work station
废品回收reclamation depot
junction location
抵达终点arrival at destination
拖车转运Trailer Transfer Point
拼箱consolidation depot
指定火车交货at named station
收货总central receiving department
救生Life Saving Service
数据试验data test station
最后到达arrival station
服务 修理,加油servicing centre
服务 修理,加油servicing depot
服务service depot
机器拖拉机machine and tractors station
检验test point
水力发电water-power plant
水力发电hydraulic power station
汽油service station
汽油卸货铁路终点petrol railhead
汽车加油filling station
活动active post
测震seismic station
海上气象观测ocean station
收据dock receipt
港口harbour station
港口检查harbour control post
潮汐发电tidal power generation
火车交货delivery at the railway station
独立电项目Independent Power Project
现场维修检查field maintenance test station
生物学轨道空间biological orbiting space station
百货商department store
火车目的station of destination
集装箱码头货terminal depot
空运终点枢纽站Air Freight Terminal
集装箱到场container freight station to container yard
集装箱到站container freight station to container freight station
集装箱运输到站CFS to CFS
集装箱到门container freight station to door
在职工一边siding with employees
工作含量时间station work content time
着作业standing activity
间设施intersite facilities
管理分administrative substation
终点terminal point
终'点arrival station
终点货运terminal depot
综合工作integrated workstations
编组sorting depot
编组sort depot
联合系统检验combined systems test stand
联运集装箱终点inter-modal container terminal
自动遥控automatic telemetry station
自动遥控跟踪automatic telemetry tracking station
航空aerial port
航空目的地交货价即航空站交货的成本、保险费加运费价C.I.F. airport
航空终点air terminal
设于港口区的航运ocean terminal
计算机computer station
试验发射test-stand firings
调度regulation point
调度marshalling stations
调度balanced station
调查investigation station
货物承运forwarding station
货物选分Bulk Breaking Point
货车到car lots
起迄terminal station
交货delivered at station
交货at station
交货at station
交货价free on station
交货条件at station terms
搬运工红帽子red cap
行李寄存处cloak room
车货中途分卸Bulk Breaking Point
辅助系统功能试验Auxiliary Systems Function Test Stand
边境检查Border Control of Check Post
进港检查harbour entrance control post
进港检査harbour entrance control post
delivered in charge
通信communication site
通信转发communication retransmitting station
邮件检查Postal Censorship Station
采购与供应purchasing and supply station
金属回收metal recovery station
铁路枢纽railway junction
铁路终点交货at railhead
铁路货物到通知单railway advice
门到指从仓库门到集装箱货站door to container freight station CFS
集散assembly station
集装consolidation station
集装箱containers yards
集装箱并装consolidation depot
集装箱收货container cargo receiving station
集装箱货运货物container freight station
集货cargo consolidation station