
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
枢纽railway terminal with one station
枢纽one station junction terminal
一次变电primary substation
一泵primary pumping station
一等primary station
一等first-order station
一等三角测first order triangulation station
一等导线primary traverse station
一等导线first-order traverse station
一等导线primary traverse point
一等导线first-order traverse point
一等测候first-order weather station
一级三场编组first-stage/three-yard marshalling station
一级气象first-order weather station
一级泵low-lift pump station
一级潮位primary tide station
一级采购供应first-level purchasing and supply station
一级验潮primary tide station
三向测tripartite station
三燃料管线用发动机trifuel pipe-line engine
三级三场编组three-stage/three-yard marshalling station
三级六场编组three-stage/6-yard marshalling station
三角triangulation station
三角形台triangular array station
三角测trig station
三角测triangulation station
三角测triangulation station mark
三角测标志triangulation station mark
三角测量triangulation station
三角网测trigonometrical station
三角网测triangulation survey station
上下客loading platform
上下容loading platform
上流泵upstream pumping unit
上游泵upstream pumping unit
上游泵upstream pumping station
上行注入upload station
下层under platform
下游发电downstream power plant
下游电lower station
下游电downstream station
不停运行non-stop run
不准no standing
不增压越non-boosting operation
不断有人值勤的continuously attended station
不活动inactive station
与卡车高度相同的装车truck-high platform
专业性货运specialized goods station
专业性货运specialized freight station
专用specific purpose station
专用special purpose station
专用报汛special flood-reporting station
专用报汛special flood-reporting network
专用水文hydrometrical station for special purposes
专用水文hydrometric station for special purposes
世界定点海洋观测fixed oceanographical stations of the world
世界定点海洋观测fixed oceanographic stations of the world
two-terminal system
两摄影高差height difference of two air stations
中途调度intermediate control office
企业enterprise station
会让crossing station
会让meeting station
会让crossing loop
会越passing station
传感sensing station
传输transport station
传输transfer station
传输地址transport station address
传输地址空间transport station address space
传输标题transport station header
传输控制transmission control station
候车boarding platform (美国)
候鸟观察migratory bird observation station
subsidiary station
数目number of substations
分区供热系统分substation of district heat supply network
分布聚热太阳能电distributed collector power plants
分支bayou platform
分散型太阳能电decentralized solar power station
分散复印decentralized copy station
分析analytical station
分析analytic station
航空站的分枝unit terminal building
分流distribution station
分界交接列车计划train receiving and delivery at junction station plan
分界交接重车数receiving and delivery at junction station cars loadings
分界报告report of passenger number on train by junction station
分界货车出入计划plan of loaded and empty wagons delivered and received at junction station
分组观测测平差station adjustment of observation in groups
分货distribution center
分转drop repeater
分配distribution station
分配distribution center
分配distribution header
分配dispense point
列车停时分表dwell time table
列车出平均速度average speed of train in departing from station
列车出时间time required for train departing from station
列车出距离distance run by train in departing from station
列车到达指示器train destination indicator
列车电锅炉transportable boiler
列车越train skip
列车近信号approach signal
列车进entry of train into station
列车进平均速度average speed of train in entering into station
列车进时间time require for train entering into station
列车进线entrance track
列车进自动通知automatic announcement device of approach of a train
列车进距离distance run by train in entering into station
利用干蒸汽的地热电dry steam geothermal electric-power generator
利用湿蒸汽的地热电wet steam geothermal power generator
北大西洋海洋观测North Atlantic Ocean Station
各种技术服务one-stop station
合作医疗cooperative medical station
台换乘same platform transfer
干扰interference in the co-located station
同步航天synchronous station
后方交会空中摄影resected air station
含沙量观测sediment-laden observation station
土方yard station
在一个点钻一束钻孔from one setup
在两个停车间的平均速度average speed between stops
在道岔和台上撒盐salt spread in switched and on platform
堤坝式水电dam type hydroelectrical plant
堤坝式水电dam type power station
堤坝式水电dam type hydroelectrical station
堤坝式水电dam type hydroelectric station
堤坝式水电dam type hydroelectric plant
备有火箭抛绳器的救生rocket station
备用发电stand-by power station
备用发电stand-by power plant
备用电auxiliary power station
备用航空alternate airport
备用航空alternate airfield
备选电candidate plant
备选电alternative power station
备选电alternative power plant
复合combined station
外差中继heterodyne repeater
多普勒跟踪系统polystation Doppler tracking system
焊接centralized installation of welding machine
焊机multioperator welding machine
电焊机multioperator welding set
线路multidrop line
通信网络multidrop communication network
多功能multifunction station
多媒介监测multimedia monitoring station
多层车multiple level station
多层车multiple floor station
多层车multiple deck station
多布森Dobson spectrophotometer station
多布森分光光度测量Dobson spectrophotometer station
多机组电multiunit plant
多用途multipurpose stage
多用途multiple use stage
多级水电multistage water power stations
多角形终点polygonal termination
公共车辆的major stop
电气集中联锁relay interlocking for large station
交通百货商店terminal department store
大三角测量great trigonometrical survey station (陆标)
大地geodesic point
大坝发电dam power plant
大坝混凝土搅拌large dam concrete plant
大宗货运bulk goods freight station
大容量水电high-capacity hydroelectrical plant
大容量水电high-capacity water power station
大容量水电high-capacity hydroelectric plant
大容量电high-capacity power station
大气污染固定监测stationary monitoring station for atmospheric pollution
大气污染监测atmospheric pollution monitoring station
大气污染监测air activity monitoring station
大气监测atmospheric monitoring station
大洋研究和开发浮动floating ocean research and development station
大范围运量观测coverage count station
大转报中心major relay center
大通道地球major path satellite earth station
大面积观测blanket-count station
天气weather station
天气观测weather-observing station
天气观测synoptical station
天气观测synoptic station
天气观测synoptical network
天气观测synoptic network
天然地热电natural generation of electrical power
天然地热电natural generation of electric power
天然气动力natural gas power station
天然气压气gas compressor station
封锁线block station track
射电天文radio astronomical station
minor stop
minor station
电气集中联锁all-relay interlocking for way-station
小中继minor relay station
小区热力area thermal substation
小型中继satellite studio
小型接力电satellite studio
小型核电small-size nuclear power plant
小型水力发电small hydroelectrical plant
小型水力发电small hydroelectric plant
小型水电small hydro-power station
小型移动式电packaged power plant
小水电small hydro-power station
小水电small-scale hydroelectric station
小水电small-scale hydroelectrical station
小水电midget water power station
小港pick-up and drop off point
小转发minor relay station
小转运minor relay station
小配电distribution substation
尖峰负荷电peak load station
崩坍观测avalanche observation station
市内地下铁道车metropolitan railroad station
市内车town station
市内车in-town station
市内铁道车metropolitan railroad station
市区火车municipal station
市郊suburban station
市郊火车suburban train station
tape station
标识band identification
带缓冲器的buffered station
运行open shop
开关switching station
开卷unroller station
开放计算open computation shop
开敞式变电conventional substation
开敞式开关conventional substation
式水电power station at the toe of the dam
弓冰式电diversion canal type of power plant
引导vectoring station
引水式diversion power plant
引水式水电diversion type hydroelectrical power plant
引水式水电diversion type power station
引水式水电diversion type hydroelectric power plant
引水式电diversion type power station
引水渠式发电canal system power station
引水隧洞式电diversion tunnel development
急救emergency aid center
急救aid station
急救车accident ambulance station
急救车accidental ambulance station
感测sensing station
成型forming station
成套变电unit substation
成绩测验performance testing station
战略武器发射控制strategic weapon firing post
截听intercept station
截流泵intercepting pumping station
指令和数据接收command and data acquisition station
指定大修designated overhaul point
指定终点selection terminal
指定终端selection terminal
指定车destined station
指挥设备command post equipment
指标index station
顺序零担车station order car
按到编组classification by destination
按钮press control
按钮press-button station
挖土机控制shovel control station
搅拌mixing unit
搅拌batch plant
搅拌batching plant
搜索雷达search-radar installation
明流隧洞引水式电free flow tunnel development
星载转播space-borne repeater station
最大间距maximum station interval
最小间隔minimum station interval
最小型minimum-sized station
最稀minimum network
月球火箭发射moon port
有人值守的电attended station
有人值班的增音attended repeater
有人观测attended station
有效台面积effective platform area
有棚sheltered refuge
有线广播wired broadcast station
有线广播rediffusion station
有调节池的径流电run-of-river plant with pondage
有轨电车停车tram depot
有遮盖的火车covered railway station
有遮蔽的观测sheltered station
服务servicing center (汽车)
服务经管居民的牛乳、报纸等的接纳、分送工作distribution station
服务service garage
服务service center
未建立水位一流量关系的测unrated gauging station
未建立水位一流量关系的测unrated gaging station
未率定测unrated gauging station
未率定测unrated gaging station
未设流域ungauged basin
未设unoccupied point
掺入terminal incorporation
月台arrival platform
设备terminal outfit
末端泵terminal pump station
作业车local car
作业车的取送技术作业过程operating procedure of taking-out placing-in of local car
气压station pressure
本地local site
本地接收local destination
本地操作工作local operator workstation
本地连接的locally attached station
本地长距离long-distance local
栅式接受grid reception stations
标准standard station
标准化核机组电系统standardized nuclear unit power system
标准地球standard earth station
标准地面standard earth station
标准场到达航线standard terminal arrival route
标准液压standard hydraulic station
标准验潮standard tide station
校准calibration station
植保plant protection unit
植树afforestation station
植物育种plant-breeding station
模式核电nuclear power demonstration reactor
模拟演示工作workstation for simulation and demonstration
横列式会让transversal type passing station
横列式区段transversal type district station
状态secondary status
链路secondary link station
次要subordinate station
次要潮期观察secondary tide station
次要潮期观测secondary tide station
次要潮汐观测subordinate tidal station
气体流量测定gas metering station
气候研究站址选定station identification for climate study
气候观测climatic observation station
气候记录climatological station
气压测高barometrical station
气压测高barometric station
气胀式救生服务service station of inflatable life rafts
气象meteorological office
气象weather facility
气象meteorologic office
气象Weather station
气象台meteorological network
气象台meteorologic network
气象服务meteorological service station
气象服务meteorologic service station
气象自动报告meteorological automatic reporting station
气象自动报告meteorologic automatic reporting station
气象观测meteorological station
气象观测meteorologic station
气象观测meteorological observation network
气象观测meteorologic observation network
气象雷达meteorological radar station
气象雷达meteorologic radar station
气象预报weather forecasting center
氧气oxygen station
洗舱cleaning station
渠道弓冰式电power canal development
漂流浮标合作小组drifting buoy cooperation panel
漂流浮标报告drifting buoy station report
漂流自动无线电气象drifting automatic radio meteorological station
漂流自动无线电气象drifting automatic radio meteorologic station
漂浮式海洋气象自动观测floating oceanographical and meteorological automatic station
漂浮式海洋气象自动观测floating oceanographic and meteorologic automatic station
漂浮式自记海洋观测drifting recording station
漂浮蒸发evapouration station on water surface
漂浮蒸发floating evaporation station
漂浮蒸发floating evapouration station
漂浮蒸发evaporation station on water surface
漂浮观测drift station
甚高频通信位置标记very high frequency station location marker
甜菜收购beet collecting station
生料接收pig receiver station
用户供电consumer's terminal
用户供电consumer's power station
用户热力consumer thermal substation
码头型货运terminal depot
码头型货运lighter freight station
码头市场车市场terminal market
砂浆搅拌mortar mixing plant
砂浆搅拌mortar mill
紧急抢救收留emergency and accident department
缆索下端cable lower station
缆车式泵cable car pumping station
编纽train-assembly station
编纽train-make-up station
编组marshalling station
编组marshalling yard
编组sorting yard
编组train make-up station
编组formation siding
编组classification yard
编组作业收入classification station operation income
编组列车工作计划train working plan on classification
编组台剩余程度degree of residual occupation
编组调车线yard track
编组间距spacing of terminals
编车train assembly station
air port
大楼terminal building
照明airport lighting
航天太空space platform
航海marine terminal
航海用品供应marine store
航空air port
航空维修air station
航空终点air terminal
航空工程学airport engineering
航空进场控制区approach control zone of air station
航空客运air passenger terminal
航空终端区导引terminal guidance
航空终端控制区terminal control area
航空航运air cargo terminal
航空集散air terminal
航线中间way point
航行指挥信号shipping traffic control signal station
航运shipping station (海运)
航道waterway station
航道aids tending station
营业operating station
调压regulator station
调压governor station
调压governor house
调头车station for head-end operation
调头车station for dead-end operation
调度shunting station
调度dispatching station
调度disposition station
调度control station
调度commanding point
调节池式发电pondage type power plant
调车场界标yard limit board
freight depot
cargo-handling terminal
货棚装车deck of a goods shed
货物goods station
货物freight station
货物goods platform
货物中转loading dock
货物车freight depot
货物转运transshipment point
货物转运goods distribution center
货物转运interchange point
货物转运freight transfer platform
货运goods and depot
货运goods station
货运freight terminal
货运freight platform
货运基地车freight base station
货运汽车truck terminal
货运汽车终端motor freight terminal
货运汽车终端motor-truck terminal
货运汽车motor freight depot
货运终点cargo terminal
货运终点loading terminal
货运终点cargo-handling terminal
货运车freight station
送电发电sending substation
送电变电sanding substation
逆流泵upstream pumping unit
station selection
layout of station
选煤coal separation station
选矿mineral separation station
台的地道subway leading to platforms (车站)
通信中心communication tie-station
通信中心report center
通信中心communication report center
通信中继communication relay (station)
通信卫星地面communication-satellite earth station
通信端terminal office for communication
通用技术保养superservice station
通行检查gate house
通过through station
通过式客运through-type passenger station
通过式总through terminal
通过式枢纽through terminal
通过式货运through-type goods station
通过式车through station
通过式车through type station
通过车允许速度permissive speed of train passing through station
通风ventilation station
通风air-handling station
通风测量ventilation station
通风测量ventilating station
通风测量air-handling station
速度监视speed trap (汽车)
锅炉动力boiler house for power station
错车midway station
锚碇水文anchor hydrographical station
锚碇水文anchor hydrographic station
震源至台距离focal-to-site station distance
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