
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
下一转发next-hop forwarding
不开放计算closed shop
中央central station
中心central office
中心报警系统central station alarm system
中途way station
中间tandem office
master station
main station
主链路primary link station
交换exchange station
交换标识符exchange station ID
交换标识符帧XID frame
slave station
从属passive station
依赖性工作dependent workstation
信号signal station
信标beaconing station
路径inbound path
广播帧all-station broadcast frame
公司门户corporate portals
内部点自动隧道寻址协议intra-site automatic tunnel addressing protocol
内部热internal hotsite
cold site
tributary station
分组无线工作packet radio station
分路way station
无线网络single-station wireless network
单连接single-attached station
只收电视television receive only
可商谈链接negotiable link station
可配置configurable station
哑工作dumb workstation
商业网的域名由互联网名称与数字地 址分配机构 (ICANN) 组织于2000年批准的用于 与商业相关的顶级域名.biz
固定功能工作fixed function work station
固定地面fixed earth station
图像工作image workstation
图形工作graphics workstation
地球ground station
地球基base earth station
地面earth station
docking station
cell site
base station
子系统base station sub-system
子系统应用部分base station sub-system application part
子系统管理应用部分base station sub-system management application part
控制器base station controller
收发信台base transceiver station
收发信机base station transceiver
管理base transceiver station management
识别码base station identity code
备用reservation station
外部交换foreign exchange station
系统multistation system
访问单元multistation access unit
键盘到磁带系统multistation keyboard-to-tape system
多点multidrop station
guest station
客户设备customer station equipment
客户工作client workstation
局域网仿真客户LAN emulation client
工作地址workstation address
工作实用程序work station utility
工作控制器workstation controller
工作的通用链路访问common link access for workstations
带网络工作的网关gateway with network station
平衡balanced station
开放式基架构open base station architecture initiative
开放式程序计算站,计算机房open shop
开放式计算程序设计编程open-shop programming
微波中继microwave repeater
快速基切换fast base station switching
main station
截听intercepted station
所有地址all-stations address
接收accepting station
操作员控制operator control station
tributary station
数据控制台data station console
数据处理data processing station
数据库设计评价工作database design evaluation workstation
数据通信data communication station
无线基radio base station
显示display station
显示工作display workstation
智能工作intelligent workstation
智能远程支持程序intelligent remote station support
最小网络mininet station
最近活动上游nearest active upstream neighbor
最近活动下游nearest active downstream neighbor
本地工作local work station
本地连接locally attached station
机场地面移动无线基airport land mobile radio base station
查询query station
海岸地球coast earth station
warm site
源端source end station
热坞hot docking
独立工作stand-alone workstation
独立工作independent work station
ring station
环路连接器loop station connector
生产管理工作manufacturing management workstation
用户subscriber station
用户重组customer station rearrangement
目标终结destination end station
目的destination station
代码station code
地址码station code
对站呼叫station-to-station call
工作含量station work content
布局station arrangement
控制块station control block
时钟station clock
消息细节记录station message detail recording
Web site
FTP FTP site
空间stage space
管理station management
级网络station level network
选择代码station selection code
选择器station selector
锁定station lock
错误检测station error detection
interstation (interstatio)
Web 网Web site
个性化Web personalization
托管Web hosting
挖掘Web mining
网内主控master net control stationMNCS
网络控制net control station
网络控制程序network control program station
聚合类网aggregate class website
虚拟交互环境工作virtual interaction environment workstation
虚拟全息工作virtual holographic workstation
被动passive station
被呼called station
被截intercepted station
设备支持device support station
访问access site
资源信息网Web site of resource information
跟踪、遥测、控制和监视,测控trace telemetering command & metering
跟踪、遥测、控制和监视,测控trace, telemetering, command & metering
脚本攻击cross-site scripting
脚本攻击cross site scripting
请求伪造cross site request forgery
way station
车载基cell on wheels
辅助tributary station
输人reading station
输入input station
远程数据remote data station
station selection code
选频直放frequency channel selective repeater
通信卫星地面communications satellite earth station
通信卫星空间communications satellite space station
通道附接channel-attached station
逻辑logical station
邻接链路adjacent link station
邻接链路映像adjacent link station image
链路link station
链路连接link-attached station
镜像mirror site
镜像网mirror website
门户网Web portal
门户网portal site
阅读reading station
阅读read station
非开放式计算程序设计closed shop programming
非现用工作inactive station
非系统网络结构non-system network architecture station (non SNA station)
驳接docking station
高功能工作high-power workstation
高级数据链路控制high-level data link control station
高级数据链路控制HDLC station