
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一般general legislation
三次体现象three-dimensional phenomenon
不许订附带条款tie-in clause
不许订附带条款tying clause
与... 建贸易联系build a trade bridge with
专利权patent legislation
包装单packing list plain paper
化区域neutralized zone
国市场neutral market
国船free ship
国船舶neutral vessel
国财产neutral property
国财产征用权right of angary
法案act of neutrality
neutral harbor
的货币地位neutral currency position
货币neutral money
为合并树商誉goodwill arising for consolidation
即回电为有效的报价offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram
即答复为有效的报价offer subject to immediate reply
保护性protective legislation
保证债权人提出时刻履行guarantee on first demand
信用证开与收到的差额balance of letter of credit opened and received
信托局public trust
1964 年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成的统一法的公约1964 . 7. 1Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods The Hague, 1964
关于航运的国际international legislation on shipping
保单issue a policy
erect into
公司float a company
合并amalgamation (consolidation)
加入他人企业或国家之间已订的合同公约的行为act of accession
sole paragraph
反托拉斯anti-trust legislation
反托拉斯法案对anti-trust act
可以即执行的文书instrument "immediately executory"
合同成地国家的法律lex loci contractus
善意中benevolent neutrality
国会statute law
国际international legislation
国际航运international shipping legislation
国际货物买卖合同成统一法the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
案公司de jure corporation
带有两三天宽限期的即付款prompt’cash payment
1964 年海牙关于订国际货物买卖合同的统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Hague, 1964)
1971 年设国际油污损害赔偿基金公约International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
并股分split-ups (of stocks)
业务联系establishment of correspondent relationship
二百海里经济区setting of 200-mile economic zone
代理关系establishment of correspondent relationship
信任的措施confidence-building measure
推销地盘地域establishing sales territories
新的国际经济秩序宣言Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order
稳定的群体行为establishing stable group behavior
信用状open credit
信用证手续费opening charge
新账open the books
的支票race bill
账户to open an account
账户open an account
账户open account
账户申请书new account application
战争中的中国船舶free ship
授权开汇票authority to draw
收费体交叉toll-type interchange
新建关系的合伙人infant partner
既不成又无效null and void of no effect
海上中maritime neutrality
会计entity accounting
会计师independent accountant
会计师的报告书report of independent accountants
公证人independent surveyor
商店independent store
审计independent audit
性关税autonomous customs duties
拼箱经营人independent groupage operator
检验证明书independent inspection certificate
sole paragraph
的小工商业者small independent craftsmen and traders
的运输行运输业者independent carrier
经营的承包商independent contractor
自主和自力更生的方针policy of independence and self reliance
自主对外贸易independent sovereign foreign trade
装置package unit
贸易active commerce
生产之非中non-neutrality in production
体分割vertical segregation
体标记three dimensional mark
体运转方式speedtainer system
卖契draw up a deed of transfer (sale)
即交货spot delivery
即交货immediate delivery
带有两三天宽限的即付款"prompt" cash payment
即付款prompt payment
即付款回扣rebate for immediate payment
即付现prompt cash
即付现spot cash
即付现immediate cash
即回复接受有效subject to immediate reply
即回复有效subject to immediate reply
即回答生效subject to immediate reply
即支付immediate payment
即支付的票据bill payable cm demand
即放行许可immediate delivery permit
即清算债务的收款collection with immediate settlement
即电复接受有效subject to immediate acceptance by telegram
即矫正immediate correction
即终止生效条款 ..termination forthwith clause
即终止生效条款termination forthwith clause
即装运immediate shipment
即赔偿迅速赔偿immediate compensation
契约strike hands
德公司Arthur D. Little Corporation
意抽样purposive sampling
案的公司licensed company
案社团approved society
法机构的权力legislative authority
法观点legislative thinking
make treaty
转让契draw up a deed of transfer (sale)
法程序批准的承诺书qualified instrument of commitment
法程序批准的承诺书qualified instruments of commitment
经济独economic independence
发展self .sustaining development
的经济发展self-sustaining economic growth
裁定短额的deficiency judgment legislation
mark out
合同settle a bargain
合同conclusion of the contract
合同的当事人意思自主原则principle of autonomy of will
环境in vitro
刻答复please reply at once
财政独financial autonomy
法作用的合同law-making agreement
足以自的收入independent income
随机独stochastic independence