
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing | all forms
两脚平行站深蹲deep knee-bend with feet flat
handstand press-up
推起handstand press-up
头手倒headstand press-up
头着地的倒headstand press-up
收腿直recover to standing position
erect position
划船练为upright rowing motion
地面固定梯deluxe floor ladder
提拉weight rowing motion
提拉upright rowing motion
提拉erect rowing
提肘abductor lift
直臂平举hold out in front
窄握提拉至下领upright rowing
贴墙梯deluxe wall ladder
直臂站硬拉姿势thigh rest
直臂站硬拉姿势dead hang position
姿胸扩收练习器vertical butterfly machine
定推举hand military press
式侧举standing lateral raise
哑铃臂屈伸standing triceps press with dumbbell
弯举barbell curl standing
持哑铃屈臂侧举bent-arm lateral raise standing with dumbbell
standing press
提踵standing heel raise
直臂硬拉thigh rest
臂屈伸arm flex and stretch standing