
Terms containing 立项 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.与该项目相关的一切商业谈判应立即停止All business negotiations relative to that project shall be stopped right away
China, polit.事关经济社会发展全局的一批重要立法项目work on important legislation bearing on overall economic and social development
China, law向国务院报请立项apply to the State Council for preliminary approval
space工程立项project authorization
tech.工程立项approval of project
China, law报请立项apply for preliminary approval
commer.按要求的款项开立支票make out the required check
China, law授权立法事项authorized legislation
China, law授权立法事项matters covered by an enabling decision
China, polit.授权立法事项the administrative regulations on an affair formulated under authorization
econ.本合同一经签字,应立即支付款项The payment is to take place immediately upon signing of this contract
securit.核准项目的立项approval for project establishment
securit.核准项目的可行性并立项approval for project feasibility & establishment
commer.此项安排须经你方同意方能成立The arrangement is made subject to your approval
tech.立项non-contiguous item
tech.立项independent entry
fin.立项independent projects
securit.立项independent project
securit.独立债项separate debt
el.独立分割选项separate partition option
math.独立变项independent variables
IT独立数据项independent data item
avia.独立欧洲项目组Independent European Programme Group
telecom.独立款项stand-alone entry
navig.独立水域和独立动力项目independent water and power project
busin.独立电站项目Independent Power Project
el.独立需求项目independent demand item
UN, polit.私人融资基础设施项目示范立法条文Model Legislative Provisions on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
tech.立方次多项式cubical polynomial
tech.立方次多项式cubic polynomial
China, law立法事项lawmaking matter
China, law立法事项legislative matter
China, polit.立法项目legislative items (projects)
China, law立项preliminary approval
space立项project authorization
fin.立项project approval
China, law立项set up a case
tech.立项报告project proposal (report)
corp.gov.立项理由project justification
proj.manag.经济上自立的项目free-standing project
commer.请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible
commer.请开立支付本购买合同项下货物的信用证Please establish an L/C to cover this purchase
securit.资产评估立项establishment of asset valuation
econ.通过长期谈判,两国订立一项互惠贸易协议Two countries entered into a reciprocal trade agreement after long negotiation
el.重大工程立项论证书justification statement of major new start
el.重大系统立项论证justification for major system new start
avia.项目独立评估program independent assessment
China, polit.高度重视此项立法工作attach great importance to the enactment of the law
China, polit.高度重视此项立法工作attach great importance to formulating this legislation