
Terms for subject China containing 立定 | all forms
修正 1971 年设立国际油污损害赔偿基金国际公约的1992年议定书Protocol of 1992 to Amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage,
《全国人民代表大会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》Decision of the National Peopled Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2008 《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题的决定》Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year 2007 and for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year
关于建立国际疫苗研究所的协定Agreement on The Establishment of The International Vaccine Institute
制定五年立法规划formulate a five-year legislation program
制定常委会立法和监督工作计划plan legislation and oversight work of the Standing Committee
坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策steadfastly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace
坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策firmly follow an independent and peaceful foreign policy
定期向立法会作施政报告present regular policy address to the Council
建立与外国议会定期交流机制set up mechanisms for regular exchanges with the parliaments or congresses of other countries
建立亚洲开发银行协定Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank
建立印度洋金枪鱼委员会定Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
建立商品共同基金协定Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities
建立国际农业发展基金的协定Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
建立国际发展法学院协定Agreement for the Establishment of the International Development Law Organization
建立非洲开发基金协定Agreement Establishing the African Development Fund
建立非洲开发银行协定Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank
成立国际竹藤组织的协定Agreement on the Establishment of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
由立法会自行制定made by the Legislative Council on its own
确定本届全国人大及其常委会的立法目标set as its the current NPC and its Standing Committee goal for legislation
立法机构议会间定期交流磋商机制mechanisms for regular consultations with legislatures
设立亚洲再保险公司的协定Agreement Establishing the Asian Reinsurance Corporation
马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization