
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing 立体 | all forms | in specified order only
上体直立的后踢腿leg kicking backward with trunk straightened
交叉立转体scissors standing with body twisting
侧起手倒立转体90° 下handstand sideways to body returns 90° dismount
倒悬垂直体用力慢起成手倒立slow press to handstand from inverted hang with straight body
倒立屈体下handstand snap down dismount
平衡木动作倒立屈体下English handstand dismount
倒立屈体下handstand snapdown dismount
倒立屈体下English handstand dismount
倒立快转体flying handstand change
倒立快转体jump pirouette
倒立快转体handstand with brisk turn
倒立转体handstand turn
倒立转体handstand pirouette (pivot)
倒立转体 180°180° half turning handstand
倒立转体handstand pivot
倒立转体180° 下double high front vault dismount
倒立转体180° 直体下face vault with half turn from handstand
倒立转体下pirouette dismount
倒立转体侧翻下pirouette cartwheel out
倒立转体侧翻下pirouette cartwheel
分腿站立体前屈needle scale
前提脚单臂倒立转体180° 下平衡木动作windy
前摆转体180° 成手倒立Stutz to handstand
前摆转体180。成手倒立Stutz to handstand
前水平支撑接屈臂直体推倒立planche-hold-hollowback press
前跳转体360° 成短暂倒立jump forward with one twist to momentary handstand
单腿站立体前屈scale forward with full split
单腿站立体后屈scale forward with full split
双杠上倒立转体handstand pirouette on parallel bar
双杠上倒立转体handstand pirouette on parallel bars
双腿站立转体180°legs standing to body twist 180°
双杠后摆经倒立转体 180°下Flying Dutchman
后摆经倒立转体180° 下double front
后摆经倒立转体180° 接前摆倒立快转体rearward swing to handstand and ¹⁄₂ turn to forward swing
向前大回环向左转体180° 成手倒立giant swing forward with leftways ¹⁄₂ turn to handstand
向后大回环向右转体180°成反握手倒立giant swing backward with right ¹⁄₂ turn to back grip and handstand
头上单臂倒立转体360°one-hand balance on the head roll around
屈体分腿站立needle scale
屈体慢起手倒立straight leg press
屈体立撑向后向前回环挺身跳下stoop circle dismount backward (forward)
屈体立撑回环stoop circle
屈臂屈体慢起手倒立handstand with bent-bent position
屈臂屈体慢起手倒立bent-bent slow press to handstand
屈臂屈体慢起手倒立bent-arm body bent handstand with strength
屈臂直体慢起手倒立bent-arm handstand with strength
手倒立转体handstand pivots
沃尔斯手倒立转体Wais handstand pivots
直臂直体不碰杠屈伸上倒立flying kip
直臂直体慢起手倒立stiff-stiff handstand with strength
经肩倒立的直体前滚翻forward shoulder roll
跳上向后转体 ¹⁄₂ 成蹲立mount with ¹⁄₂ turn backward to squat stand
跳上成屈体站立jump to pike stand
跳上成屈体站立jump to pike-stand
跳上经手倒立转体90° 侧翻下simple Hollander
蹲立转体 180°squat stand with half turn
蹲立转体180°squat stand with body turning 180°