
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
上颌窦开simple maxillary sinusotomy
上颌窦鼻内开intranasal window operation of maxillary sinus
"二层楼式"开"two layered floor type" fenestration
人造前庭fenestra nov-ovalis
内耳开fenestration of inner ear
内耳开cupula method
内耳开术蛋壳法cupula egg-shell method
前庭fenestra vestibuli
前庭oval window
前庭fovea ovalis
前庭fenestra ovalis
前庭小窝fossula of oval window
前庭小窝fossula fenestrae vestibuli
前庭pelvis ovalis
前庭Vieussens annulus
前庭limbus of recessus ellipticus vestibuli
卵圆fenestra ovalis
porta labyrinthi
fossula rotunda
小窝fossula of round window
外侧半规管开fenestration of lateral semicircular canal
外半规管开fenestration of external semicircular canal
切除术window resection
fenestration operation
前裂fissura ante fenestram
后小沟fissura postfenestram
后小窝fossula post fenestram
fenestrated membrane
fenestra tympanica
fossula rotunda
round window
porta labyrinthi
fenestra rotunda
fenestra cochleae
小窝fossula of round window
小窝fossula fenestrae cochleae
crista fenestrae cochleae
crista reissneri
crest of fenestra cochleae
pelvis rotunda
membrana tympani secondaria
镫骨足板开fenestration of foot-plate
鼓室fenestra tympanica
鼻内上颌窦开intranasal antral window operation
鼻内上颌窦开simple intranasal maxillary sinusotomy
鼻内上颌窦开intranasal antrostomy