
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市壳公司重开业务reactivation of quoted shell company
上涨room for rally
专业market niche
专家经纪公司卖比率specialist's short sale ratio
专项股票作倾斜指数dedicated short bias index
专项股票作倾斜策略dedicated short bias strategy
over bought
in long
speculative purchasing
go long
卖空play the market
卖空bulls and bears
卖空者short seller
看涨期权价格套利call price spread bullish
者的套期交易bull straddle
交割轧delivery squeeze
代客户卖证券short selling of securities on behalf of clients
代客沽short selling of securities on behalf of clients
会员做member short sale
会员做比率members' short sale ratio
保护protected bear
修订的股份卖计划revised short selling scheme
go short
sell short
build short position
基金一种共同基金short fund
失利风险shortfall risk
失败风险short-fall risk
sell well
期权short an option
期权put an option
期货short futures
全部抛short against the box
公众头比率public short ratio
unfavorable news for stock market
买人buy on bad news
人市buy on bad news
因素negative factor
因素bearish factor
消息depressing news
利息亏interest shortfall
利用顾客资金买卖空的对敲罪行bucketing offence
take short position
股票投机sell short
in shorts
交易规则tick test rules
交易量short-sale volume
价格套利bearish price spread
余额空头抛出与补进证券的差额short interest
余额比率short interest ratio
保证金账户short margin account
保证金额限制short margin restriction
免除short exempt (券商限制投资人卖空交易的规定)
基金short-selling fund
委托short selling order
市场价格short market value
平仓closing out a short sale
抛售closing out a short sale
/抛空持有的股票sell short against the box
持有股sale short against the box
指令short selling order
服务short selling facilities
活动bear campaign
测试short test
然后补进going naked
盘限额short sold position
看涨期权套利call price spread bearish
看涨期权货币套利bearish call money spread
看跌期权价格套利bearish put price
看跌期权货币套利bearish put money spread
禁令ban on short selling
策略short selling
规则short sale rule
证券short sell securities
限制short-selling limits
限制short exempt
集团bear clique
卖方seller's short
卖方抛seller's short
即日卖证券intraday short selling securities
受监管的卖活动regulated short selling
可卖的股票short saleable shares
可进行卖交易的指定证券designated securities eligible for short selling
合成头期货synthetic short futures
合成头期货short synthetic futures
合成头看跌期权short synthetic puts
股价向上跳gap up
股价向下跳gap down
基差做short the basis
填补cover short position
境外壳分行offshore shell branch
套做long straddle
指标技术分析bull and bear index
多/权益long/short equity
多头/头权益策略long /short equity strategy
多头作股票投机商bull seller
多头卖交易against the box
大量抛bear raid
定量多仓比仓对冲基金quantitative long/short funds
实仓抛short selling against the box
实仓抛short sale against the box
实仓销售一short selling against the box
实仓销售一short sale against the box
实物卖short against the box
已上市交易的壳公司trading shell
市场short of the market
市场中立多策略market neutral long-short strategy
头支票进行交易kiting transaction
头支票骗财check kiting
开盘跳gap opening
弥补buy them back
弥补卖差额closed trade
当日卖活动intraday short selling
投机arbitrage space
投资investing short
投资者用于头交易的保证金margin used by investors for short purchase and short sales
take short position
short selling
bear driving
套期short straddle
实仓sell against the box
证券交易中差额short interest
盘限额short sold position
补进short covering
抵补卖covering short
incur short position
持有卖头寸short of the market
上市公司尤指大股东或管理层emptying listed company
接受一个卖指令accept a short selling order
控制corner bears (short positions)
收人亏income shortfall
整手卖/补进比率round lot short/ cover ratio
无抵押卖naked short selling
无担保naked short
无担保卖writing naked
无担保卖naked short selling
无担保卖交易uncovered short selling
无担保的卖uncovered short selling
普通跳common gap
更小利润narrower profit margin
有担保的卖出售covered short selling
未上市交易的壳公司non-trading shell
未分配的亏undistributed deficit
未处理的亏undisposed deficit
未抛补头仓位open short position
bear squeeze
比例买ratio writing
比率卖ratio writer
水平卖价差horizontal bear spread
sell short
熊市大阴线、头大阴线bearish belt hold
用于放账户for short account
电脑网络虚拟cyber space
监管regulatory lacuna
评论bearish comment
看涨的垂直向多套做bull vertical spread
短线卖证券intraday short selling securities
确认卖订单的规定requirement to confirm short selling order
禁止卖ban short selling
禁止卖股票banning the short-selling of stocks
中陷阱股票air pocket stock
投资人把所有证券全部出售sell out all securities of investor
投资人把手中全部股票出售sell out all stocks
证券或期货交易short position
仓保函put guarantee letter
仓经纪short broker
仓经纪参与者short broker participant
前暴涨unprecedented rise
单补回将股票买回来归还原股票持有人buy to cover
壳公司paper shell company
壳公司corporate shell
壳公司blind pool
壳公司上市集资blind pool offering
壳游戏shell game
in shorts
短盘short position
bear sale
lift a short
联营集团bear pool
头下跌bear slide
头与多头short vs. long positions
头交易sell short
头余额比率short ratio
头保值short hedge
头净额比short interest ratio
头出售规则short sale rule
头出尽sell out for short
头卖价short tender
头吞没形态技术分析bearish engulfing pattern
头套做bear spread
头套利bear straddle
头套利出售bear straddle writing
头套期short hedge
头宽跨式套利short strangle
头小阳线bearish harami
头差价套利bear spread
头市场价格short market value
头平仓购回lift a short
头投机speculate on a fall
头担保straw bail
头挤压short squeeze
头操作running in the shorts
头操作bear operation
头支票rubber check/cheque
头支票protestable check
头支票公司发展初期的企业blank check company
头支票策略blank-check tactic
头期权uncovered option
头期权合同short option contract
头残值bear residual interests
头票据pig on pork
头立权writing naked
头联合bear pool
头股东dummy stockholder
头股票short stock
头自昨夜一直留在场内shorts in play from overnight
头补人short purchase
头补进buy covering
头袭击者bear raiders
头部分short leg
头销售机制short sale mechanism
头陷阱股价跌引起抛售,接着股价又被抬高bear trap
不持有头寸的状况bare hand
手套利的人free rider
方恐慌bear panic
白债券blank bond
白支票black check
白支票bank cheque
白股票blank stock (由公司董事会在发行时予以确定的股票)
白证明表格blank certification form
股企业corporate shell
股公司corporate shell
账户short account
跌股air pocket stock
载白no load
载的no load
钱包cold purse
间套利在两个交易所同步交易不同证券以赚取差价space arbitrage
间套利locational arbitrage
间识别space indicate
隙风险证券交付款收取的时间差产生的潜在风险,也叫"赫斯特风险" (Herstatt Risk)daylight exposure
额支票报价blank check offering (企业初期招股时的报价)
美元卖dollar bear
股份卖试验计划short selling pilot scheme
虚拟cyber space
short cover
cover position
short covering
short cover
补上bear covering (购回先前卖空的借人证券的行为)
补进头股数交易所cover short
补进头销售股数cover short sale (交易所)
被卖的证券市场现价short market value
被迫做short squeeze
裸式naked short
上涨buying climax
缺口down gap (交易日最低价高于次日的最高价,在股票走势图上就会出现一段空白)
缺口breakaway gap
gapped opening up (down)
高开open high at gap
squeeze bears or short positions
squeeze bears or short positions
迫使做空者亏损买人超卖期货bear squeeze
corner bears (short positions)
bear panic
进一步下跌的股市space for further declines
连续跳continuous gap
连续跳continuation gap
造市商卖比率specialist's short sale ratio
squeeze the short
市场cornering a market
配对卖marriage put
银行股卖short sellers of bank shares
销售一的市场sold out market
限制做行为short-selling curbed
限制卖short selling restricted
限制沽short selling restricted
零手卖比率odd-lot short sales ratio
零股买/卖空比率odd-lot buy/sell ratio
零股卖odd-lot short sales
零股卖比率odd-lot short sales ratio
需披露的short positions to be disclosed
非法卖unauthorized short selling
非法卖活动illegal short selling
非法卖证券uncovered short selling
非经许可的卖unauthorized short selling