
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一揽子报价的航旅游package tour
一等航支援设备技师aviation support equipment technician first class
万国航旅行计划卡Universal Air Travel Plan (一种信用卡的名称,由航空公司发行,供经常乘飞机旅行的乘客使用)
三度间运动three dimensional motion
三方中防御triple air defense
三等航支援设备技师aviation support equipment technician third class
三角航公司美国Delta Airlines Inc
三角航公司Delta Airlines
三轮升压式气循环制冷系统three-wheel bootstrap cycle refrigeration system
三镜头航相机trimetrogon camera
上层建筑前后均装有舰导弹的军舰doubled-headed warship
上海市航学会Shanghai Society of Aeronautics (创建于1988年1月27日,挂靠单位为上海航宇中心,业务单位为上海市科学技术协会,业务上接受中国航空学会指导)
上海航公司Shanghai Airlines
上海航公司Shanghai Air Line
上海航工业集团公司Shanghai Aviation Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
上海航工业集团公司企业标准工艺材料目录index of process material in SAIC process specification
上海航工业集团公司工作指令控制通报SAIC work order control bulletin
上海航工业集团公司工程技术工作程序SAIC engineering technology operational procedure
上海航工业集团公司工艺材料SAIC process material
上海航工业集团公司工艺规范SAIC process specification
上海航工业集团公司工装通报SAIC tooling bulletin
上海航工业集团公司数控工作程序SAIC numerical control procedure
上海航工业集团公司生产工艺计划程序SAIC production planning procedure
上海航工业集团公司管理程序SAIC control procedure
上海航工业集团公司规范支持标准SAIC support standard
上海航工业集团公司质量工作程序SAIC quality procedure
上海航工业公司更改委员会SAIC Change Board
上海航航天爱好者中心Shanghai Aerospace Enthusiast's Center
上海飞机制造有限公司客公司项目交付计划production Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation, Ltd. (上飞公司继与麦道、波音进行国际化合作以来,为了持续航空零部件的转包项目,开拓欧洲转包市场,学习空客的管理经验,2006年2月20日,与空中客车工业公司、中航国际控股有限公司共同签署了空客A 320货舱门门框的制造合同)
上海飞机制造有限公司客公司项目交付计划production Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation., Ltd.
下一代中交通管制系统next generation air traffic control system
下投式导航测风探navaid dropwindsonde
下投式探仪数据dropsonde datum
下投式无线电探parachute radiosonde
不定常unsteady cavitation
不定期中运输勤务nonscheduled air services
不相似战训练dissimilar air cobat training
不能在某一频率上与中交通管制机构通话negative contact
不超过的never exceed airspeed
不进行中加油的航程unrefuelled range
气无关的推进技术air independent propulsion
与航鉴定及评估有关的自主式系统技术autonomous system technology related airborne evaluation and assessment
专机special assignment airlift
专用间防御演习special aerospace defense exercise
专用作业航special operations aviation
专用航备品dedicated air store
专用航货机Saudi dedicated air freight (saudi Arabia, 沙特)
专用航运输special air transport
专用航/通用航空general aviation (指航班和军事航空飞行以外的民航飞行,它包含商务飞行,农业航空或以体育运动或娱乐为目的而进行的个人飞行,而且还包含飞行培训机构所进行的飞行等)
世界中指挥所系统worldwide airborne command post system
世界运货物分类法worldwide air cargo commodity classification
世界航公司供应商指南world airline suppliers guide
世界航公司俱乐部协会World Airlines Club Association
世界航公司客户关系协会World Airline Customer Relations Association
世界航World Aeronautical Chart
世界航技术营运术语航空公司行业标准world airline technical operations glossary airline industry standard
世界航技术营运术语World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary (Airline Industry Standard, 航空公司行业标准)
世界航货运公司universal air freight corporation
世界航货运组织World Air Cargo Organization
世界航货运货物分类worldwide air cargo commodity classification
20世纪 70 年代陆军中防御系统army air defense systems for the 1970s
伊拉克Iraqui Air Force
伊朗航公司Iran Air
伊朗航公司Iranian Airways Co.
休斯航服务公司Hughes aviation service
分离型电离extractor vacuum gauge
创新的未来运系统innovative future air transport system
匈牙利航公司Malev Hungarian Airlines
化学低导弹chemical low altitude missile
化学动力低导弹chemical-powered low altitude missile
化学计量的乙炔-stoichiometric acetylene-air
北京市航航天学会Beijing Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
北京航工程制造研究所Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute
北京航材料研究院Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials
北京航模拟器开发中心Beijing Aviation Simulator Development Center
北京航精密机械研究所Beijing Precision Engineering Institute for Aircraft Industry
北京航航天大学Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
北方中央航公司North Central Airlines
北极航医学实验室Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory
北欧盟国Allied Air Force, Northern Europe (北约)
北欧航俱乐部协会Association of Nordic Aero-club
北欧航公司SAS (Scandinavian Airlines)
北约中预警NATO Airborne Early Warning (机)
北约军军械组NATO Air Force Armaments Group
北约军咨询组NATO air force advisory group
北约军空军基地卫星通信NATO air base SATCOM
北约军顾问团NATO Air Force Advisory Group
北约航研究与发展咨询组NATO Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development
北约航研究与发展顾问组NATO Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development
北美航公司North American Aviation, Inc
北美航航天防御司令部North American Aerospace Defense Commands
北美防司令部North American Air Defense Commands
北美防司令部North American Air Defense
北美防司令部作战性能评估NORAD operational evaluation
北美防司令部战术自动话务网系统Norad tactical Autovon system
北美防联合司令部作战指挥中心美国、加拿大North American Air Defense Combat Operations Center
各兵种近距离中支援all service close air support
吉布提航公司Djibouti Airlines
同轴coaxial cavity
后勤logistics airlift
后勤航logistics air network
后勤航支援logistic air support
向日葵型间电源系统sunflower space power system
向海上的航母舰空运carrier-on-board delivery
备用速指示器standby airspeed indicator
备用速表standby airspeed indicator
备用passive air defense
备用航基地auxiliary air base
备用航电子计算机控制alternate avionics computer-control
备用航电子计算机控制alternate avionics computer control
备用航航天器backup aerospace vehicle
备用防passive defense
备降航terminal alternate
复杂气象投系统adverse weather aerial delivery system
夏威夷综合防系统Hawaiian integrated air defense system
夏威夷航公司Hawaiian Airlines. Ltd
夏威夷防系统Hawaiian air defense system
夏威夷防识别区Hawaiian air defense identification zone
探索造成的污染contamination by extraterrestrial exploration
生物学和辐射装置exobiology and radiation assembly
外国航公司代表foreign airlines representatives
外国航运输公司foreign air carrier (在国外注册的航空运输公司。跨国航空运输公司在没有合作关系的国家属于外国运输公司)
外场服务航公司状况报告field service airline status report
外层间处置extraterrestrial disposal (法)
外挂对地武器air-to-ground store
外挂空武器air-to-air stores
外界external air
外界气温度outside air temperature
多个中目标跟踪系统multiple airborne target tracking system
多伦多大学航物理研究所University of Toronto, Institute of Aerophysics
多伦多大学航航天研究所University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
多功能综合防御航电子系统multifunctional integrated defence avionics system
多数航公司支持的协议majority agreement
多普勒甚高频无线电信标/战术中导航Doppler very high frequency radio/tactical air navigation
多瓦普电子天监视设备DOVAP ELSSE
多用途中机动战斗支援飞机multi-purpose airmobile combat support vehicle
多用途中模拟拖靶versatile aerial simulation tow target
多用途中目标轨道系统multiple airborne target trajectory system
多用途航母舰multipurpose carrier
多种航武器控制系统multiple air weapon control system
多轮multiple lift
多通道航卫星通信系统multichannel aviation satellite communication system
多重杀伤-空导弹multiple-kill air-to-air missile
威尔士航公司Cambrian Airways, Ltd.
封离真装置sealed vacuum device
封闭闭升降平台sealed room elevating operation platform
封闭closed cavity
封闭间的自然对流natural convection in enclosed spaces
封闭间的自然对流free convection in enclosed spaces
将要中加油would air refuel
小型中支援装置compact air supply unit
小型战术中机动平台small tactical aerial mobility platform
小型探minisonde (火箭)
小型航small aircraft
小型航器观察系统small aerostat surveillance system
小型航炸弹air pill
小角度低甩头炸弹low-angle loft bombing
小鹰号航母舰Kitty Hawk
市际高仪表飞行航线metroplex routes
布朗宁航机枪Browning aircraft machine gun
中防御系统division air defense system
师防系统division air-defense system (美国)
希腊皇家Royal Hellenic Air Force
帕特里克军基地Patrick Air Force Base (美国)
异型战训练dissimilar air combat training
引信气传感技术fuse air sensing technique
意大利公务航协会Italian Business Aviation Association
意大利航公司Alitalia Airlines
意大利航技术协会ит. Associazione Italiana di Aerotechnica
意大利航航天学会Associazione Italian di Aeronauticae Astronautica
意大利航运输公司Aero Transport Italian
成员组太crew station
战区中导弹防御theater air missile defense
战区中控制组theater air control party
战区军基地易遭攻击的弱点theater airbase vulnerability
战区战术军控制组theater tactical air control party
战区theater area air defense
战区地对导弹theatre surface-to-to air missile
战区独立中战役theater-independent air operation
战地中巡逻field combat air patrol
战场中折断battlefield air interdiction
战场中限制battlefield air interdiction
战场卫士/中卫士Fieldguard/Skyguard (瑞士固态搜索雷达)
战场高区域防御theater high altitude area defense
战场高区域防御系统theater high altitude area defense system
战场高区域防御系统Theater High Altitude Area Defense
战斗中相关监视和显示设备combat air surveillance correlation and display equipment
战斗军指令和控制中心combat air command and control center
战斗勤人员培训系统combat aircrew training system
战斗勤人员补充中心combat crew replacement center
战斗机气动力学研究fighter aerodynamic development
战斗机气动力学研究fighter aerodynamics development
战斗航fighting aircraft
战斗轰炸机航fighter bomber aviation
战时航勤务计划war air service program
战术中作战模拟tactical air combat simulation
战术中作战管理系统tactical air battle management system
战术中侦察及电子战支援tactical air reconnaissance and electronic warfare support (无人机)
战术中侦察系统研究study of tactical aerial reconnaissance system
战术中协调员tactical air coordinator
战术中发射巡航导弹tactical air launched cruise missile
战术中发射引诱tactical air launched decoy
甚高频战术中导航系统ultra-high frequency tactical air navigation
战术中导航设备tactical air navigation (system)
战术中情报系统tactical air intelligence system
战术中指挥作战中心tactical air control center operations
战术中指挥控制专家tactical air command and control specialist
战术中指挥控制系统tactical air command control system
战术中控制中队tactical air control squadron
战术中控制系统改进tactical air control system improvements
战术中控制联队tactical air control wing
战术中支援中队tactical air support squadron
战术中支援申请tactical air request
战术中攻击部队tactical air strike force
战术中雷达信号处理器tactical air radar signal processor
战术tactical air commands
战术tactical air
战术Commande Aerienne Tactique
战术军中心tactical air center
战术军作战中心tactical air operation center
战术军作战中心tactical air operations center
战术军作战系统tactical air operation system
战术军制导系统tactical air guidance systems
战术军司令部tactical air force head quarters
战术军司令部air technical command
战术军基地tactical air force base
战术军基地天气情报传播系统tactical air base weather dissemination system
战术军基地天气要素tactical air base weather element
战术军大队tactical air group
战术军情报中心technical air intelligence center
战术军情报系统tactical air intelligence system
战术军指导中心tactical air direction center
战术军指挥控制专家tactical air command and control specialist
战术军指挥站tactical air direction post
战术军控制大队tactical air control group
战术军控制系统tactical air control system
战术军支援小队tactical air support element
战术军武器控制系统tactical air weapons control system
战术军气象服务tactical air force weather service
战术军空中协调员tactical air coordinator
战术军空中控制联队tactical air control wing
战术军管制人员tactical air controller
战术军系统工程组tactical air force systems engineering group
战术军综合信息系统tactical air force integrated information system
战术军雷达信号处理器tactical air radar signal processor
战术勤人员战斗训练系统tactical aircrew combat training system
战术对面导弹tactical air-to-surface missile
战术对面系统tactical air-to-surface system
战术战中心tactical air warfare center
战术战战斗机分析fighter analysis tactical air combat
战术战控制装置tactical combat control facility
战术运中心tactical airlift center
战术运中队tactical airlift squadron
战术运大队tactical aircraft group
战术运大队tactical airlift group
战术低飞行tactical low level flight
战术制任务tactical control mission
战术制指挥官tactical control officer
战术批量中提交系统mass tactical aerial delivery system
战术航tactical air force
战术航tactical air
战术航兵指挥中心tactical air command center
战术航兵系统工程组Tactical Air Force Systems Engineering Group
战术航医疗后送tactical aeromedical evacuation
战术航司令部和导航系统tactical air command and navigation system
战术航武器控制系统tactical air weapons control system
战术航电子低空导航和攻击系统tactical avionics low-level navigation and strike system
战术航电子系统tactical avionics system
战术记录中交通电传打字机tactical-record traffic tele-typewriter
战术防tactical air defense
战术防警报系统tactical air defense alerting system
战术飞机中侦察吊舱系统tactical aircraft reconnaissance pod system
战术高突防飞机tactical high-altitude penetrator
战略中作战strategic air warfare
战略中发射巡航导弹发射架strategic ALCM launcher
战略strategic air force
战略军司令部作战计划系统SAC operational planning system
战略军司令部情报处理系统SAC intelligence processing system
战略军司令部控制系统strategic air command control system
战略军司令部数字信息网络strategic air command digital information network
战略军司令部条例strategic air command rule
战略军司令部自动化总信息网strategic air command automated total information network
战略军司令部自动指挥和控制系统strategic air command automated command and control system
战略军司令部飞行器安全系统SAC aircraft security system
战略军和巡航导弹strategic air and cruise missile
战略strategic airlift
战略strategic air transport
战略运临时解决方案strategic airlift interim solution
战略运伤病员strategic aeromedical evacuation
战略运路线trunk route
战略低导弹strategic low altitude missile
战略侦察航联队strategic reconnaissance wing
战略航strategic air force
战略轰炸机航电子系统avionics system for strategic bombers
持证中机械协会Association of Licensed Aircraft Engineers (英国、澳大利亚)
指定航体检医生designated aviation medical examiner
指定航医学体检医生designated aviation medical examiner
指定航医学检验员designated aviation medical examiner
指示knots indicated airspeed (合1.852 千米/小时)
指示indicated air speed (指示空速又称为表速,未修正的空速指示器读数,它被校准为反映海平面标准大气可压缩绝热流中的空速,未修正空速系统误差。它等于1/2ρV², ρ 密度,V为真空速。又称 air speed (空速))
指示knots indicated air speed (节)
指示单位:节knots indicated airspeed
指示indicated airspeed
指示速模式indicated airspeed mode
指示实际indicated true air speed
指示性气速度indicated airspeed
指示真true indicated air speed
指示真true indicated airspeed
指示真indicated true airspeed
最低净高度minimum obstacle clearance altitude (甚高频全向无线电信标 (VOR )航路、离航路航线或者航线段能够满足障碍间隔要求,且确保只有 VOR 就能得到可接受的导航信号覆盖范围。)
最低净高度minimum obstacle obstruction clearance altitude
最低净高度minimum obstruction clearance altitude
最低安全投高度minimum safe dropping altitude
最低导航性能规范minimum navigation performance specification airspace
最低航飞机系统性能标准minimum aviation system performance standard
最低航系统性能标准minimum aviation system performance standards
最低航系统标准minimum aeronautical system standards
最佳中目标瞄准传感器optimum aerial targeting sensor
最大maximum weight empty
最大间技术管理maximum aerospace technology controls
最大允许maximum allowable airspeed
最大安全跳伞jump airspeed
最大许可指示maximum permissible indicated air speed
最小中低噪声minimum air low noise
最小中控制速度minimum air control speed
最小控制minimum control airspeed
最小控制minimum control airspeed
最小真minimum TAS minimum True Airspeed
最高级中优势air supremacy
中交通管制的飞行environmental flight
有动力的重航flying machine
有外国国旗标志的航公司foreign flag carrier
有执照航器工程师licensed aircraft engineer
有搜索与救援任务的中战斗巡逻search and rescue combat air patrol
有效中距离effective air distance
有效effective air distance
有效真effective true air speed
有效真effective true airspeed
等压面领航的有效真effective true airspeed
有救援任务的中战斗巡逻search and rescue combat air patrol
有油真机组pump system used oil
有限limited air defense
有限航气象报告站limited aviation weather reporting station
标准机重量standard empty weight
标准运军需品集装箱standard air munitions package
标准化航导航与制导standardized aeronautical navigation/guidance
标准基本standard basic empty weight
标准模块航电子设备修理和测试standard modular avionics repair and test
标准模块航电子设备报告和测试standard modular avionics report and test
标准航弹药组件standard air munitions package
标准航电子模块standard avionics modules
标准航电子系统standard avionics system
标准航电子组件standard avionics modules
标准航电子综合控制系统standard avionics integrated control system
标称真推力nominal vacuum thrust
民用间技术倡议civil space technology initiative
民用航事故civil aviation accident
民用航交通管制civil air traffic operations
民用航产品civil aviation products
民用航医学研究所civil aero-medical research institute
民用航医学研究所civil aeromedical institute
民用航医学研究所civil aero medical institute
民用航医学研究所Civil Aeromedical Research Institute
民用航civil aircraft
民用航器管理咨询委员会Civil Aircraft Control Advisory Committee
民用航器适航性civil aircraft airworthiness
民用航器适航性数据记录程序civil aircraft airworthiness data recording programme
民用航器适航性资料要求纲要civil aircraft airworthiness data requirement programme
民用航器适航性资料要求纲要civil aircraft airworthiness data requirement programme
民用航器适航资料记录程序civil aircraft airworthiness data recording program
民用航安全中心civil aviation safety center
澳大利亚民用航安全局Civil Aviation Safety Authority
民用航Civil Aviation Bureau
民用航civil aviation administration
民用航civil aeronautics board
民用航Civil Aviation Authority
民用航局长directors general of civil aviation
民用航手册civil aeronautics manual
民用航服务commercial aviation services
民用航条件qualification aviation civil
民用航电子系统commercial avionics system
民用航管理协会civil aeronautics association
民用航管理局civil aviation administration
民用航Civil Aeronautics Administration
民用航营办商civil operator
民用航要求civil aviation requirement
民用航规章civil aviation regulation
民用航警卫队civil air guard
民用航运输civil air movements
民用航运输有限公司civil air transport company ltd
民用航Ministry of Civil Aviation
民用防报警civil air defense warning
民用防报警系统civil air defense warning system
民航中导航勤务组织civil air navigation services organization
民航中导航学校civil air navigation school
民间中防卫civil air guard
民间防civil air defense
气体时速度gas hourly space velocity
气冷式气冷却器air-cooled air cooler
气动气分配系统pneumatic air distribution system
气动低控制系统barometric low altitude control system
气压低控制系统barometric low altitude control system (无人驾驶飞机上用的)
气推式航机关炮gas powered aircraft cannon
洁净clean air
洛杉矶航公司Los Angeles Airways
清洁气系统clean air system
清洁航clear aircraft
漏斗形接头中加油系统drogue air refueling system
球形气蓄压器air ball
球形压缩气瓶air ball
加拿大甘达尔自动中交通系统Canada Gandar automatic air traffic system
甚低净空very low clearance
甚高频全向信标战术中导航very high frequency omnidirectional range tactical air navigation
甚高频航电子设备资格VHF avionics qualification
稀释dilution air
缅甸联邦航公司Union of Burma Airways
缅甸航公司Myanma Airways
缆拖cable-drag drop
脉冲式激光深探测系统pulse laser airborne depth sounding system
脉冲真电弧沉积pulsed vacuum arc deposition
脉动式气喷气发动机pulsejet engine
《航和航天周刊》简称《航空周刊》aviation week and space technology
《航航天科学技术报告文摘》scientific and technical aerospace reports
范登堡军基地Vandenberg air force base
调制型真modulator vacuum gauge
适合的中环境favorable air situation
适用间推进系统adaptable space propulsion system
逆升压式气循环制冷系统reversed bootstrap air-cycle refrigeration system
选定的海军航兵后备队员selected air reservist
途中中交通管制勤务enroute traffic control service
通信,导航和识别综合航电子系统integrated communications, navigation & identification avionics
通信导航监视/中交通管制communication, navigation, surveillance/air traffic
通往加拿大的运线air bridge to Canada
通用中交通general air traffic
通用中加油容器滑道装置universal aerial refueling receptacle slipway installation
通用中加油容器系统装置universal aerial refueling receptacle system installation
通用中拦截控制air intercept control common
通用气动力分析与计算versatile aerodynamic analysis and compute
通用common-user airlift
通用原子能航系统公司general atomics aeronautical system Inc.
通用地面防警备环境commercial and ground environment
通用导航航电子设备控制装置general navigation avionics control unit
通用数字式航电子设备模块universal digital avionics module
美国通用电气公司主要航服务general electric capital aviation service
通用电气公司微型航航天导航仪General Electric miniature aerospace navigator
通用电气航发动机公司General Electric Aircraft Engines
通用电气/航航天电子系统部General Electric/Aerospace Electronic Systems Department
通用航general aviationG
通用航general aviation
通用航事故general aviation accident
通用航制造商与销售商协会General Aviation Manufacturers and Traders Association
通用航制造商协会general aviation manufactures association
通用航制造商协会General Aviation Manufacturer's Association (美国)
通用航制造商和销售商协会General Aviation Manufacturers and Traders Association
通用航区办公室general aviation district office (美国联邦航空局)
通用航协会General Aviation Association (美国)
通用航喷气发动机公司Aerojet-General Corporation
通用航器公司general aircraft corporation
通用航地方办公室general aviation district office
通用航安全委员会General Aviation Safety Committee
通用航安全资料小册子general aviation safety information leaflet
通用航安全资料小册子general-aviation safety information leaflet (英国民航局)
通用航指导委员会directors general aviation committee
通用航推进general aviation propulsion
通用航机场general aviation airports
通用航气象系统common aviation weather sub system
通用航涡轮发动机general aviation turbine engine
通用航电子架构系统common avionics architecture system
通用航电子设备基线common avionics baseline
通用航电子设备测试车间versatile avionics test shop
通用航电子设备车间测试versatile avionics shop test
通用航电子设备车间测试器versatile avionics shop tester
通用航终点站general aviation terminal
通用航设施计划组general aviation facilities planning group
通用航适航性顾问委员会General Aviation Airworthiness Consultative Committee
通用航适航性顾问委员会General Aviation Airworthiness Consultative Committee
通用航飞机综合与分析方案general aviation airplane synthesis and analysis program
通用航飞行general aviation operation
通用航飞行区general aviation area
通用航飞行员训练general aviation pilot education
通用航飞行器common aero vehicle
通用航飞行条例general aviation flight guide
通用防antiaircraft common
通用防模块化导弹common air modular missile
气电池zinc-air battery
霍洛曼航研究中心Holloman Air Development Center
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