
Terms for subject Environment containing 空间 | all forms | in specified order only
城郊空间periurban space Any expanse of land or region located on the outskirts of a city or town (位于市郊的城市或小镇,有着一望无垠的土地。)
外层宇宙空间outer space
美国室内空气质量部门间委员会Inter-agency Committee on Indoor Air Quality
生活生长,活动 空间lebensraum
生活空间living space Any room, structure or area used as a residence and associated with subsistence activities, including sleeping, relaxing or eating (作为居住和生活的空间、结构或地区,与生存活动,包括睡眠、放松或进食相关。)
空间星际, 在太阳和太阳系的行星之间延伸的空间。行星际空间不是空的,但包含灰尘,带电荷的粒子,和太阳磁场(也称为国际货币基金,或行星际磁场)。space Space extending between the sun and the planets of the solar system. Interplanetary space is not empty, but contains dust, particles with an electric charge, and the magnetic field of the sun (also called the IMF, or Interplanetary Magnetic Field); interplanetary
空间分布spatial distribution A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth (分布和地理观测表示特殊现象的行为和地球表面的许多地方特色的价值。)
空间政策space policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to support research and the exploration of planets, asteroids and other elements in the region beyond earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system (通过政府或其他组织从事或采用的行动方针,旨在支持研究和探索行星,小行星和地球以外的大气或地区以外的太阳系的其它要素。)
空间流动spatial mobility The rate of moves or migrations made by a given population within a given time frame (一些特定人群在一个给定的时间框架内的迁移率。)
空间研究space research Research involving studies of all aspects of environmental conditions beyond the atmosphere of the earth (涉及超出了地球大气范围的所有方面的研究。)
空间运输space transportation Transportation by means of vehicles designed to operate in free space outside the earth's atmosphere (专为自由空间之外的地球大气层设计的以交通工具为方式的交通运输。)
绿色空间,绿地green space A plot of vegetated land separating or surrounding areas of intensive residential or industrial use and devoted to recreation or park uses (被稠密的住宅或工业用地所包围或分隔,作为休闲或公园使用的植物园地。)