
Terms for subject United Nations containing 空蜂 | all forms
亚太地区空间数据基础设施Asia and Pacific Spatial Data Infrastructure
亚太空间技术和应用多边合作讲习班Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications
亚太空间技术应用促进可持续发展专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋空间应用促进发展部长级会议Ministerial Conference on Space Applications for Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋航空合作Asian and Pacific Aviation Pool
促进可持续发展的区域空间应用方案regional space applications programme for sustainable development
信息、通信和空间技术司ICST Information, Communication and Space Technology Division
信息、通信和空间技术司Information, Communication and Space Technology Division
信息、通信和空间技术小组委员会Subcommittee on Information, Communications and Space Technology
信息,通讯和空间技术小组委员会Subcommittee on Information, Communications and Space Technology
全球空间数据基础设施Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
全球空间数据基础设施global spacial data infrastructure
全球空间数据基础设施执行指南所谓的全球空间数据基础设施食谱global spatial data infrastructure GSDI implementation guide so-called GSDI cookbook
关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约MOCB Treaty = Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1983年国务院公报第25号)
关于登记射入外层空间物体的公约Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space 1976 Convention on Registration of Space Objects
利用空间技术监测和控制沙漠环境讲习班Workshop on the Use of Space Techniques for Monitoring and Control of Desert Environments
单兵携带防空系统manned portable air defense system
南亚防治空气污染及其潜在越境影响马累宣言Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia
危险品安全空运技术指令Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
和平利用外层空间委员会外空委Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
商业租赁空间commercially leased space
回旋空间swing space
国家空间数据基础设施National Spatial Data Infrastructure
国家空间数据基础设施spatial data infrastructures, national
国家空间数据基础设施new national spatial data infrastructure
国际空间监测机构International Space Monitoring Agency
国际航空勘测和地球科学研究所International institute for aerospace survey and earth sciences
在空旷地喷药space spraying
地理空间数据基础设施geospatial data infrastructure
地空导弹ground-to-air missile
外层空间outer space
对边境区域的空中照相Aerial photography of the border
1967年外层空间条约Outer Space Treaty see MOCB Treaty for full name
1979年远距离越境空气污染公约关于持久性有机污染物的议定书Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants
开放天空条约Open Skies Treaty
托板/真空垫backboards/vacuum mattress
探空火箭Sounding rockets
无人驾驶航空器unmanned aerial vehicles
更稀的空气燃油比leaner air-fuel ratio
本底空气污染监测网Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network
欧洲监测和评价空气污染物远距离传送情况合作方案的监测方案长期筹资议定书Protocol on Long-term Financing of the EMEP Monitoring Programme
欧洲空气污染损害森林与水资源 原因及防止问题多边会议Multilateral Conference on the Causes and Prevention of Damage to Forests and Water by Air Pollution in Europe
欧洲空气污染物远距离传输监测和评价 方案监测站EMEP monitoring station
法律真空legal vacuum
海洋和航空磁通量测量marine and aerial fluxgate measurements
热成像系统-空中用thermal imaging systems — aerial version
特派团的空中作业单位须负责监测和报告飞机的性能air operation unit of the mission is responsible for monitoring and reporting the performance of aircraft
监测和评价欧洲空气污染物远距离传播合作方案European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
监测和评价欧洲空气污染物远距离传播合作方案Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
空中加油air refuelling
空中加油air to air refuelling
空中加油flight refuelling
空中加油mid-air refuelling
空中加油in-flight refuelling
空中加油aerial refueling
空军联络前哨/前方空军控制/大炮air liaison outpost/forward air control/artillery
空军联络前哨/前方空军控制/空军战术控制所,轮式air liaison outpost/forward air control/tactical air control post, wheeled
空对面弹道导弹air-to-surface ballistic missiles
空射巡航导弹air-launched cruise missile
空射弹道导弹air-launched ballistic missile
空气中的排放物airborne emissions
空气入口air intakes
空气分布air distribution
空气动力升力Aerodynamic lift
空气喷气式导弹Air-breathing missile
空气循环风扇air circulation fans
空气污染物air pollutant
空气污染物的分解decay of air pollutants
空气污染问题经济专家组Group of Economic Experts on Air Pollution
空白分析gap analysis
空空导弹air-to-air missile
空调air conditioning
空间和时间方面的因素spatial and temporal factors
空间应用促进可持续发展区域方案Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development
空间应用问题部长级会议Ministerial-level Meeting on Space Applications
空间技术促进发展专题讨论会Symposium on Space Technology for Development
空间技术应用股Space Technology Applications Unit
空间数据基础设施spatial data infrastructure
空间数据基础设施指南SDI cookbook
空间环境监测仪Space Environment Monitor
空间科学技术及其应用区域专家会议Regional Meeting of Experts on Space Science and Technology and its Applications
空间运载火箭Space launch vehicles SLV
空间运载火箭space launch vehicle
空面导弹air-to-surface missile
美洲空间数据基础设施常设委员会permanent committee on spatial data infrastructure for the Americas
联合国应用空间技术对抗自然灾害区域讲习班United Nations Regional Workshop on the Applications of Space Techniques to Combat Natural Disasters
联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
联合国探索与和平利用外层空间会议外空 会议United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
联合国空间技术用于对抗自然灾害讲习班United Nations Workshop on the Applications of Space Techniques to Combat Natural Disasters
联合国/粮农组织/气象组织/欧空局训练班:可见、红外和微波遥感器应用于水文学和农业气象学United Nations/FAO/WMO/ESA Training Course: Use of Remote Sensor Visible, Infra-red and Microwave in Hydrological and Agro-meteorological Applications
航空环境保护委员会Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection
运用空间技术减少自然灾害影响问题讲习班Seminar on Applications of Space Technology in the Mitigation of the Effects of Natural Disasters
违反空中规定的事件Air violations
连续空气监测方案Continuous Air Monitoring Programme
防止外层空间军备竞赛特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space
防止外层空间的军备竞赛prevention of an arms race in outer space (防止外空军备竞赛)
防空air defence
防空武器发射器anti-air weapons launchers
防空、防装甲和榴弹炮anti-air, anti-armour and howitzer
陆空基地站收发机调幅/调频air-ground base station transceivers AM/FM
集中技术支助空间consolidation of technological support spaces
面空导弹surface-to-air missile