
Terms for subject Finances containing 空蜂 | all forms
上市空壳公司quoted shell company
不付利息借人证券做空头交割用loaned flat
与空间或面积有关space related
中国国有航空公司China's state-owned airlines
主权债务市场的卖空限制restrictions on short-selling in sovereign debt markets
买空long purchase
买空margin buying
买空short buying
买空buying on margin
买空卖空speculate on the rise and full
买空卖空fictitious trading
买空卖空crossed trade
亏空short fall
亏空通知书deficiency letter
做市商卖空比率specialist's short-sale ratio
做空selling short
做空short sale
做空take short positions
做空short selling
做空going short
做空基金short fund
做空头投机speculate for a full
做空机制short mechanism
做空股票short stocks
凭空证簿book of original documents for payments
升值空间room for appreciation
卖空免除short exempt
卖空出价short-selling bid
卖空合约short-selling contract
卖空头寸bear position
卖空委托short-selling order
卖空成交量short turnover
卖空欧元short the euro
卖空欧元go short on the euro
卖空的股票short stock
卖空者short trader
卖空股票short stocks
卖空规则short-sale rule
卖空试验计划short-selling pilot scheme
卖空限制short-selling limit
压缩空气成本compressed air cost
受监管之股份卖空活动regulated short selling
可卖空股票short saleable share
合成空头synthetic short
向期权卖空者行权put to seller
坐空头轿hammering the stock
多空指数bull and bear index
多空比bull-bear ratio
实仓卖空short sale against the box
实仓卖空sale short against the box
实仓卖空selling short against the box
实仓卖空short selling against the box
实仓卖空box short sale
建立融券卖空机制establish bond short selling mechanism
开空头支票check kiting
开空头支票者paper hanger
抛空sell short
抵补卖空交易covered short selling
抵补卖空交易covered short sale
持有外汇空头头寸hold short positions in foreign currencies
无担保卖空naked short selling (指投资者没有借人股票而直接在市场上卖岀根本不存在的股票,在股价进一步下跌时再买回股票获得利润的投资手法)
无担保卖空uncovered short selling
无担保卖空naked short sale (指投资者没有借人股票而直接在市场上卖出根本不存在的股票,在股价进一步下跌时再买回股票获得利润的投资手法)
无担保卖空者uncovered writer
日历空头套利calendar bear spread
有担保卖空交易covered short selling
有担保卖空交易covered short sale
期货抛空advance sale
未处理亏空unappropriated deficit
涉及空仓的经纪short broker
空〔铁路,海,卡车〕运by sea
空〔铁路,海,卡车〕运by air
空仓bear position
空仓保证函put guarantee letter
空仓卖方short seller
空仓投资者bear hand
空仓行权put to seller
空壳公司shell corporation
空头bear position
空头业主bear proprietor
空头买方期权short call option
空头买方期权short call
空头产权bear ownership
空头余额short interest
空头余额套期short-interest hedge
空头余额概念short-interest concept
空头余额比率short-interest ratio
空头余额率short ratio
空头余额率short interest ratio
空头余额理论short-interest theory
空头卖方期权short put option
空头卖方期权short put
空头同价对敲short straddle
空头外汇套期交易short foreign exchange hedge
空头套利short arbitrage
空头套期bear spread
空头套期保值short hedge
空头存单bear CD
空头市场short market
空头市场价值short-market value
空头市场价值short market value
空头市场套利bear market arbitrage
空头帐户short account
空头帐户bear account
空头报盘short tendering
空头支票accommodation kite
空头支票accommodation note
空头支票bad checks (cheque)
空头支票check dishonored
空头支票dud check
空头支票protest check (kiting cheque)
空头支票空票accommodation bill kite-flyer
空头支票罪crime concerning bad check
空头方short leg
空头期权short option
空头期权put option
空头期权交易writing naked
空头期权价值short-option value
空头期权合约short-option contract
空头期权头寸short-option position
空头期货交易short futures
空头期货合约short futures contract
空头杠杆short leverage
空头清算liquidation of short
空头清算liquidation of bear
空头猛跌bear slide
空头看涨期权short call option
空头看涨期权short call
空头看跌期权short put option
空头看跌期权short put
空头票据accommodation note
空头票据accommodation kite
空头竞标short tender
空头联手bear pool
空头股票kiting stocks
空头补进covering short
空头补进short purchase
空头补进clewing out a short sale
空头袭击bear raid
空头袭击bear compaign
空头跨期short straddle
空头部位short position
空头陷阱bear trap
空手套利free riding
空方short side
空方short party
空方bear clique
空方市场bear market
空方集团bear clique
空杀空short squeeze
空杀空bear squeeze
空白blank space
空白信用汇票blank credit
空白发票blank invoice
空白奉blank table
空白帐簿blank account book
空白式信用汇票银行间的通融票blank credit
空白式背书general blank endorsement
空白支票inchoate instrument
.空白支票blank check (cheque)
空白本票blank note
空白汇票blank note
空白票据inchoate instrument
空白簿blank book
空白考式blank form
空白背书endorse in blank
空白背书票据bill endorsed in blank
空白表blank form
空白表式blank forms or schedules
空白转让blank transfer
空竭准备金reserve for depletion
空线dead line
空闲时间工资idle time pay
空间创造效应create space effect
空间套利arbitrage in space
空间成本space cost
空间费用space expenses
经修订的股份卖空计划revised short selling scheme
航空运输险aviation insurance
补空cover short
裸卖空naked short selling
裸卖空naked short sale
财务亏空financial deficit
逼空short squeeze
逼空bear squeeze
银行业国际监管的空白区域gaps in supervision of banks at the international level
销售一空out of the window
防空避弹室strong room
限价卖空规则tick rule
限制卖空股票的禁令ban on short-selling of equities
零手卖空指标odd-lot selling indicator
零手卖空比率odd-lot short sale ratio
零股卖空指标odd-lot selling indicator
零股卖空比率odd-lot short sale ratio
非抵补空头头寸naked short position
预算亏空赤字budget deficit