
Terms for subject United Kingdom containing 空蜂 | all forms
工程测绘与空间大地测量学院Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy
帝国夫学空间与大气物理集团Space & Atmospheric Physics Group of Imperial College
无线电和空间研究站Radio and Space Research Station
空军上将Air Chief Marshal
联合空中交通管制中心joint air traffic control center
联合空中侦察情报中心Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Center
联合空中侦察情报局Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Board
航空技术集团有限公司Airtechnology Group Ltd.
舰[潜]对空导弹submarine launched air missile
舰队航空兵Fleet Air Arm
莱彻斯特大学空间研究中心Space Research Center of University of Leicester
防空研究和发展局Air Defence Research & Development Establishment
马勒德空间科学实验室Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)
马可尼空间与防御系统有限公司Marconi Space and Defence Systems Ltd. Corp