
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
定回线环宽unstable or hysteresis loop width
定回线环高unstable or hysteresis loop height
二代完整性参数横摇衡准second generation intact stability criteria
修正后初心高virtual metacentric height
分舱和性资料subdivision and stability information
initial meta-center
心半径initial meta-center radius
心高initial meta-center height
性高度GM (m)
定剂的鱼粉鱼渣经抗氧处理fishmeal fish-scrap stabilized UN 2216 Anti-oxidant treated
性曲线dynamical stability curves
性臂dynamical stability level
动态定控制系统dynamic stability control
动态dynamic stability
双下浮垫柱半潜式钻井平台twin pontoon column stabilized semi-submersible drilling unit
吸力定边界层suction-stabilized boundary layer
固有动定性inherent dynamic stability
"2008 国际性规则"2008 IS code
地面定模式ground stabilization mode
augmented stabilization
大倾角#stability at large angles (of inclination)
安装installation stability
完整性手册intact stability booklet
平台的完整intact stability of a floating unit
平台的座底on-bottom stability of a unit
平台的沉浮descending and ascending stability of a unit
平台的破舱damage stability of a unit
强制forced stabilization of the craft
形状性力臂曲线form stability level cross-curves
形状性臂level of form stability
形状性臂曲线cross curves of stability
抗倾覆anti-overturning stability
抗滑移anti-sliding stability
操舵定性steering stability
最低定转速self-sustaining speed
最低定转速试验lowermost steady speed test
有节preventer guy with patent clips
有节索夹头preventer guy
有节索夹头patent clips
、半潜式生产平台column stabilized semisubmersible production unit
式平台column-stabilized unit
式平台半潜式平台column-stabilized unit semi-submersible unit
式平台的主要构件primary application structure of column-stabilized units
式平台的次要构件secondary application structure of column-stabilized units
式平台的特殊构件special application structure of column-stabilized units
式钻井平台column-stabilized drilling unit
柱靴柱半潜式钻井平台footing column stabilized semi-submersible drilling unit
transverse metacenter
半径transverse metacenter radius
心垂向坐标vertical positions of transverse metacenter
心垂向坐标曲线curve of vertical positions of transverse metacenter
心高transverse metacenter height
transverse stability
海面定模式sea stabilization mode
渐近定运动asymptotically stable motion
定剂paint stabilizers
生态系统定性ecosystem stability
直线定性straight line stability
破损flooded stability
破损stability in damaged condition
破舱damage stability
定器减摇装置,稳定剂stabilizator stabilizer, stabiliser
定器speed regulator
定并励发电机stabilized shunt generator
定并励电动机stabilized shunt motor
定振动stable vibration
定模式stabilization modes
定状态跟踪steady state tracking
定装置减摇装置stabilizing device
定装置stabilization device
定设备减摇装置,消摆装置stabilizing equipment
定调速率rate of regulating speed in stability
定运行stable running
定运转状态stable operation condition
心髙度initial math centre height
steady state
态强磁场steady high magnetic field
态强磁场实验装置steady high magnetic field facility
性仪stability instrument
性十字曲线cross curves of stability
性控制资料damage control information
性曲线stability curves
性极线图polar diagram of stability
性标准stability standard
性横准数stability criterion number
性消失角angle of vanishing stability (φv)
性衡准stability criteria
性计算calculation of stability
性资料stability information
性、载重线和渔船安全分委员会Sub-committee on Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety
曲线locus of metacenter
焰器diffuser (flame holder)
preventer guy
索链stable chain
索链preventer chain
第二代完整性衡准second-generation complete stability criteria
第二代完整性衡准second generation intact stability criterion
性丧失pure loss of stability
性丧失第一层薄弱性衡准level I vulnerability criteria for pure loss for stability
性丧失第二层薄弱性衡准level II vulnerability criteria for pure loss for stability
半径longitudinal metacenter radius
心垂向坐标vertical positions of longitudinal metacenter
longitudinal stability
纵向性及纵向强度计算trim stability and longitudinal strength calculation
self-stabilization of the craft
式一体化张力腿平台self stable integrated platform
式张力腿平台self stable integrated platform
inherent stability
设计初性高度design GM value
转速不定度unsteady degree of revolution
重量性臂level of stability by weights
锁定控制面定性controls-fixed stability
定剂rust stabilizers
陀螺定平台gyro-stabilized platform
性曲线statical stability curve
性臂level of statical stability