
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
或稳定的币值unstable or stable dollar
定因素destabilizing factors
定币值unstable dollar
定的时期rocky period
定股市queasy stock market
定问题issue of instability
专注于健的国内经济政策focus on sound domestic economic policies
世界经济长期定发展long-term stability and development of the world economy
为企业提供一个清晰定的增长框架provide businesses with a clear and stable framework for growth
价格的定性price stability
enjoy a steadier session
使国际货币系统变得更有代表性、更定和有活力make the international monetary system more representative, stable and resilient
promote stability
促进世界金融promote global financial stability
促进和平、定与繁荣promote peace, stability and prosperity
促进社会promote social stability
促进社会和谐strive for social harmony and stability
促进社会和谐promote social harmony and stability
促进经济平较快发展spur steady and rapid economic development
促进经济长期平较快发展strive for sustained, stable and fast economic development
促进经济长期平较快发展promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development
促进资本市场定健康发展promote steady and healthy development of the capital market
保增长,促ensure growth and to promote stability
保持定增长maintain stable growth
保持合理maintain a reasonable stability
保持基本remain basically stable
保持大宗商品价格合理maintain the stability of commodity prices at a reasonable level
保持宏观经济政策基本maintain the basic continuity of macroeconomic policies
保持平较快增长maintain a steady and relatively fast growth
保持汇率相对maintain relative stability of exchange rates
保持物价总水平基本maintain basic stability of overall prices
保持物价总水平基本keep overall price levels basically stable
保持经济平较快发展maintain steady and rapid economic development
保持金融定和经济增长maintain financial stability and economic growth
保障经济guarantee economic stability
保障金融safeguard financial stability
全球global stability
全球金融global financial stability
公平、定、透明的投资环境fair, stable and transparent investment environment
创造有利于恢复金融定的条件create the conditions where financial stability can return
初步定价格initial stabilizing price
初步定价格行动initial stabilizing action
制约世界经济的持久定增长hamper sustained and steady growth of the global economy
危及threaten stability
危及整个体系的定性threaten the system's stability
合理定的水平reasonable and stable level
国际资本流动的不instability of international capital flows
基本定价格行动primary stabilizing action
增强市场定性reinforce market stability
外汇定帐户exchange stabilization account
实施健的货币政策implement a prudent monetary policy
实施健的货币政策follow a prudent monetary policy
实现经济平较快发展achieve steady and robust economic development
实现经济长期平较快发展achieve long-term stable and rapid economic development
对维护国际金融定的重要贡献important contribution to international financial stability
将欧元区定置于危险之中put at risk the euro area stability
币值定会计stabilized accounting
币值定的假设stability of monetary unit assumption
市场坚market steady
回升steady recovery
建立币值定、供应有序、总量可调的国际储备货币体系build an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply
引导金融机构健经营guide financial institutions to operate prudently
强有力的宏观经济定器powerful macroeconomic stabilizer
恢复世界经济定与繁荣restore stability and prosperity to the world economy
定价格总水平放在更加突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
推动定发展promote stable development
推行有损定的美元贬值政策pursue a destabilising policy of dollar devaluation
提高金融体系定性enhance the stability of the financial system
支持全球增长和support global growth and stability
支持金融support financial stabilization
有利于国际金融contribute to international financial stability
有助于股市回help restore stability in the market
欧洲定机制European Stability Mechanism (2012 年 10 月 8 日正式启动,取代欧洲金融稳定机构 (EFSF)成为欧元区常设救援基金)
欧洲金融定基金European Financial Stability Fund
欧洲金融定安排European Financial Stability Facility (2010 年希腊财政崩溃后建立的欧元区救助基金)
欧洲金融定安排债券EFSF bonds
汇率exchange rate stability
短期财务定性short-run financial stability
确保经济平较快发展ensure steady and robust economic development
确保经济持续、定、健康增长ensure sustained stable and sound economic growth
确保金融ensure financial sector stability
确保金融市场ensure financial stability
中求进make progress while ensuring stability
值债券stabilized bond
健原则principle of conservatism (即"审慎原则 (principle of prudence)")
健原则conservatism principle
健的财政政策prudent fiscal policy
健的货币政策sound monetary policy
健的货币政策prudent monetary policy
健的银行系统sound banking system
健而善于适应的政治、社会和法律体制robust and adaptable political, social and legal institutions
出口stabilize exports
固维持率firm maintenance excess
妥价值再生产成本减已使用年代价值sound value
妥应对风险挑战respond prudently to risks and challenges
妥推进国际货币体系改革advance the reform of the international monetary system in a steady manner
妥证券发行seasoned offer
定与增长公约Stability and Growth Pact
定主权信贷市场stabilize the sovereign credit market
定价格stabilizing price
定价格操作人stabilizing manager
定价格期间stabilizing period
定价格行动stabilizing action
定供求stabilize supply and demand
定出口收入stabilization of export receipts
定出口收入基金stabex fund
"定出口收入"措施STABEX arrangements scheme
定发展stable development
定、可靠、基础广泛的国际储备货币体系broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty
定国际金融市场stabilize the international financial markets
定型主权财富基金stabilization-oriented sovereign wealth fund
定外需stabilize external demand
定市场stabilize the markets
定市场firm market
定快速增长stable and high growth
定性的评估valuation of stability
定机制stabilization mechanism
定欧元区的紧急措施emergency measures aimed at stabilizing the eurozone
定物价总水平keep the overall level of prices stable
定的通货货币stable currency
定经济stabilize the economy
定行情firm market
定货币单位stable monetary unit
定货币政策论theory of stable monetary policy
定金融体系stabilize the financial system
定金融市场stabilize financial markets
定长期债务水平stabilize long-term debt levels
当投资gilt-edged investment
步增长steady growth
步复苏steady recovery
步推进利率、汇率市场化改革steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based
步推进市场为导向的改革steadily push forward market-oriented reform
步收紧政策steadily tighten policy
步有序地放开存款利率liberalize deposit rates steadily and orderly
步降低关税和非关税壁垒steadily reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers
经济平较快发展steady and rapid economic development
经济平较快增长steady and relatively fast economic growth
经济金融economic and financial stability
维护国际货币环境的maintain the stability of international monetary environment
维护国际金融maintain international financial stability
维护货币联盟preserve the stability of the monetary union
维持健的宏观经济政策maintain sound macroeconomic policy
维持中期内的物价maintain price stability over the medium term
维持人民币供应maintain a stable supply of renminbi
维系健的公共财政maintain sound public finances
美国货币定基金American Monetary Stabilization Fund
股利的定性dividend stability
行市firm in the undertone
货币衡量单位的定性stability of measuring unit
让自动定机制产生作用let automatic stabilizers work
负责任和健的金融监管政策responsible and sound financial regulatory policy
财务financial prudence
财务健性financial soundness
财务financial stability
财政健、繁荣兴旺的亚洲financially sound and prosperous Asia
财政fiscal stability
财政定性financial stability
财政定性financial viability
货币monetary stability
金融sound finances
金融定性三岛three islands of stability (1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、美国著名经济学家罗伯特•蒙代尔 (Robert A. Mundell)在2000年召开的一次国际会议上预言:在21世纪头10年内,随着区域经济合作的深人发展,世界很可能出现一个以欧元区、美元区和亚洲货币区为中心的"金融稳定性三岛",国际货币体系将会重归于固定汇率制度)
金融定论坛Financial Stability Forum (成立于1999年,成员是七国集团政府当局和国际金融机构的代表,包括监管者、中央银行及著名经济学家,其目标是促进国际金融体系稳定,采取行动消除对国际金融体系的威胁)
金融不定假说financial instability hypothesis
金融市场stability of the financial markets
长期定性prolonged stability
附带定价格行动ancillary stabilizing action