
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一段平飞后爬高到定上升moderate flare climb-out
一维态导热one-dimension steady-state conduction
三轴three axis stabilization
三轴定平台three-axis stable platform
三轴姿态three-axis attitude stabilization
定传热transient heat transfer
定区域unstable region
定压力unsteady pressure
定和稳定流形unstable and stable manifold
定导弹unstable missile
定工作unstable operation
定平衡点unstable equilibria
定方向unstable direction
定框架unstable flame
定波unstable wave
定燃烧unsteady burning
定燃烧室unstable combustor
定现象unsteady phenomenon
定的bumpy (指气流)
定的仪器unsteady instrumentation
定的优先扩散unstable preferential-diffusion
定的入口unsteady inlet
定的制度unstable system
定的压缩机unsteady compressor
定的反应器unsteady reactor
定的喷嘴unsteady nozzle
定的喷射器unsteady ejector
定的基准unsteady datum
定的影响unsteady effect
定的放电unstable discharge
定的放电现象unstable discharge phenomenon
定的来源unstable source
定的波数unstable wave number
定的状态unstable situation
定的章动unstable nutation
定的章动模式unstable nutation mode
定的零极点unstable pole-zero
定的频率unstable frequency
定组织unstable structure
定行为unstable behavior
定谐振器unstable resonator
定谐振器unstable cavity
定运动unstable motion
定运转unstable operation
定锁模区域unstable region
定飞机unstable aircraft
态抛物线neutral stability parabola
态曲线neutral stability curve
中心频率center frequency stabilization
中性neutral stability
中立速度定性neutral speed stability
中继电流定试验intermediate current stability experiment
临界定曲线marginal stability curve
定器配平作动器primary stabilizer trim actuator
主增系统primary stability augmentation system
乘坐品质增系统riding qualities stability augmented system
二维态导热two-dimensional steady-state conduction
态分子间复合材料metastable intermolecular composite
状态metastable state
交替增系统alternate stability augmentation system
交流电子压器AC electronic voltage stabilizer
pseudo-steady state
伺服定回路servo stabilization loop
位置stabilization of position
低频燃烧不定性low-frequency combustion instability
俯仰定子系统pitch stabilization subsystem
俯仰定控制增强系统pitch stability control augmentation system
俯仰定系统pitch stabilization system
俯仰定装置pitch stabilization unit
俯仰倾侧定系统pitch-and-roll stabilized system
俯仰增pitch stability augmentation
俯仰增系统pitch stability augmentation system
俯仰控制增系统pitch control augmentation system
倒器压器voltage regulator
偏航定增强系统yaw stability augmentation system
偏航增系统yaw stability augmentation system
偏航振荡自动增yaw oscillation autostabilizer
全相三轴姿态all-phase three-axis attitude stabilization
全部发动机工作时定的初始爬升速度all-engines steady initial climb speed
quasi-stationarity (性)
定情况quasi-steady case
定控制quasi-steady control
定火焰quasi-steady flame
定燃烧quasi-steady burning
定的方式quasi-steady manner
quasi stationary state
pseudo-steady state
振荡quasi stationary oscillation
quasi stationary
分解的不定性decomposition instability
功率损失不定性power loss instability
定性dynamic stability
定性模型dynamic stability model
动力定性试验dynamic stability test
动方向定性dynamic directional stability
十字形定翼cross fin
半主动姿态semiactive attitude stabilization (被动和主动姿态稳定的组合)
半主动重力梯度semiactive gravity gradient stabilization
半被动姿态控制与轨道定系统semipassive attitude control and trajectory stabilization system
多谐振荡器single shot multivibrator
触发器single shot
态场效应晶体管bistable field effect transistor
态多谐振荡器bi-stable multivibrator
态触发电路flip-flop circuit
磁芯bistable magnetic core
双自旋dual spin stabilization
双轴定平台two-axis stable platform
发动机定性裕度engine stability margin
定直升机variable stability helicopter
控制系统variable stabilization control system
模拟试验飞机variable stability simulator aircraft
系统variable stability system
练习器variable stability trainer
飞行控制variable stability flight control
可压缩定性理论compressible stability theory
可变定性飞机variable stability airplane
可操纵的定热成像仪steerable stabilized thermal imager
可达到的定状态attainable steady state
地面定的ground stabilized
地面定雷达radar ground stabilization
与姿态保持系统stability augmentation attitude hold system
与姿态保持系统stability-augmentation attitude hold system
功能stability enhancement function
系统stability augmentation system (①一种自动稳定系统,其本质是一个阻尼装置,安装在大多数直升机中。增稳系统增加了稳定性,但不能使飞行器保持给定的基准。②附加于主飞行操纵系统之上的多种辅助系统。通过对从飞机操纵面来的反馈回路选择可变的增益来实现所期望的飞机特性。这些设备的权限受到限制,而且不能改变飞行员的操纵。对于很多飞机,增稳系统的失效会使飞机无法飞行)
系统stability augmentation subsystem
系统stability augmentation system
系统/驾驶杆操纵stability augmentation system/control stick steering
增强定性功能stability enhancement function
声不定燃烧acoustic combustion instability
声学不定性acoustic instability
多光学传感装置定有效载荷multi-optical stabilized payload
大迎角自动定器high incidence auto stabilizer
buckling (结构件受压时产生侧向变形)
作用destabilizing effect
模式mode of instability
射速不erratic firing
尾翼定式射弹fin-stabilized projectile (如炸弹、火箭弹等)
局部弹性不定性local elastic instability
过渡smooth transition
平台定回路platform servo loop
陀螺平台定放大器platform stabilization amplifier
平台定电机unload motor of platform
平衡定性passive stabilization
应急态极限emergency steady state limit
引力不定性gravitational instability
弹性elastic stability (性)
弹性不定性elastic instability (度)
形态不定性morphological instability
悬停增系统hover augmentation system
惯性定平台inertially stabilizer platform
惯性参考基准定系统inertial reference stabilization system
惯性平压力高度inertial smooth pressure altitude
扩散不定性diffusive instability
抛物线定性方程parabolic stability equation
quasi stationary state
持续定转弯角速度sustained turn rate
指令与增系统command and stability augmentation system
振鸣定度singing margin
控制与增系统command and stability augmentation system
控制增概念control augmentation concept
控制增系统control-augmentation system
定性pendulum stability
操纵与增系统control and stability augmentation system
放宽静定性relaxed static stability (对于重心位于中性点之后的飞机操纵,此时飞机具有负的静稳定裕度。中性点是沿着重心运动轨迹上的点,此外每节驾驶杆力下降为零,并且在任一方向增加。重心和中性点之间的距离称为静稳定裕度 (static margin),而且当重心在中性点之前时为正,当重心在中性点之后时为负。驾驶具有放宽静稳定性的飞行器,意味着会有更好的巡航性能以及减少的杆力,来保持一个新的速度且无需重新配平,而且在更高海拔上有更好的机动性。大多数具有放宽稳定性的飞机都配有增稳装置。大多现代战斗机都有负的静稳定性,使它们有高机动性,又称 reduced static longitudinal stability (减小的纵向静稳定性))
放宽静定性控制relaxed static stability control
放电压器discharge voltage regulator
数值解的定性和收敛性stability and convergence of numerical solution
数字自动定设备digital automatic stabilization equipment
方向定性direction stability
旋转定用发动机spin motor
无内热源的态一维导热one-dimension steady-state conduction without heat sources
无内热源的态二维导热two-dimension steady-state conduction without heat sources
无旋转定的射弹unrotated projectile
无条件定扩展unconditionally stable extended
最大恒态燃烧maximum steady state burn
最大恒态燃烧时间maximum steady state burn time
最终定状态final steady-state
有内热源的态一维导热one-dimension steady-state conduction with heat sources
有内热源的态二维导热two-dimension steady-state conduction with heat sources
本体定姿态控制系统body-stabilized attitude control system
机上定观察系统airborne stabilizer viewing system
机载定设备airborne stabilization equipment
极限定性marginal stability
模式定性增强系统model stability augmentation system
横向定性lateral stability (飞机绕纵轴的稳定性。如飞机是横向稳定的,当轻微的滚转发生时,在飞行员没有进行任何修正的情况下,作用在飞机上的力倾向于恢复它到水平飞行)
positive stability
正常定状态极限normal steady state limit
定性方程equation of aeroelastic stability
气动aerodynamic stabilization
气动力增系统aerodynamic stability augmentation subsystem
气动力增系统aerodynamic stability augmentation system
气动弹性不定型aeroelastic instability type
气动自旋定火箭aerodynamically neutral spin stabilized rocket
波不定性wave instability
活性武器外运定系统active-arm external-load stabilization system
流体动力学不定性hydrodynamic instability
流量失flow instability
滚动增系统roll stability augmentation system
潜在不latent instability
火焰定器stabilizing baffle
火焰定器flame stabilizer
火焰失flame instability
炮塔定平台turret stabilized platform
炸弹定化装置bomb stabilizing unit
定性差异thermal stability difference
定状态thermal steady state condition
定状态thermal steady state
thermal stability
热声不thermoacoustic instability
热失thermal runaway
燃烧定裕度combustion stability margin
燃烧室的定性combustor stability
燃烧室的不定性combustor instability
爆轰定性detonation stability
爆轰不定性detonation instability
生态标志定性方法ecological sign stability approach
生态标志定矩阵ecological sign-stable matrix
生理physiological steadiness
电子回旋漂移不定性electron cyclotron drift instability
电子回旋谐波不定性electron cyclotron harmonic instability
盒形定尾翼box fin
直升机操纵定系统helicopter stabilization system
直升机陀螺定瞄准系统helicopter gyro stabilized sight system
直流压电源stabilized DC source
相位定器phase stabilizer
着陆时失速速度或最低定飞行速度stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing (land)
着陆构型时最低定飞行速度minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration
瞬态或态分析transient or steady state analysis
短期定度short-term stability
magnetic stabilization
压电源voltage regulated power supply
压电源装置power supply unit
stabilize or stabilization
减速drogue chute
定下降steady descent
定与控制stability and control
定与控制系统stability and control system
定与控制设备stabilization and control equipment
定伞drogue parachute
定伞stabilizing chute
定伞stabilizing parachute (用于使空投伞稳定下降)
定伞伞包drogue container
定伞伞箱drogue container
定伞双弹射伞枪dual cartridge drogue gun
定伞射伞枪drogue gun
定伞射伞枪弹头drogue-gun piston
定伞的开伞载荷drogue load
定伞连接带drogue bridle
定保证试验stabilization assurance test
定俯冲steady dive
定元件stable element
定减速伞drogue parachute
定/减速子系统retardation and stabilization subsystem
定功率maximum heating
定化不锈钢stabilized stainless steel
定化进程stabilization process
定区stable zone
火焰定器stabilizing baffle
定回损stability return loss
定因素stability factor
定地形光学位置传感器stabilized terrain optical position sensor
定域stability region
定域stability domain
定夜视系统stabilized night vision system
定夜视系统stabilized night sight system
定姿态位置hold position
定子系统stabilization subsystem
定射流steady jet
火箭或炸弹的定尾翼fin stabilizer
定度判据stability criterion
定性stability property
定性控制系统stabilization and control system
定性与姿态控制stabilization and attitude control
定性与操纵性增强系统stability and control augmentation system
定性分析方法stability analysis method
定性增强stability augmentation
定性增强装置stability augmentation system
定性定理stability theorem
定性操作stabilized operation
定性故障stable fault
定性曲线stability line
定性特征stability characteristic
定性的增长stability augmentation
定性的增长系统stability augmentation system
定性能stability behavior
定性范围stability boundary
定性试验stability trial
定性问题stability problem
定拉起法steady pull-up method
定持久飞行sustained flight
定有效载荷配置系统stabilized payload deployment system
定杆weighted bar
定槽gutter (火焰稳定器的)
定段settling chamber
定流形stable manifold
定浮筒tip float
定浮筒side float
定海上平台stable ocean platform
定滚轮组件stabilization roller assembly
定燃烧边界combustion stability limit
定爆炸stable detonation
定特性最大速度maximum speed for stability characteristics
定状态功率消耗steady state power consumption
定理论stability theory
定电源供应stabilized power supply
定的主控振荡器stable stabilized master oscillator
定的温度regulated temperature
定瞄准线光学跟踪仪stabilized line of sight optical tracker
定矩阵stable matrix
定结冰stabilized ice accretion
定缘stabilizing skirt
定裂缝stable crack
定装置stability device
定设计stable design
定谐振腔stable resonator
定谐振腔stable cavity
定起始上升steady initial climb
定转弯法steady turn method
定进近stabilized approach
定阈度stability threshold
定鲁棒性stability robustness
度分析stability analysis
steady-state condition
stability condition
态下降steady fall
态下降steady-state descent
态值steady-state value
态偏差steady state deviation
态压力steady-state pressure
态压力steady pressure
态发射试验steady state emission test
态导热方程unsteady-heat-conduction equation
态寿命steady state life (火箭发动机连续点火的累积时间)
态性能steady state performance
态振动steady state oscillations
态振动steady-state vibration (持续的周期振动)
态振荡steady state oscillations
态换热steady-state heat transfer
态条件steady-state condition
态流undisturbed flow
态流steady-state flow
态流动能量方程steady-flow energy equation
态温度steady-state temperature
态温度场steady-state temperature yield
态燃烧steady combustion
态爆震波steady detonation
态等离子推进器stationary plasma thruster
态解steady-state solution
态误差steady-state error
态运行steady-state operation
性曲线stability curve
性试验模型stability model
恒态宇宙论steady-state cosmology
流管ballast tube (镇流电阻器)
stable combustion
瞄准具环按钮electrical cage switch
瞄准具环时间settling time
环时间reticle stabilizing time
stabilized descent
descending at steady rate
降速度steady-state descent rate
降阶段steady-state descent phase
空气动力不定性aerodynamic instability
空速定值equilibrium airspeed
等离子定性plasma stability
A类旋翼航空器安全起飞定速度takeoff safety speed for category A rotorcraft
纵向定性longitudinal stability (飞机绕横轴 (俯仰)的稳定性。当飞机的迎角暂时增加,如果力以以下方式作用,以至于会使机头向下,从而减小了迎角,那么飞机是稳定的。影响纵向稳定性的主要因素是水平安定面的设计和重心位置。可能会影响到回复力矩或纵向稳定性的尾翼设计外形是总的水平尾翼面积、力矩臂长度、它的平面外形和机翼的下洗角。重心的位置影响尾翼力矩比,从而影响了稳定性)
纵向增系统longitudinal stability augmentation system
纵向静态定性增强系统longitudinal static stability augmentation system
自动auto stabilization
自动定和控制系统automatic stabilization and control system
自动定器auto stabilizer
自动定器配平电位计automatic stabilizer trim potentiometer
自动定机动装置automatically stabilized maneuvering unit
自动定配平automatic stabilizer trim
自动三轴automatic three axis stabilization
自动载荷定系统automatic load stabilization system
自动飞行控制增系统automatic flight control augmentation system
自动飞行控制、显示和增系统automatic flight control, display and augmentation system
自旋autorotational spin
自旋定性spin stabilization
自旋定的spin stabilized
航向定器directional gyro unit
航空力学定性aeromechanical stability
航空武器系统研究部飞行定性和控制分部、飞行技术部和飞行系统工程理事会aeronautical systems division/flight stability and control branch, flight technology division, directorate of flight systems engineering
螺旋不定性spiral instability
定振荡器line stabilized oscillator
被动passive stability
被动姿态passive attitude stabilization
负载缓和与模态load alleviation and mode stabilization
电压基准装置ultrastable voltage reference unit
转变transition stability
边界层定性boundary layer stability
达特定系统DART stabilization system
速度定状态velocity steady-state
速率定和控制系统rate stabilization and control system
配平增计算机trim augmentation computer
重力梯度gravity gradient stabilization
长时间定性long term stability
闭合环路动态定测试closed loop dynamic stability test
闭环定性closed-loop stability
阴极电位定管cathode potential stabilized tube
陀螺定体gyrostat (休斯公司的双自旋稳定方案)
陀螺定平台gyroscope stabilized platform
陀螺定性stability of gyroscope
陀螺定瞄准系统gyro stabilized sighting system
陀螺定系统gyro stabilization system
陀螺定系统gyro stabilizing system
陀螺仪定光学导航系统gyro-erected optical navigation
陀螺微调火箭俯仰定子系统gyrocontrolled vernier rocket pitch stabilization subsystem
附加定系统add on stabilization
太阳quiet sun
太阳噪声quiet sun noise
static stability
定性增强static stability augmentation
定裕度static stability marging
静增系统static stability augmentation system
压母线non-regulated busbar
定力unsteady force
定多谐振荡器astable multivibrator
定性结构unstable structure
定流形unstable manifold
定爆轰unsteady detonation
定载荷unsteady loading
定运动unsteady motion
定间歇振荡器astable blocking oscillator
态传热分析unsteady-state heat transfer analysis
态力矩系数unsteady moment coefficient
态导热unsteady heat conduction
态模型unsteady model
态测量unsteady measurement
态问题unsteady-state problem
态项unsteady term
unstable cavity
非平时间序列non-stationary time series
非平过程unstable process
非平飞机机翼空气动力负荷non-stationary airloads
非恒unsteady flow
非线性定性non-linear stability
非预定火焰non-premixed flame
频率定性代码frequency stability code
颤振失flutter instability
风标安定性weathercock stability
飞机可控最低定飞行速度minimum min steady flight speed at which airplane is controllable
飞机特定构型时所获得的最小定飞行速度minimum min steady flight speed obtained in a specified configuration
飞机的定性aircraft stability
飞行基准定系统flight reference stabilization system
飞行增控制系统flight augmentation control system
飞行增系统flight augmentation system
飞行增计算机flight augmentation computer
飞行增计算机系统flight augmentation computer system
飞行控制定系统flight control stabilization system
飞行轨迹flight path stabilization
定振荡器very stable oscillator
高度定器接通按钮height engage button
高频不定燃烧high-frequency combustion stability
高频燃烧不定性high-frequency combustion instability
黏性定性viscous stability
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