
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
衡效应photohomeostatic effect
农业生态系统定性stability of agro-ecosystem
农业生态系统定性agro-ecosystem stability
土壤soil stabilisation Chemical or mechanical treatment designed to increase or maintain the stability of a soil mass or otherwise to improve its engineering properties, as by increasing its shear strength, reducing its compressibility, or decreasing its tendency to absorb water. Stabilization methods include physical compaction and treatment with cement, lime, and bitumen (化学和机械的治疗计划来增加或维持大量土壤的稳定,除此之外改善它的工程特性,通过增加切变强度,降低压缩率,或降低吸收水的趋势。稳定方法包括物理压缩和水泥,石灰处理,沥青等。)
土壤soil stability Soil stability depends on its shear strength, its compressibility and its tendency to absorb water. Stabilization methods include physical compaction and treatment with cement, lime, and bitumen (土壤稳定取决与它的剪切强度、压缩性以及其吸收水的趋势。稳定方法包括物理压实和水泥、石灰处理、沥青等。)
水分定性hydrostability (hydrostabilitas)
水分定的hydrostabile (hydrostabilis)
水分定的hydrostable (hydrostabilis)
水分不定期hydrolabile phase (phasis hydrolabilis)
水分不定的水分平衡hydrolabile water balance
污泥sludge stabilisation Usually anaerobic sludge digestion, a treatment that stabilizes raw sludge. Fully digested sludge has little readily biodegradable organic matter. It is not smelly and about 50% of the solids are inorganic. Sludge can also be digested aerobically (通常厌氧污泥消化是通过治疗使原污泥稳定。充分消化的污泥几乎没有生物所能分解的有机物。无臭且大约50%的固体是无机物。污泥也可以被有氧作用消化。)
环境定性environmental stability
酸化stabilization pond
定池stabilisation lagoon Ponds in which wastes are allowed to decompose over long periods of time and aeration is provided only by wind action. Sunlight is allowed to fall on sewage to purify it (可以在长时间内分解废弃物,并可以通风的池子。有阳光照在污水用于净化污水。)
定胁迫constant stress
态噪声steady noise Unceasing prolonged noise, without interruption (长期不断的噪音,没有中断。)