
Terms for subject International trade containing 稳定 | all forms | in specified order only
稳定就业unstable employment
稳定性投机destabilizing speculation
牌价下降的稳定股票soft stock
稳定银行wild cat bank
价值稳定stability of value
价格稳定stability of price
价格稳定price rigidity
价格稳定趋降price rigidity in the downward
企业稳定business stability
出口结构的稳定性和多样化stability and diversification of the export structure
协议稳定价格agreed stable price
商品稳定化协定commodity stabilization agreement
商品稳定协定commodity stabilization agreement
国际天然胶价格稳定协定International Natural Rubber Agreement on Price Stabilization
外汇稳定基金exchange stabilization fimd
容积稳定bulk stability
工资稳定wages stabilization
工资与物价稳定委员会council on wage and price stability
建立稳定的群体行为establishing stable group behavior
汇兑稳定基金exchange stabilization fund
汇兑稳定条件condition of exchange stability
汇兑行市的不稳定uncertainty of exchange rates
物价稳定price stability
破坏稳定的资本流动destabilizing capital flows
船舶破损稳定damage stability
稳定价值sound value
稳定价格price stabilization
稳定价格卡特尔price stabilization cartel
"稳定出口收入"措施STABEX scheme
稳定level off to
稳定商品价squeeze the price of commodity
稳定商品价stabilize the price of commodities
稳定币值会计Stabilized accounting
稳定性的短期资本流动stabilizing short-term capital movement
稳定政策stability program
稳定物价stabilize the price of goods
稳定的但可调整的平价stable but adjustable prices
稳定的但可调整的平价stable but adjustable par values
稳定的但可调整的票面价值stable but adjustable par values
稳定的股票seasoned securities
稳定的贸易市场firm trading market
稳定的高价hard price
稳定股票standard stock
稳定股票市场价格的业务活动operations for stabilizing the stockmarket price
稳定计划stabilization program
稳定证券价格通过大量买进维持其最低价格stabilize a security
稳定货币stable currency
稳定货币单位假定stable monetary unit assumption
经济稳定Office of Economic Stabilization
经济自动稳定装置built-in stabilizers
经济自动稳定装置automatic stabilizer
货币稳定currency stability
通货稳定currency stabilization