
Terms for subject Securities containing 稳定 | all forms | in specified order only
稳定性分析volatility analysis
稳定的市场unstable market
稳定的市场证券价格波动大的市场unsteady market
稳定的市场unsecured market
稳定的银行wildcat bank
稳定美元unstable dollar
稳定股票volatile stock
稳定资金流volatile capital flows
价值稳定的证券seasonal security
伤害股市稳定harm the stability of stockmarket
全球发行稳定价格注册global offering register of stabilizing actions
关键稳定价格的行动core stabilizing action
内在稳定措施built-in stabilizer
初始稳定价格行动initial stabilizing action
制度稳定systemic stability
稳定性投机destabilizing speculation
向上稳定价格作用upward stabilization
向上稳定作用upward stabilization
回报率的稳定stability of returns
外汇稳定基金exchange stability fund
稳定great moderation
市况不稳定market uncertainty
市场稳定基金market stabilization fund
市场稳定market stabilization
影响分配的稳定作用stabilizing to effect a distribution
总体稳定overall stability
持续稳定和协调的发展sustained stable and coordinated development
电子金融不稳定e-financial instability
短期不稳定short-run volatility
稳定steady state
稳定价格firm price
稳定价格行动后的披露post stabilization disclosure
稳定出价stabilizing bid
稳定因素firm element
稳定因素为偿还债务所需全部本金和利息额constant factor
稳定基金又称 intervention fund 干预基金stabilization fund
稳定增长growth with stability
稳定市价操作人stabilizing manager
稳定市价期间stabilizing period
稳定市场stabilizing market
稳定市场价格stabilize the market price
稳定市场的券商stabilization agency
稳定性投标stabilizing bid
稳定投资者情绪strengthen investor sentiment
稳定报价stabilizing bid
稳定stabilizing period
稳定期的期限duration of the stabilizing period
稳定的债券价格stabilized bond
稳定的市场stable market
稳定的帕累托分布又称稳定分布,用来描述收益分布规律stable Paretian distribution
稳定的残值stable residual interests (证券)
稳定的证券seasoned security
稳定的货币stable money
稳定的货币价值stable currency
稳定股价的工具smoothing device
稳定股票standard stock
稳定股票standard share
稳定股票市场价格的操作operations for stabilizing the stock market price
稳定行市firm market
稳定购人stabilizing purchases
系统稳定systemic stability
系统性的市场稳定systemic market stability
网上金融不稳定e-financial instability
自动稳定系统automatic stabilizer
英国稳定价格规则UK Price Stabilizing Rules
表现稳定stand firm
证券组合稳定portfolio stability
财政不稳定financial instability
货币体制的稳定monetary stability
货币的稳定monetary stability
资金向安全和稳定方面转移flight to quality
稳定作用的买人stabilizing purchases
趋向稳定发展downward stabilization
金融稳定financial stability
金融稳定论坛由西方七国集团 1999年2月建立,是最重要的全球性金融监管协调机构之一Financial Stability Forum
金融稳定央行上海总部Financial Stability Department PBC
附加稳定价格行动ancillary stabilizing action