
Terms for subject Geology containing | all forms
亚洲岩土工信息中心Asia Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering
分层degree of lamination
劳伦兹一伯拉伊一克拉克方用于预测地下油气粘度Lohrenz-Bray-Clark equation
英国勘测员、工师协会Engineer Surveyors, Association
美国原油抽提过模拟实验室Petroleum Extraction Simulator Laboratory
国际岩土工分类法International Geotechnical Classification
国际工地质学协会International Association of Engineering Geology
地形测量工topographical engineer
地球科学课计划earth science curriculum project
地质文献检索和存储geological retrieval and storage program
美国地质文献检索和摘要geological retrieval and synopsis program
地质剖面geologic section program
地质工学博士doctor of geological engineering
地质工学学士bachelor of geological engineering
地质工geological engineer
地质模拟geologic modeling program
大地测量工geodetic engineer
地质学家Engineering Geologist
美国地质学家协会Association of Engineering Geologists
地质评价组engineering geology evaluation group
方位与高azimuth and elevation
日本工地质学学会Society of Engineering Geology of Japan
有机质变质level of organic metamorphism
欧洲石油地质学家与工师协会European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists & Engineers
油藏总工chief reservoir engineer
泛美采矿工与地质学会Pan-American Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology
波长色散式分光仪动方基准面确定统wavelength dispersive spectrometer
测绘工topographical engineer
渐近方evolution equation
现代地貌变化过委员会Commission on Present Day Geomorphic Process
美国电气与电子工师协会国际地学遥感讨论会IEEE [Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers] International Geoscience Remote Sensing Symposium
美国电气与电子工师协会地球科学电子设备学报Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transaction on Geoscience Electronics
美国电气与电子工师协会地球科学电子设备学报IEEE Transaction on Geoscience Electronics
石油与地质系统工中心Center for Petroleum & Geosystem Engineering
石油参数井历控制系统petroleum information well history control system
石油地质科学家与工师学会Society of Petroleum Geoscientists and Engineers
美国石油评价工师协光度荧光计Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engines
矿物分析mineral analysis program
矿物工学会Minerals Engineering Society
砂岩矿物学分析sandstone mineralogy analysis program
系统工地质system engineering geology
美国地质学会编文摘Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
美国工地质学家协会American Society of Engineering Geologists
英国地质工学会British Geotechnical Society
评估试验evaluation test procedure
地质分析remote geologic analysis
适合于原油的烃解释hydrocarbon interpretation program oil
适合于天然气的烃解释hydrocarbon interpretation program gas
采矿工师与机械工程师协会Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
阿特拉斯调查Atlas general survey program
黄铁矿化degree of pyritization