
Terms for subject Communications containing | all forms
SDH 上的链路接人规Link Access Procedure for SDH
规划master program
位置信息恢复规location information retrieval procedure
位置信息请求规location information request procedure
位置取消规location cancellation procedure
位置更新location updating procedure
信号工signal engineering
D 信道链路接人规Link Access Procedure on the D-channel
测试testing for the whole process
加拿大铁路操作规Canadian Railway Operating Rules
可编序控制器Programmable Logical Controller
可编电子系统programmable electronic system
国家电气规National Electrical Code
国际电子和电气工师协会Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
国际电气和电子工师协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (美国)
基本切换流basic handover procedure
基本型链路控制规basic link control procedure
基本越区切换过basic handover procedure
复位resetting procedure
小里small mileage end
施工无线电通信radio communication for engineering construction
应用序接口Application Programming Interface
恢复规recovery procedure
战斗航tactical range
控制系统program of control system
智會旨系统维护工及策略Intelligent System Maintenance Engineering and Strategies
智能系统维护工及策略Intelligent System Maintenance Engineering and Strategies
有效线路正行active line
电子系统工electronic system engineering
序源代码program source code
控电话交换机program -controlled telephone switchboard
美国机械工American Society of Mechanical Engineers
美国铁路工和道路维护协会American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-way Association
计算过calculating process
调试测试commissioning and testing procedure
调试辅助debug- aids
over ride
转换动switching stroke
网路short-distant network
网路directly surveillance network
遥信分区short-distant supervised subsection
遥信分区directly surveillanced subsection
供电系统remote power feeding system
信息处理业务telematics service
信息查询系统Remote Information Query System
控制系统remote control system
测试remote test
用户拨号认证服务Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
用户拨号认证服务器Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server
监督remote supervision
监督分区relayed surveillance subsection
网络long-distant network
遥信分区long-distant supervised subsection
通用成帧规Generic Framing Procedure
道岔开throw of switch
配线规wiring regulation
重置规resetting procedure
铁路信号工师协会Institution of Railway Signal Engineers