
Terms for subject Water resources containing | all forms
保土工conservation works
Ho 准二级反应动力学方Ho pseudo-second-order kinetic equation
准电荷平衡方modified charge balance equation
化学方chemical equation
单位过线法unit-hydrograph method
南水北调工South to-North Water Transfer Project
厌氧脱氮过anaerobic denitrification process
双向扬double lift
古衣-查普曼方Gouy-Chapman equation
吸附动力学方adsorption kinetics equations
国际水工中心International Water Engineering Centre
基因工genetic engineering microorganism
基因工genetic engineering bacteria
多量悬浮固体浊度监测器multirange turbidity-suspended solid monitor
富营养化进eutrophication courses
安全性检查engineering reliability review
环境影响报告书草案project draft environmental impact report
羧工报告project completion report
验收engineering receiving inspection
平衡过equilibration process
德拜-休克尔方Debye-Huckel equation
总工造价total works cost
惠勒方Wheeler equation
戴维斯方Davies equation
扩展 BET 方extended Brunauer, Emmett and Teller equation
扩展德拜-休克尔方extended Debye-Huckel equation
扩展杜比宁-拉杜施凯维奇方extended DR equation
扩展谢自立-郭坤敏方extended XG equation
拉德克-普劳斯尼茨方Radke-Prausnitz equation
控导工guide works
BET 方BET Stephen Brunauer, Paul Emmett, Edward Teller equation
暴雨控制序包stormwater control package
朗格缪尔方Langmuir equation
柳枝工brush wicker-work
氧化还原过oxidation reduction process
水净化工water purification project
水土保持工conservation works
水处理单元过优化设计optimization design of unit process of water treatment
水处理单元过费用函cost function of unit process of water treatment
水循环过hydrologic cycle
水环境系统工water environment system engineering
水质分析模拟美国环境保护局water quality analysis simulation program USEPA
水资源工water resources engineering
污染更污染过pollution history
污水工wastewater works
污水工wastewater engineering
泊松-玻耳兹曼方Poisson-Boltzmann equation
泰西耶方Tessier equation
活化过activated process
活性污泥工艺流flow sheet of activated sludge process
钻孔log drilling
渠道、水运工canal and canalization
渠首 引水,分水,导流diversion work
渠首工diversion structure
渠首工diversion work
漂浮工floating work
灌排fill-and-drain procedure
灌溉工irrigation works
热状态方thermal equation of the states
爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方Einstein-Stokes equation
环境生物工environmental biotechnology
环境系统工environmental system engineering
环境质量评价environmental quality evaluation procedures
生态工ecological engineering
生态工系统eco-engineering system
田间灌溉工farm irrigation structure
电化学过electrochemical process
硝化shortcut nitrification
硝化-反硝化法shortcut nitrification-denitrification process
离子交换过ion exchange process
船闸displaced lock
第六章治河工river engineering
纳维尔-斯托克斯方Navier-Stockes equation
经济泄降高economic drawdown elevation
给水工管理局Water Works Authority
美国陆军工师团U.S.Army corps of Engineers
能斯特-普朗克方Nernst-Planck equation
达西标度活性物质运移方Darcy-scale reactive transport equation
达西标度非活性物质运移方Darcy-scale nonreactive transport equation
运河扬canal lift
进水口工diversion work
进水口工diversion structure
连续流动短硝化反硝化continuous flow shortcut nitrification-denitrification
防止海岸工污染事故制度system of preventing pollution damage of coastal construction projects
防溢油污染工oil spill project
零点起点zero of elevation
麦克林伯格方Mechlenburg equation