
Terms for subject Geophysics containing 程度 | all forms
固定基准程高度elevation of perm datum
地层倾角测井图形识别程序成果密集度density of GEODIP results
密度与双程等候时间density and dual wait time
改进后的声波测井刻度例行程序acoustilog calibration modified routine
活度通用模拟程序general activity simulation program
满标度量程full scale range
由远程温度测量装置得出的含水饱和度water saturation from remote temperature device
由远程温度测量装置得出的含水饱和度water saturation from RTD
行程长度受限码run length limited code
远程温度测量装置remote temperature device
速度扫描计算机分析程序velocity scan computer analysis program
高准确度远程脉冲导航系统long-range-accuracy system