
Terms containing 程序审 査 | all forms | in specified order only
met.审査程序audit programme
avia.材料控制和审査程序materials control and verification program
econ.清理程序中债务证据的审査liquidation proof of debt
avia.程序化成本信息审査与评估programmed review of information for costing and evaluation
econ.程序审査program auditing
econ.程序审査programme auditing
avia.程序审査program review
avia.程序审査控制委员会program review control board
avia.程序数据审査委员会program data review board
avia.程序设计审査program design review
avia.程序评估审査program assessment review
avia.程序/项目管理审査program management review
avia.计算机辅助鉴定审査-技术模拟程序computer assisted program evaluation review-technique simulation