
Terms containing 科学技术 | all forms | in specified order only
el.三洋科学技术促进协会日本Sanyo Association for Advancement of Science and Technology
avia.上海市科学技术协会Shanghai Science and Technology Association
telecom.世界科学技术信息中心World Center for Scientific Information
earth.sc.东南亚区域科学技术联合国教科文组织, 印度尼西亚Regional Office for Science and Technology in South-east Asia
China, polit.中华人民共和国科学技术Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
China, polit.中华人民共和国国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry For National Defence of the People's Republic of China
earth.sc.中国科学技术信息学会Society of Scientific and Technological Information (China)
earth.sc.中国科学技术协会Scientific and Technical Association of the People's Republic of China
China, polit.中国科学技术协会China Society and Technology Association
avia.中国科学技术协会Chinese Association Science and Technology
China, polit.中国科学技术史学会Chinese Society of Science and Technology History
tech.中国科学技术学会China Association for Science and Technology
libr.中国科学技术情报学会China Society for Scientific Technical Information
libr.中国科学技术情报学会China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
anim.husb.中国科学技术情报研究所International of Scientific and Technical Information of China
avia.中国国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense
econ.中国燕山科学技术公司China Yanshan Scientific and Technological Corporation
gen.今日食品科学与技术Food Science & Technology Today
UN从科学和技术观点确定和审查各种可能的核查措施特设政府专家组Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts to Identify and Examine Potential Verification Measures from a Scientific and Technical Standpoint BWC (科技审查组)
gen.仪器科学与技术Instrumentation Science & Technology
China, law依靠科学技术进步rely on scientific and technological progress
AI.俄勒冈科学技术研究院Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
AI.俄勒冈科学技术研究院的多语言电话语音库OGI Multi-lingual telephone speech corpus
busin.信息科学技术information science technology
China, polit.修改科学技术进步法revision to the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress
gen.先进科学技术研究联合公司Advanced Scientific Techniques Research Associates
gen.克利夫兰科学技术协会Cleveland Scientific and Technical Institution
russ.lang., space全俄生物技术科学研究所VNII Biotekhnika (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
tech.全球科学技术情报系统universal system for information in science and technology
China, law农业科学技术agricultural science and technology
China, law农业科学技术成果agricultural scientific and technological achievement
horticult.农业科学与技术agricultural science and technology
earth.sc.冻土带科学技术信息分析中心Cold Regions Science and Technology Information Analysis Center
gen.分离科学与技术Separation Science & Technology
China, law剽窃他人科学技术成果plagiarize another person's scientific and technological results
construct.勿倒置附录14主要英文科学技术期刊杂志名称包括美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国出版物Keep upright
earth.sc.北极科学技术信息系统Arctic Science and Technology Information System
gen.半导体科学与技术Semiconductor Science and Technology
earth.sc.南亚、东南亚、太平洋和远东核科学技术研究、开发与培训的地区性合用协定Regional Cooperation Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology in South and Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Far East
earth.sc.南亚和中亚区域科学技术联合国教科文组织,印度Regional Office for Science and Technology in South and Central Asia
gen.南达科他矿业与技术学院South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
earth.sc.印度科学技术Department of Science and Technology (India)
UN, polit.印度洋海洋事务经济、科学和技术合作会议Conference on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Marine Affairs in the Indian Ocean
anim.husb.发展中国家科学技术委员会Committee on Science and Technology in the Developing Countries
UN, geol.可接受的科学和技术证据admissible scientific and technical evidence
earth.sc.国外科学技术中心Foreign Science and Technology Center
earth.sc.国家科学技术信息系统印度National Information System of Science and Technology India
earth.sc.国家科学技术信息与文献资料研究所National Institute for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation
earth.sc.国家科学技术信息系统日本National Information System for Science and Technology Japan
tech.国家科学技术委员会State Science and Technology Commission
earth.sc.国家科学技术委员会爱尔兰National Board of Science and Technology Ireland
earth.sc.国家科学技术委员会印度National Committee on Science and Technology India
USA, space国家科学技术委员会National Science and Technology Council
earth.sc.国家科学技术委员会印度National Committee on Science and Technology
avia.国家科学技术委员会National Board for Science and Technology
econ.国家科学技术委员会主任Minister in Charge of the State Scientific & Technological Commission
telecom.美国国家科学技术情报局National Technical Information Service
anim.husb.国家科学技术情报局Bureau National des Informations Scientifiques et Techniques
earth.sc.国家科学技术文献中心荷兰National Centre for Scientific and Technical Documentation Netherlands
earth.sc.国家科学技术研究所菲律宾National Institute of Science and Technology Philippines
earth.sc.国家科学技术资料导引中心美国国会图书馆National Referral Center for Science and Technology Library of Congress, US
China, polit.国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要the Outline of the National Program for Long-and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development
avia.国家海洋科学技术national ocean science and technology agency
USA, space国家航空航天局航空航天科学技术报告NASA scientific and technical aerospace report
China, law国防科学技术science and technology of national defense
avia.国防科学技术实验室Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
avia.国防科学技术工业委员会commission of science, technology and industry for national defense (中国)
econ.国防科学技术工业委员会主任minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence
gen.国防科学技术情报中心美国Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information
USA, space国防科学技术情报资料中心Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information
avia.国防科学技术资料文献中心defense documentation center for scientific and technical information
avia.国防科学技术Department of Defence Science and Technology Organization
earth.sc.国际科学技术信息中心International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information
earth.sc.国际科学技术信息系统International System for Scientific and Technical Information
China, law国际科学技术合作奖International Science and Technology Cooperation Prizes
telecom.国际科学技术情报文献中心美国 ,其前身为 ASTIADefense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information
earth.sc.国际科学技术用于开发协会International Association of Science & Technology for Development
org.name.国际科学技术研究所International Science and Technology Institute
org.name.国际农业科学技术信息系统International Information System for Agricultural Sciences and Technology
UN, agric.国际农业科学技术信息系统International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology
org.name.国际农业科学技术信息系统及粮农组织文献官员AGRIS and FAO Documentation Officer
org.name.国际农业科学技术信息系统/当前农业研究信息系统及文献组AGRIS/CARIS and Documentation Group
anim.husb.国际农业科学技术情报系统联合国粮农组织International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology GAO
anim.husb.联合国粮农组织国际农业科学技术情报系统International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology
org.name.国际农业知识、科学和技术促进发展评估International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
econ.美国国际开发科学技术委员会Board on Science and Technology for International Development
textile国际洗涤科学与技术委员会International Scientific and Technical Committee on Laundering
earth.sc.国际真空科学、技术与应用联合会International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications
gen.国际真空科学技术组织International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology
UN国际科学和技术中心科技中心International Science and Technology Centre
org.name.国际科学和技术信息理事会International Council for Scientific and Technical Information
earth.sc.国际科学和技术发展组织联合会Confederation of International Scientific and Technological Organizations for Development
anim.husb.国际科学和技术合作international science and technology cooperation
earth.sc.国际科学联合会理事会科学技术数据委员会ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology
earth.sc.国际采矿科学技术会议International Symposium on Mining Science & Technology
anim.husb.国际食品科学技术委员会International Committee for Food Science and Technology
anim.husb.国际食品科学技术联合会International Union of Food Science and Technology
gen.国际食品科学与技术杂志International Journal of Food Science and Technology
org.name.国际食品科学及技术联合会International Union of Food Science and Technology
gen.在发展科学技术方面走自己的路go one's own way in developing science and technology
earth.sc.地球科学技术协会Earth Sciences Technologies Association
avia.地球科学技术协会Earth Sciences Technologies Association (美国)
USA, space地球科学技术协会Earth Sciences Technologies Association
geol.美国地球科学技术协会Earth Sciences Technologies Association
gen.复合材料科学与技术Composites Science and Technology
gen.外国科学技术中心美国陆军所属的Foreign Science and Technics Center
earth.sc.太平洋地区海洋科学技术会议Pacific Congress on Marine Science Technology
russ.lang., space太阳物理科学生产、设计和技术局SPKTBs OP NPO Fizika-Solntse (乌兹别克,俄文缩写英译)
UN, polit.太阳能科学和技术专题讨论会Symposium on Solar Science and Technology
earth.sc.威尔士大学科学技术学院University of Wales, Institute of Science and Technology
gen.宇航科学技术报告美国杂志名Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
China, polit.实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology
commer.尊重科学技术have respect for science and technology
gen.尖端科学技术研究所Research Institute for Advanced Studies
China, law尖端科学技术领域sophisticated realm of science and technology
commer.工业技术的发展在于科学的进步Technology flourishes on accumulated scientific capital
gen.巴基斯坦全国科学技术文献中心Pakistan National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre
earth.sc.巴基斯坦核科学技术学会Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
gen.巴基斯坦核子科学技术学会Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
org.name.应用科学技术促进发展咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
org.name.应用科学技术促进进展咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
telecom.美国,刊名应用科学技术索引Applied Science and Technology Index
org.name.应用科学和技术促进亚洲发展大会Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Asia
org.name.应用科学和技术促进拉丁美洲发展大会Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Latin America
org.name.应用科学和技术促进非洲发展大会Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Africa
China, law建筑科学技术研究research on construction science and technology
USA, space开创性科学技术计划innovative science and technology program
ecol.开罗科学和技术研究所遥感中心Remote Sensing Centre of the Academy of Scientific and Technological Research Cairo
UN强调环境方面的科学与技术问题部门会议Sectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment
agric.当代科学技术活动contemporary scientific and technical activities
tech.科学技术information science technology
gen.成像科学与技术杂志Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
tech.技术专科学校technical school
tech.技术科学technological science
met.技术科学engineering science
tech.技术科学technologic science
tech.技术科学博士doctor of engineering
textile技术科学学士Bachelor of Technical Science
gen.技术科学学士工学士bachelor of Technical Science
textile技术科学硕士Master of Technical Science
tech.技术科学硕士master of engineering
manag.技术科异学部department of technical sciences
earth.sc.拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域科学技术联合国教科文组织,乌拉圭Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO, Uruguay
earth.sc.拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域科学技术联合国教科文组织,乌拉圭Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean
earth.sc.拉美区域科学技术Regional Office for Science and Technology in Latin America
earth.sc.挪威技术科学院Norway Technical Science Academy
org.name.捕捞船队和商业捕捞发展问题科学技术会议Scientific and Technical Conference on the Development of Fishing Fleets and Commercial Fisheries
China, polit.推广先进科学技术disseminate advanced science and technology
China, law推进科学技术进步promote progress of science and technology
gen.攀登科学技术高峰climb the heights of science and technology
earth.sc.政府间科学、工程与技术咨询小组委员会Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel
earth.sc.科学技术工作委员会New Technical and Scientific Activities Committee
gen.科学技术活动委员会New Technical and Scientific Activities Committee
telecom.日本科学技术信息中心Japan Information Center for Science and Technology
avia.日本科学技术Japanese Science and Technology Agency
gen.日本科学技术情报中心Japanese Information Centre of Science and Technics
earth.sc., jap.日本科学技术联盟Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Renmei
consult.日本科学技术联盟the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers
navig.日本海洋科学技术中心Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
earth.sc.日本海洋科学技术研究中心Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
China, polit.普及科学和技术知识disseminate knowledge of science and technology
earth.sc.曼彻斯特大学科学技术研究所University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
econ.最新科学技术most many, much 的最高级 up-todate science and technology
tech.最新科学技术state-of-the-art technology
busin.最新科学技术成就most up-to-date science and technology
tech.最新科学技术成就most-up-to-date science and technology
ecol.木材科学与技术wood science and technology
gen.材料科学与技术Material Science & Technology
gen.核子科学技术学校School of Nuclear Science and Engineering
gen.核子科学技术杂志Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
gen.橡树岭反应堆技术专科学校Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology
gen.欧洲共同体科学技术研究合作协调委员会Commission of European Communities, European Cooperation and Coordination in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
earth.sc.欧洲区域科学技术Regional Office for Science and Technology in Europe
earth.sc.欧洲经济共同体科学技术委员会Committee on Science and Technology of the EEC
ecol.欧盟科学技术委员会欧洲科技委员会European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
textile比利时纺织工业科学技术中心Centre Scientifique et Technique de l'Industrie Textile Beige
earth.sc.科学技术委员会Water Science and Technology Board
earth.sc.水下科学技术学会Academy of Underwater Arts and Science
earth.sc.水文科学和水资源技术研究所伊朗Institute of Hydro-Sciences and Water Resources Technology Iran
earth.sc.水科学与技术杂志water science and technology
earth.sc.沙特阿拉伯国家科学技术中心Saudi Arabian National Center for Science and Technology
China, law测绘科学技术研究scientific and technological research in surveying and mapping
gen.测量科学与技术Measurement Science & Technology
gen.海军科学技术情报中心英、美Naval Scientific and Technical Information Centre
fr., avia.海外科学技术研究所该词条的英文表达式为 overseas office of scientific and technique research ORT operational readiness test 操作准备就绪测试Office de Ia Recherche Scientifique et Technique d'Outre-Mer
earth.sc.海洋科学技术ocean science and technology
earth.sc.海洋科学技术信息研究所Institute of Marine Scientific and Technological Information
navig.美国海洋科学技术咨询委员会Ocean Science and Technology Advisory Committee
USA, space海洋科学技术咨询委员会Ocean Science and Technology Advisory Committee
earth.sc.海洋科学技术委员会Ocean Science and Technology Committee
tech.海洋科学技术研究办事处Office of Overseas Scientific and Technical Research
earth.sc.海洋科学技术研究所Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology US
navig.美国海洋科学与技术学会Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology
navig.海洋科学和技术委员会Ocean Science and Technology Committee
earth.sc.澳大利亚科学技术理事会Australian Science and Technology Council
earth.sc.澳大利亚地球资源科学技术委员会Australian Committee for Earth Resources Technology and Science
earth.sc.澳大利亚科学和技术学会联合会Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies
China, law环境保护科学技术science and technology of environmental protection
earth.sc.环境科学与技术environmental science & technology
earth.sc.环境科学与技术environmental science and technology
gen.环境科学与技术学会志Journal of the IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
gen.环境科学与技术学会汇刊Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology Proceedings
textile现代科学技术contemporary science and technology
tech.现代科学技术modern science and technology
agric.现代科学技术发展development of modern science and technology
avia.现代科学技术委员会Committee on Challenges of Modern Science (北大西洋公约组织)
avia.现代科学技术委员会北大西洋公约组织committee on challenges of modern science
agric.现代科学理论与技术modern scientific theory and technology
earth.sc.瑞士技术科学院Swiss Academy for Technical Sciences
gen.电气工程师学会会报:"科学、测量与技术"IEE Proceedings: "Science, Measurement and Technology" (英)
gen.真空科学与技术杂志,B 辑: "微电子学与纳米结构"Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B:" Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures"
gen.真空科学与技术杂志,A 辑: "真空、表面与薄膜"Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A :" Vacuum, Surface, & Films"
avia.科学与技术信息scientific and technical information
agric.科学与技术发展scientific and technical development
avia.科学与技术处office of science and technology
gen.美国科学与技术应用咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
manag.科学与技术总署office of science and technology
agric.科学与技术成果scientific and technical payoffs
agric.科学与技术成果scientific and technical achievement
geol.科学勘探和技术实验scientific exploration and technical experiments
UN科学和技术促进环境保护方案 :科技促进环保方案Science and Technology for Environmental Protection 1989-1992
tech.科学和技术促进环境保护方案Science and Technology for Environmental Protection
environ.科学和技术信息scientific and technical information Knowledge communicated or received pertaining to the systematic study of the physical world or to the mechanical or industrial arts (通过系统学习物质世界或通过学习机制或工业世界获得积累的知识。)
consult.科学和技术公共服务机构scientific arid technological public service
UN, geol.《科学和技术准则》Scientific and Technical Guidelines
org.name.科学和技术咨询附属机构Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice of UNFCCC
UN, ecol.科学和技术咨询附属机构Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
avia.科学和技术工业局agency of industrial science and technology
earth.sc.科学和技术应用中心Center for Application of Science and Technology
avia.科学和技术应用中心center for application of sciences and technology
earth.sc.科学和技术应用于开发咨询委员会联合国教科文组织Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development UNESCO
avia.科学和技术情报中心scientific and technical intelligence center
avia.科学和技术情报处国家航空和航天管理局scientific and technical intelligence division
avia.科学和技术情报委员会committee on scientific and technical information
avia.科学和技术报告scientific and technical report
UN, agric.科学和技术推广体系Science and Technology Popularization System
avia.科学和技术政策办公室office of science and technology policy
earth.sc.科学和技术研究委员会Committee for Scientific and Technical Research
avia.科学和技术通信委员会scientific and technical communication committee
tech.科学技术science and technology
gen.Великобрита́ния科学技术与管理人员协会英国Association of Scientific
avia.科学、技术与经济信息scientific, technical and economic information
China, law科学技术专项special scientific and technological projects
China, law科学技术中介服务机构intermediary for science and technology
China, law科学技术人员scientists and technicians
telecom.科学技术会议录索引Index to Scientific and Technical Conference Proceedings
avia.科学技术会议录索引index to science and technology conference proceedings
China, law科学技术体制science and technology system
agric.科学技术体系systematics of science and technology
tech.科学技术体系学systematics of science and technology
China, law科学技术保密制度security system for science and technology
telecom.科学技术信息scientific and technical information
earth.sc.科学技术信息中心以色列Center for Scientific and Technological Information Israel
avia.科学技术信息中心scientific and technical information center
telecom.科学技术信息处Scientific and Technical Information Division
earth.sc.科学技术信息处scientific and technical information division
earth.sc.科学技术信息委员会Committee on Scientific and Technical Information
earth.sc.科学技术信息局英,美Office for Scientific and Technical Information
earth.sc.科学技术信息局Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence British
earth.sc.科学技术信息文献委员会欧洲联盟Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation Committee
telecom.美国科学技术信息机构Scientific and Technical Information Facility
earth.sc.科学技术信息机构Scientific and Technical Information Facility
China, law科学技术信息网络scientific and technical information networks
earth.sc.科学技术信息联合委员会Joint Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee
China, law科学技术力量scientific and technological force
earth.sc.科学技术协会Institute of Science Technology
China, law科学技术协会technological association
earth.sc.科学技术协会联合会Federation of Scientific and Technical Association
gen.科学技术协会联合会Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations
auto.科学技术协定scientific and technical agreement
earth.sc.科学技术日本science and technology agency Japan
avia.科学技术Science and Technology Agency
avia.科学技术厅原子能局Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency
gen.科学技术厅原子能局Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency
org.name.科学技术及研究委员会Scientific, Technical and Research Commission
org.name.科学、技术及研究委员会Scientific, Technical and Research Commission
tech.科学技术发展technological advance
tech.科学技术发展technologic advance
tech.科学技术发展scientific and technical advance
earth.sc.科学技术发展咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development
tech.科学技术发展战略science and technology development strategy
China, law科学技术发展规划plan for scientific and technological developments
tech.科学技术发展规划scientific and technical development programme
tech.科学技术发展规划scientific and technical development program
China, law科学技术发明scientific and technological invention
auto.科学技术合作scientific and technical cooperation
China, law科学技术合作与交流science and technology cooperation and exchange
busin.科学技术合作协定agreement on scientific and technical cooperation
interntl.trade.科学技术合作协定agrement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
busin.科学技术合作协定agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
shipb.科学技术合作协议agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
avia.科学、技术和发展组织science, technology and development organization
org.name.科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
UN, biol., sec.sys.科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice SBSTTA CBD
UN, biol., sec.sys.科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice CBD
earth.sc.科学技术咨询委员会世界气象组织Science and Technology Advisory CommitteeWMO
avia.科学技术咨询委员会advisory committee on science and technology
org.name.科学技术咨询组Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel
China, law科学技术基金scientific and technological funds
China, law科学技术science and technology prize
China, law科学技术奖励制度science and technology awarding system
China, law科学技术奖励基金science and technology award fund
China, law科学技术奖项rewards for scientific and technological projects
org.name.科学技术委员会Technical and Scientific Committee
earth.sc.科学技术委员会欧洲航天局Scientific and Technical Committee
org.name.科学技术委员会Charge of the state Scientific and Technological commission
desert.科学技术委员会Committee on Science and Technology
avia.科学技术学会institute of science technology
earth.sc.科学技术学会理事会Council of Science and Technology Institutes
avia.科学技术学会理事会Council of Science and Technology Institutions
China, law科学技术实验服务service of comprehensive scientific and technological experiments
gen.科学技术美国国际开发机构所属的Office of Science and Technology
gen.科学技术美国Office of Science and Technology
China, law科学技术工作者scientific and technological personnel
China, law科学技术应用application of scientific and technological advance
avia.科学技术应用咨询委员会advisory committee on applications of science and technology
avia.科学技术应用组织science technology applications organization
avia.科学技术开发计划scientific and technical exploitation program
telecom.科学技术情报scientific and technical information
tech.科学技术情报scientific-technical information
avia.科学技术情报information science and technology
USA, space科学技术情报中心Scientific and Technical Information Center
telecom.美国科学技术情报中心Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center
gen.科学技术情报中心Scientific and Technical Information Facility
avia.科学技术情报办公室office of science and technical information
USA, space科学技术情报委员会Committee on Scientific and Technological Information
gen.科学技术情报委员会Committee on Scientific and Technical Information (FCST 所属的)
USA, space科学技术情报局Office of Scientific and Technical Information
gen.科学技术情报局Office for Scientific and Technical Information
telecom.欧洲共同体科学技术情报文献Information and Documentation for Science and Technology
tech.科学技术成就technological achievement
tech.科学技术成就technologic achievement
tech.科学技术成就scientific and technical achievement
China, law科学技术成果scientific and technological achievements
China, law科学技术成果商品化commercialization of scientific and technological achievements
telecom.科学技术报告scientific technical report
earth.sc.科学技术政策局office of science and technology policy
telecom.科学技术数据委员会Committee on Data for Science and Technology
telecom.美国科学技术数据委员会Committee for Data on Science and Technology
earth.sc.科学技术数据委员会Committee on Data for Science and Technology
tech.科学技术文献scientific and technical literature
China, law科学技术普及scientific and technological popularization
earth.sc.科学技术普及协会joint scientific and technical publishing house
earth.sc.科学技术机构原子能局Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency
China, law科学、技术标准scientific and technological standards
consult.科学技术档案scientific and technological archives
China, law科学技术水准scientific and technical level
earth.sc.科学技术活动委员会Scientific and Technological Activities Commission
econ.科学技术由军用向民用的转移on shifting of technology from military to civilian purposes
tech.科学技术白皮书white book on science and technology
China, law科学技术的研究成果achievements in scientific and technological research
avia.科学技术研究中心science and technology research center
earth.sc.非洲统一组织科学技术研究委员会Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (of the Organization of African Unity)
China, law科学技术研究开发scientific research and technological development
China, law科学技术研究开发机构scientific research and technological development institution
telecom.刊名,美国科学技术研究文摘Science and Technology Research Abstracts
China, law科学技术社会团体scientific and technical social body
econ.科学技术管理体系scientific and technological management system
earth.sc.科学技术管理委员会日本Scientific and Technical Administration Commission Japan
econ.科学技术管理委员会Scientific and Technical Administration Commission
avia.科学技术管理委员会science and technology administration committee
earth.sc.科学技术联合会-国际地球动力学计划委员会Federal Council for Science and Technology-Committee for the International Geodynamics Project
USA, space科学技术联络处Science and Technology Liaison Office
gen.科学技术联络处scientific and technical liaison office
earth.sc.科学、技术、能源、环境和自然资源部science, technology, energy, environment & natural resources division
China, law科学技术自然资源scientific and technological resources
China, law科学技术行政部门administration department for science and technology
China, law科学技术计划scientific and technological plan
China, law科学技术评价scientific and technological appraisal
China, law科学技术评价制度appraisal system for science and technology
desert.科学技术资料委员会Committee on Data for Science and Technology (国际科学联盟理事会)
China, law科学技术资源scientific and technological resources
China, law科学技术进步science and technology progress
environ.科学技术进步technological change Changing of industrial methods by introducing new technology (通过引进新技术以改进工业方法。)
tech.科学技术进步scientific and technological progress
tech.科学技术进步technological change
tech.科学技术进步technologic change
tech.科学技术进步scientific and technologic progress
China, law科学技术进步奖Scientific and Technological Progress Prize
sport.科学技术进步奖Science and Technology Progress Award
China, law科学技术进步活动activities aimed at science and technology progress
econ.科学技术进步的速度pace of technological innovation
econ.科学技术进步的速度the pace of technological innovation
tech.科学技术进步的速度pace of technologic innovation
tech.科学技术Department of Technical Science
econ.科学技术Ministry of Science and Technology
ecol.科学技术department of science and technology
avia.科学技术长期计划long range scientific technical planning
tech.科学技术预测scientific and technical forecast
tech.科学技术预测science and technology forecast
earth.sc.科学技术预测和评价国际组织forecasting and assessment of science and technology
earth.sc.科学技术领域预测、估价与方法论forecasting, assessment and methodology in the field of science and technology
earth.sc.科学研究与技术发展咨询委员会Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development
gen.科学研究与技术发展咨询委员会Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development
gen.科学研究的技术记录research technical memorandum
avia.科学通信与技术传递scientific communication and technology transfer
busin.科技人员、科学与工程技术人员scientific and engineering personnel
earth.sc.科技学术会议论文集索引index to scientific & technical proceedings
gen.科柯莫技术学院School of Technology at Kokomo
earth.sc.空间科学技术中心印度Space Science Technology Centre India
earth.sc.空间科学技术中心Space Science and Technology Centre
UN, polit.空间科学技术及其应用区域专家会议Regional Meeting of Experts on Space Science and Technology and its Applications
avia.空间材料加工科学技术问题委员会committee on scientific and technological aspects of material processing in space
avia.〔印〕空间科学与技术中心Space Science and Technology Center
met.纳米科学技术nanometer science and technology
met.纳米科学技术nano science and technology
China, polit.编制国家中长期科学和技术发展规划formulate a medium-and long-range state plan for developing science and technology
AI.美国两用科学技术计划Dual Use Science and Technology
libr.美国信息科学技术学会American Society for Information Science and Technology
earth.sc.美国国会科学技术Congressional Office of Science and Technology
earth.sc.美洲国家科学技术委员会Inter-American Committee On Science and Technology
China, law群众性科学技术组织mass organization of science and technology
China, law群众性科学技术组织mass science and technology organization
earth.sc.联合科学技术信息委员会Joint Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee
gen.联合科学技术情报委员会Joint Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee
earth.sc.联合国科学技术应用专家委员会United Nations Expert Committee on the Application of Science and Technology
earth.sc.联合国科学技术应用于开发会议United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development
earth.sc.联合国科学技术应用于开发咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
earth.sc.联合国科学技术应用会议United Nations Conference on Science Application and Technology
earth.sc.联合国科学技术应用会议United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and Technology
tech.联合国科学技术开发会议United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development
earth.sc.联合国科学技术用于开发委员会Committee of Science and Technology for Development
org.name.联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development
org.name.联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统特设政府间全体小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development
interntl.trade.联合国科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
China, law联合开展科学技术研究开发conduct scientific research and technological development jointly
earth.sc.联邦科学技术信息交换中心clearinghouse for scientific and technical information
earth.sc.联邦科学技术委员会Federal Council for Science and Technology
USA, space联邦科学技术委员会Federal Council for Science & Technology
gen.联邦科学技术委员会美国Federal Council for Science and Technology
avia.联邦科学技术委员会federal council for science & technology (美国)
gen.联邦科学技术委员会Federal Council for Science and Technology
gen.联邦科学技术情报交换中心clearing-house for Federal Scientific and Technical Information
anim.husb.联邦乳酪科学与技术局Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology (UK)
avia.联邦科学和技术委员会federal council for science and technology
earth.sc.联邦科学、工程与技术协调委员会Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology
earth.sc.联邦科学、工程和技术协调委员会-固体地球科学委员会Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology-Committee on Solid Earth Science
avia.联邦科学、工程、技术协调委员会federal coordinating council for science, engineering and technology
USA, space联邦科学、工程、技术协调委员会Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology
avia.联邦科学,工程,技术协调委员会federal coordinating council for science, engineering, and technology (美国)
avia.聚合物科学技术期刊polymer science and technology
earth.sc.聚合物科学与技术polymer science and technology
earth.sc.聚合物科学与技术专利polymer science & technology patents
gen.航空 〔飞行器建造〕科学和技术aeronautics
avia.《航空航天科学技术报告文摘》scientific and technical aerospace reports
multimed.Srishti 艺术设计和科技学院Srishti school of art design and technology
China, law节能科学技术sciences and technologies for energy conservation
gen.科学技术学院Imperial College of Science and Technology
earth.sc.英国国家科学技术资料委员会British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology
gen.英国真空科学与技术联合委员会Joint British Committee on Vacuum Science and Technology
anim.husb.英国食品科学技术协调委员会United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee for Food Science and Technology
anim.husb.英联邦乳品科学技术Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology
avia.〔俄〕莫斯科技术学院Moscow Technical College
avia.莫斯科航空技术学校Moscow aviation technical school
telecom.计算机科学与技术computer science and technology
USA, space计算机科学和技术学会Institute for Computer Science and Technology
avia.计算机科学和技术学会institute for computer science & technology (美国)
China, law财政性科学技术资金government funds earmarked for scientific and technological endeavor
telecom.刊名,美国 PANDEX总索引近期科学技术文献综合索引Pan Index Current Index to Science and Technical Literature
telecom.刊名,美国 PANDEX总索引近期科学技术文献综合索引PANDEX Current Index to Science and Technical Literature
earth.sc.通用科学技术信息系统universal system for information in science and technology
tech.重大科学技术成就breakthrough in science and technology
gen.防蚀科学技术协会Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology
earth.sc.阿拉伯国家区域科学技术Regional Office for Science and Technology in the Arab States
avia.陆军科学和技术目标指南army scientific and technical objectives guide
earth.sc.非洲科学技术促进会African Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology
desert.非洲科学技术咨询委员会African Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
org.name.非洲科学技术研究机构网络African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions
earth.sc.非洲区域科学技术Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa (UNESCO, Kenya)
earth.sc.非洲区域科学技术Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa
org.name.非洲科学及技术研究机构网络African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions
earth.sc.非洲统一组织科学技术和研究委员会Organization of African Unity/Scientific Technical and Research Commission
earth.sc.韩国科学技术信息中心Korean Scientific and Technologic Information Center
earth.sc.韩国科学技术学会联合会Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
earth.sc.韩国科学技术研究所Korean Institute of Science and Technology
avia.韩国科学技术研究院Korean Institute of Science and Technology
nautic., tech.韩国海洋科学技术Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
avia.〔韩〕韩国科学和技术情报中心Korea Scientific and Technological Information Center
gen.食品科学与技术文摘Food Science and Technology Abstracts
gen.食品科学与技术趋势Trends in Food Science & Technology
agric.高新科学技术advanced science and technology
earth.sc.高级科学技术研究协会Advanced Scientific Techniques Research Association US
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