
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 私人 | all forms | in specified order only
私人部门的债权claims on private sector
总裁私人助理Personal Assistant to the Managing Director
服务出口国和私人转移接受国exporters of services and recipients of private transfers
私人企业private enterprise
私人储蓄private savings
私人储蓄personal savings
私人和公共部门合作伙伴public-private partnership
私人收益率private rate of return
私人消费支出private consumption expenditure
私人消费支出personal consumption expenditure
私人票据private paper
私人股本private equity
私人财产personal property
私人财产personal effects
私人货币供给量private money supply
私人部门private sector Paris Club
私人部门消费private consumption
私人部门的参与private sector involvement financial crises
私人非营利机构private nonprofit entity
私人非营利机构private nonprofit institution
私人部门参与营救bail in