
Terms for subject United States containing | all forms
国家天文和电层中心National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
地球出发级脱地球轨道级earth departure stage
宇宙热星际等子体试验卫星Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer Satellite
极区电层 X 射线成像实验polar ionospheric X-ray imaging experiment
极轨电层信标导航卫星polar ionospheric beacon satellite
极轨等子体实验室polar plasma laboratory
层观测纳卫星编队iono spheric observation nanosatellite formation
子体推进实验室plasma propulsion laboratory
子体物理实验室plasma physics laboratory
子体相互作用实验plasma interaction experiment
轨道无线电信标电层校正卫星orbiting radio beacon ionospheric satellite-calibration
近地等子体起源计划origin of plasma in the earth's neighborhood