
Terms for subject Technology containing 禁 区 | all forms | in specified order only
临时禁猎区temporary hunting prohibited area
在禁止超车区画出中线center lining of no-passing zone
宙斯禁猎区sanctuary of Zeus
市区高峰时禁止停车道路urban clearway
暂时禁猎区temporary hunting prohibited area
海上禁捕marine preserve
猎物禁猎区game reserve
禁人区exclusion area
禁伐区emergency forest
禁伐林区emergency district
禁区excluded region
禁区control area
禁区non-accessible lot
禁区restricted zone
禁区fenced-off area
禁区closed area
禁区注记cautionary note
禁区界线limit of prohibited area
禁区界线forbidden zone
禁区界线boundary line
禁区跃迁forbidden transition
禁止开矿地区abandoned mining area
禁止抛锚区anchorage-prohibited area
禁止航行区域prohibited area
禁止超车区no-passing zone
禁止超车区no-overtaking zone
禁止超车区non zone
禁止超车区non-passing zone
禁止通行区prohibited pass area
禁止通车区traffic-free encave
禁止通车区traffic-free precinct
禁止通车区traffic-free area
禁止飞行区prohibited flight area
禁渔区no fishing period
禁渔区marine preserve
禁渔区closed season
禁渔区close fishing area
禁渔区forbidden fishing zone
禁渔区game preserve
禁渔区forbidden zone for fishing
禁渔区area closed to fishing
禁猎区sanctuary game refuge
禁猎区shooting preserve
禁猎区wildlife reserves
禁猎区game refuge (策略)
禁猎区图game map
禁用区keep-out area
禁航区prohibited area
禁航区restricted navigation zone
禁航区closed area
禁航地区prohibited area
禁超车区no-passing zone
空中禁区airspace reservation
自然保护区或军事禁区unmined of natural area or military area
自然禁猎区nature sanctuary
自然禁猎区native sanctuary
车辆禁行区traffic-free precinct
车辆禁行区traffic-free encave
车辆禁行区traffic-free area
转速禁区red band
阿斯克莱禁猎区sanctuary of Asclepius
阿波罗禁猎区sanctuary of Appolo
鱼猎禁区game refuge