
Terms containing 禁 区 | all forms | in specified order only
w.polo.两米线禁区two-meter line area
tech.临时禁猎区temporary hunting prohibited area
nautic., tech.主机转速禁区barred-speed range
space全面禁区total exclusion zone
China, law军事禁区military restricted zone
space发射禁区launching prohibition zone
space发射禁区launch forbidden area
w.polo.四米线禁区four-meter line area
footb.禁区in front of the box
gen.在禁止超车区划出中线centre-lining of no-passing zone
tech.在禁止超车区画出中线center lining of no-passing zone
UN, polit.在萨拉热窝临时禁区内停止敌对行动的框架Framework for a cessation of hostilities within the Sarajevo temporary exclusion zone
el.安全禁区safety for bidden zone
tech.宙斯禁猎区sanctuary of Zeus
China, law封禁保护区enclosed and forbidden reserves
auto.市区禁止停车道路urban clear-way
tech.市区高峰时禁止停车道路urban clearway
expl.意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone
econ.打破禁区break off a forbidden zone
space放射禁区radiation exclusion area
gen.放射禁区radiological exclusion area
space放射性禁区radiological exclusion area
tech.暂时禁猎区temporary hunting prohibited area
el.最小禁区距离minimum exclusion distance
desert.木萨米迪禁猎区Mossamedes (安哥拉)
desert.木萨米迪禁猎区Mocamedes (安哥拉)
space核辐射禁区radiation exclusion area
tech.海上禁捕marine preserve
archit.海上禁捕区marine reserve
agric.海洋禁捕区marine preserve
tech.猎物禁猎区game reserve
fig.skat.球门禁区goal crease
el.电气禁区electrically prohibited area
construct.exclusion area
IT禁人区prohibited area
tech.禁人区exclusion area
tech.禁伐区emergency forest
forestr.禁伐区preserve area
ecol.禁伐区reserve forest
el.禁伐林区forest reserve
agric.禁伐林区timber reserve
tech.禁伐林区emergency district
desert.禁伐禁猎区region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting
space禁入区keep-out zone (外层空间的)
oil禁入区exclusion area
avia.禁入区no-transgression zone
China, law禁养区域area where breeding of livestock and poultry is prohibited
tech.禁区closed area
tech.禁区non-accessible lot
tech.禁区restricted zone
tech.禁区fenced-off area
oil禁区forbidden region
space禁区off limits area
space禁区forbidden area
gymn.禁区纵跳马项目禁止接触的部位forbidden zone of contact
tenn.禁区端线与发球线之间的场区forbidden zone
gymn.禁区forbidden zone of contact
exhib.禁区off-limits areas
met.禁区forbidden range
el.禁区exclusion section
el.禁区exclusion area
met.禁区forbidden zone
interntl.trade.禁区prohibited area
textile禁区prohibited zone
textile禁区exclusion area
footb.禁区penalty zone
footb.禁区penalty box
footb.禁区penalty area
UN禁区keep-out zones
sport, bask.禁区restricted area
sport, bask.禁区painted area
busin.禁区no-go area
tech.禁区excluded region
tech.禁区control area
gen.禁区closed security zone
gen.禁区forbidden ground
gen.禁区no man zone
avia.禁区out of bounds
gen.禁区no man land
sport, bask.禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域restricted area near the basket
tech.禁区注记cautionary note
earth.sc.禁区界线forbidden zone boundary line
tech.禁区界线limit of prohibited area
space禁区界线forbidden zone boundary
tech.禁区界线forbidden zone
tech.禁区界线boundary line
el.禁区能级forbidden band
tech.禁区跃迁forbidden transition
nucl.pow.禁区边界exclusion area boundary
el.禁区边界exclusion zone boundary
sport, bask.禁区顶端top of the circle
space禁区飞行confined area operation
space禁射击区no fire area
avia.禁射区no-fire area
avia.禁射区dead zone
expl.禁戒区exclusion area
fish.farm.禁捕区no-take zones
oil禁止作业区no-permit area
auto.禁止停车区no-parking zone
auto.禁止停车区non-stopping zone
auto.禁止停车区no-waiting zone
auto.禁止停车区box junction
oil禁止区exclusion area
avia.禁止区域prohibited area
space禁止单独行动区no-lone zone
space禁止射击区restricted fire area
tech.禁止开矿地区abandoned mining area
tech.禁止抛锚区anchorage-prohibited area
econ.禁止捕鱼区a forbidden fishing zone
tech.禁止航行区域prohibited area
tech.禁止超车区no-passing zone
auto.交通禁止超车区no-overtaking zone
tech.禁止超车区no-overtaking zone
tech.禁止超车区non zone
tech.禁止超车区non-passing zone
tech.禁止通行区prohibited pass area
tech.禁止通车区traffic-free encave
tech.禁止通车区traffic-free precinct
tech.禁止通车区traffic-free area
tech.禁止飞行区prohibited flight area
skydive.禁止飞行区域prohibited flight area
tech.禁渔区close fishing area
ecol.禁渔区closure of fishing areas
tech.禁渔区closed season
tech.禁渔区area closed to fishing
tech.禁渔区forbidden fishing zone
agric.禁渔区closed fishing ground
tech.禁渔区game preserve
China, law禁渔区restricted fishing
tech.禁渔区no fishing period
tech.禁渔区marine preserve
forestr., fish.farm.禁渔区preserve area
tech.禁渔区forbidden zone for fishing
fishery禁渔区closed area
space禁火区no fire area
construct.禁猎〔禁伐〕 区preserve area
China, law禁猎区area closed to hunting
anim.husb.禁猎区wildlife reserve
construct.禁猎区game refuge
tech.禁猎区shooting preserve
tech.禁猎区wildlife reserves
hunt.禁猎区refuge wildlife
tech.禁猎区sanctuary game refuge
desert.禁猎区game cover
environ.禁猎区game reserve
tech.禁猎区game refuge (策略)
desert.禁猎区preserve area
desert.禁猎区game preserve
fish.farm.禁猎区sanctuary zone
ecol.禁猎区suspended hunting area
tech.禁猎区图game map
tech.禁用区keep-out area
met.禁能量区forbidden energy range
tech.禁航区prohibited area
tech.禁航区restricted navigation zone
tech.禁航区closed area
interntl.trade.禁航区域prohibited area
tech.禁航地区prohibited area
tech.禁超车区no-passing zone
skydive.禁飞区prohibited flight area
space禁飞区keep out zone
avia.禁飞区prohibited area
avia.禁飞区no-fly zone
space空中禁区airspace restriction
polit.空中禁区restricted air space
tech.空中禁区airspace reservation
China, law空中军事禁区military restricted airspace
gen.站立禁区the forbidden area
sport, bask.篮下禁区restricted area near the basket
w.polo.4米禁区four-metre area
w.polo.2米禁线区two-metre area
scub.4 米禁线区4-meter area
China, law聚众冲击军事禁区gather people to assault a military restricted zone
agric.育苗禁人区seedling enclosure
met.能量禁区forbidden energy range
avia.自动冲突探测禁止区automated problem detection inhibited area
tech.自然保护区或军事禁区unmined of natural area or military area
tech.自然禁猎区nature sanctuary
tech.自然禁猎区native sanctuary
gen.表示反对收该处列为捕 禁区fish-in
hockey.裁判员滑行的禁区no-man zone
gen.请远离站立禁区Do not stand on the forbidden area
expl.超越爆破禁区的飞石unexpected flyrock
expl.超越爆破禁区的飞石wild flyrock
tech.车辆禁行区traffic-free encave
tech.车辆禁行区traffic-free precinct
tech.车辆禁行区traffic-free area
tech.转速禁区red band
nautic., tech.转速禁区restricted speed range
space辐射禁区radiological exclusion area
nautic., tech.速度禁区forbidden zone of speed
tech.阿斯克莱禁猎区sanctuary of Asclepius
tech.阿波罗禁猎区sanctuary of Appolo
auto.非本住区居民禁止通行no public thoroughfare-residents only
China, law飞入禁区fly into a prohibited area
avia.飞行禁区prohibited area
tech.鱼猎禁区game refuge
auto.路面黄格线禁停区yellow box