
Terms for subject International trade containing 票 据 | all forms | in specified order only
三等商业票据third-class commercial paper
上等票据fine paper (bill)
不可转让票据non-negotiable bill
不合格商业票据non-eligible commercial paper
不认付票据non-accepted bill
不记名票据notes to bearer
不记名票据paper to bearer
不记名票据note to bearer
不记名票据bill to bearer
不足填补票据deficiency bills
不附息票据non-interest-bearing notes
不附货运单据的汇票bill unaccompanied by document
中美洲票据交换所Central American Clearing House
买入票据bill bought
交换票据clearing of bills
2 人票据two-name paper
付出代价取得票据的执票人holder for value
代收票据collection of checks
代收票据collection bill
代收票据collection fees
代收票据collection charges (fees ;expenses)
代收票据collection charge
代收国内票据collection of domestic drafts and bills
票据为根据的交易transaction underlying the instrument
以合法代价取得票据take an instrument for value
以应收票据担保notes receivable as collateral
信用票据credit papers
信用票据credit instruments
倒填日期的票据antedated bill
借款票据loan bill
债券式票据bond notes
票据fictitious paper
票据fictitious bill
兑换票据流通期间currency of a bill
其他当事人不能主张权利或提出抗辩的票据instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties
再贴现票据bills rediscounted
再贴现票据bill rediscounted
准可转让的票据quasi-negotiable instrument
准流通票据quasi-negotiable instrument
凭指定票据bill to order
出口跟单票据outward documentary bill
分批票据lot note
到期票据bill to mature
到期票据bill to fall due
到期票据matured note
到期票据due bill
到期票据bill of maturity
到期未付票据overdue bill
午后票据交换afternoon clearing
单名票据single name paper
单名票据single name note
即付票据demand bill
即付票据note on demand
即期票据bill payable cm demand
即期票据demand note
即期票据sight bill
即期票据note at sight (or demand)
即期票据bill at sight
双记名票据票上有出票人及背书人签名two named paper
发通融票据空头支票,用空头支票筹款fly a kite
票据法保护的执票人protected holder
可贴现票据bankable bill
可转移票据negotiable papers
可转让票据negotiable paper
可转让票据stock warrants
可转让票据negotiable instruments
可转让有价票据negotiable instrument (paper)
可转让的信用票据negotiable credit instrument
可靠票据first-class paper
合格票据eligible papers
合格商业票据eligible commercial paper
合格的认可的票据approved bill
合法票据eligible bill
合法的票据just bill
商业票据mercantile paper
商业票据trade bill
商业票据mercantile bill
商业票据commercial instrument
商业票据trade paper
商业票据commercial bill
商业票据business papers
商业票据商业汇票commercial bill (notes)
商业票据市场commercial notes market
商业票据市场commercial paper market
商业票据托收collection of commercial paper
商业票据托收统一规则1955年国际商会颁订uniform rules for the collection of commercial paper
商业票据托收统一规则uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers
商业票据承销公司commercial paper house
商业可流通的票据commercial negotiable instrument
商业应收票据trade note receivable
商业承兑票据trade acceptance
商品票据merchandise note
固定票据fixed bill
国际贸易上选用的特别流通票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international transactions
国际贸易上选用的记名式票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international transactions
基础票据underlying instrument
填迟日期票据post-date a bill
外国银行票据foreign bank bills
外埠付款票据domiciled bill
外埠付款票据domicile bill
外埠存款票据domiciled bill
定期票据day bill
票据上的义务已告解除的票据当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
票据权利转让他人indorse over to
工业票据industrial bill
已作拒付证书的应收票据notes receivable protested
市外票据交换额out of town clearings
应付票据bills payable
应付票据notes payable
应付票据bill payable
应付票据账户bills payable account
应付合伙人票据partner's notes payable
应付抵押票据mortgage notes payable
应付未付票据bills payable
应付未付票据bill payable
应付长期票据long-term notes payable
应收票据bills receivable
应收票据bill receivable
应收票据贴现notes receivable discounted
应收客户票据notes receivable, trade
应收抵押票据mortgage notes receivable
应收未收票据bills receivable
应收未收票据bill receivable
应收股东票据notes receivable from officers, stockholders and employers
应负票据上的责任liable on a bill of exchange
票据drawing of a bill of exchange
成套流通票据negotiable instruments drawn in sets
成收票据notes receivable
托收票据collection bill
托收票据bills for collection
托收票据bill for collection
托运人远期票据shipper's usance
执票人票据bearer bill
承兑票据acceptance of bill
承兑票据acceptance bill (draft)
承兑票据公司acceptance corporation
承兑票据到期记录帐目acceptance maturity record
承兑票据的提示presentment for acceptance
承兑票据通知advice of bill accepted
承担票据上的义务liable on the bill
抵押票据mortgage note
押汇票据commodity paper
担保票据surety for a bill
担保票据guaranteed bill
拒付票据dishonoured notes
拒付票据bill of dishonor
拒付应收票据notes receivable dishonored
指定到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date
指示票据order instrument paper
提示票据的合理时间reasonable time
支付票据bill of payment
支付票据bills of payment
支付到期的票据meet a bill
收回的票据retired bill
收货票据goods received note
无息票据non-interest-bearing notes
无记名票据bearer instrument
无记名票据bill of bearer
无记名票据bearer bill
普通商业票据bill drawn in the regular course of business
更改票据altered bill
最佳商业票据prime commercial paper
有抵押之票据bill with collateral securities
有抵押品的票据bills with collateral securities
有附件的票据bill with attached documents
本地票据local bill
杀价收购票据shave a note
来取即付的票据bill payable cm demand
根据X X国海关法令证实发票certified invoice in accordance with XX customs regulations
根据票据主张的权利rights to and upon the instrument
根据票据外的关系提出的诉讼action outside the instrument
根据信用证付款的汇票bill drawn on a letter of credit
根据票外的关系提出诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
根据跟单信用证所开的汇票bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit
次等票据second class paper
注明付款地点的票据domicile bill
注销遗失的票据cancellation of a lost instrument
流通票据negotiable papers
流通票据stock warrants
由个人签发或背书的流通票据straight paper
以背书转让的流通票据negotiable instruments
流通票据negotiable bill
浮动汇率票据floating-rate notes
海军票据navy bill
清算票据clearing of bills
特定票据付与指定的人bill payable to a specified person only
用不抵用的票据进行交易kiting transaction
直接票据direct paper
短期票据short term notes
票据purchase notes
票据上指明付款地点domiciliation of an instrument
票据上的保证人giver of an aval
票据上的保证付款人person guaranteeing payment by avail
票据上的保证付款的人person guaranteeing payment by aval
票据上的当事人party to an instrument
票据上的权利rights arising out of the bill
票据上的责任liability on the instrument
票据上的通融人accommodation party
票据交换bills in process of clearing
票据交换员out clearer
票据交换所业务clearing house service
票据交换所之报表clearing house statement
票据交换所代理人clearing house agent
票据交换所借据clearing house due bill
票据交换所借贷决算表clearing sheet
票据交换所同意券clearing house agree ticket
票据交换所存款证clearing house certificate
票据交换所差额clearing house balance
票据交换所控制帐clearing house in-book
票据交换所清算单clearing house statement
票据交换所的报表clearing house statement
票据交换所监察员clearing house inspector
票据交换所贷证证帐clearing house out book
票据交换表clearing house statement
票据交换部门clearing house department
票据交换银行clearing bank
票据交易exchange of negotiable instrument
票据交易exchange by bills
票据交易中的双方parties of bill
票据付款的提示presentment for payment
票据付款通知advice of bill paid
票据副本copy of draft
票据副本copy of a bill
票据note teller
票据处理处Bill Blisters
票据外的证据evidence outside the instrument
票据外的责任liability outside the instrument
票据市场bill market
票据当事人parties to an instrument
票据或证券上的记载事项statements in the instrument
票据托收collection of the instrument
票据托收collection of bill
票据承兑acceptance of a bill of exchange
票据承兑业acceptance business
票据承兑利率acceptance rate
票据抵押贷款loan on notes
票据抵押贷款loan on bills
票据拒付证书protest of bills
票据支付期time of maturity
票据收款通知advice of bill collected
票据日记账note journal
票据汇兑exchange by bills
票据negotiable instruments law
票据law relating to negotiable instruments
票据law of negotiable instruments
票据法上的义务obligation arising out of the instrument
票据法上的抗辩权defense upon the bill
票据登记簿note register
票据的互相承认reciprocal recognition of negotiable instruments
票据的币制currency of a bill
票据的拒付dishonor of bill
票据签发日期date of bill
票据管理人bill clerk
票据簿notes book
票据簿bills book (register)
票据经纪人note broker
票据经纪人bill broker
票据经纪人的汇水表,exchange broker’s quotation
票据背后的交易票据所根据的交易transaction underlying the instrument
票据议付negotiation of bills
票据贴现notes discounted
票据贴现discounting of bill
票据贴现商bill discounter
票据贴现押金bill discount deposit
票据贴现经纪人discount broker
票据金额amount of the instrument
票据高升水shaving (a note)
税收共付票据tax anticipation note
空白票据blank bill
立即支付的票据bill payable cm demand
第三人对票据的付款保证guarantee by aval
经公证人签署的承兑票据notarial act of honour
经公证人签署的承兑票据notarial act of honor
美元票据的支付期限dollar usance
美国联邦储备银行接受再兑现的票据eligible bill
背书票据将权利转让他人endorse over a bill to another one
背签票据endorse a bill
融通票据关系人accommodation parties
行使票据上的追索权recourse claim
见票即付票据on demand
见票即付票据demand bill
见票即付之票据note at sight (or demand)
见票即付存款票据demand certificate
见票即付款的票据instrument payable on demand
见票即付的票据demand note
见票即付的票据bill at sight
见票后付款之票据note after sight
见票后即付款票据bill payable at sight
记名式票据special bill
货币市场票据money market paper
货运票据shipping papers
贴现票据notes on discount
贴现票据discounted notes
贴现票据discount on check
贴现票据discounted bill
贴现票据经纪人discount broker
贷方票据credit note
贷款票据long bills issued in the operation of lending foreign money
资金通融票据preferential bill
赎回票据bills retired
赎回的票据retired bill
跟单押汇票据documentary bill (draft)
跟单票据documentary bill
转期票据notes renewals
转期票据note renewals
过期票据past due notes
过期应收票据notes receivable past due
进口贸易票据import trade bill
退回票据return bill
通用票据negotiable papers
通融票据accommodation bill (or note or paper)
通货票据currency note
重定票据renewing of bills
重定票据renewal of bill
银行票据banker's draft
银行票据banker's bill
银行票据交换所bank clearing house
银行票据交换所banker's clearing house
银行票据note teller
银行长期票据bank long bill
长期票据long dated paper
附息票据interest-bearing note
附担保贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
附有担保品的票据bills with collateral securities
附有担保品的票据bill with collateral securities
附有货运单据的汇票bill accompanied by document
附条款票据claused bill
限期票据demand notes
集中票据清算central clearance
非指定式的票据not to order
非流通票据nonnegotiable instruments
非贴现票据non-discountable bill
须签字盖章照付之票据bill to order
须签字盖章照付的票据bill to order
预填日期票据post-date a bill
预支票据船员在航行中因预支薪水交给船主的票据advance note