
Terms for subject Finances containing 票 据 | all forms | in specified order only
不利的票据清算adverse clearing
不可提前赎回票据non-callable notes
不可贴现票据non-discountable bill
不可转让票据non-negotiable note
不可转让的无息票据non-manufacturing non-interest-bearing note
不完全票据incomplete bill
不能兑现的银行票据irredeemable bank note
与掉期挂钩票据swap-linked notes
两人签名票据two-named paper
个人票据individual bill
《中华人民共和国票据法》Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China
中央银行开出的票据bill drawn by the central bank
中期票据medium-term note
中期票据市场medium-term note market
中长期票据收买业务forfeiting (又称"买断"包买票据",是一种以无追索权形式为出口商贴现大额远期票据提供融资并能防范信贷风险与汇价风险的金融服务。)
买人票据贴现discount on bills bought
交易票据instrument of exchange
他行提出交换的本行票据in clearing
票据手续费collection fees
代收票据手续费charges on bills for collection
以商业票据支付payment in commercial papers
以应收票据担保note receivable as collateral
优先票据senior note
优等票据first class bill
优等票据fine bill
优良票据hot bill
信托收据汇票document against trust receipt
信用票据clean bill (fine trade paper, white paper)
信用票据bill of credit
信用挂钩票据credit-linked note (指与货币市场票据相联系的、将普通的固定收益证券与信用违约互换相结合的一种信用衍生产品。CLN 的购买者提供信用保护,一旦 CLN 的基础资产出现违约问题,CLN 的购买者就要承担违约所造成的损失)
信贷票据credit bill
信贷票据交换所credit clearing house
债务票据debt instrument
债务票据debt papers
债务票据debt bill
债务人票据debtor note
票据false bill
公债作抵押的票据贴现discount of bill with government bond as collateral
公司票据corporation paper
公司内部票据inter company notes
公司间往来票据inter-company notes
共同票据joint note
共同及个别承兑票据joint-and-several promissory note
再贴规票据帐户bills rediscounted account
减少贴现票据的持有量reduce holdings of discounted bills
票据支付payment by bill
分期付款票据bill payable by installment
分期应收票据installment notes receivable
分期股票收据instalment scrip
到期付款票据bill on maturity
"勒束式"股票挂钩票据range equity-linked instrument
单一票据single bill
单名票据single-name paper
单名票据single-name note
即付票据bill payable on demand
即将到期票据maturing notes
即期票据note at sight
即期票据note at demand
双记名票据double-name paper
反向浮动利率票据inverse floating rate notes
反向浮动利率票据inverted floater
反向浮动利率票据reverse floater
反向浮动利率票据inverted floating rate notes
反向浮动利率票据inverse floater
反向转换票据reverse convertible note
取消票据贴现利率管制scrap controls on bill discount rates
可交割票据deliverable bill
可以背书转让的票据negotiable credit instruments
可变利率票据variable-rate note
可变利率即期票据variable-rate demand note
可转让票据negotiable note
可转让票据assignable instrument
可转让票据互相承认reciprocal recognition of negotiable instruments
可转让票据兑换exchange of negotiable instrument
可转让信用票据negotiable credit instrument
可转让债务票据negotiable debt instrument
合格再贴现票据eligible bill for rediscounting
合格商业票据eligible bill commercial paper
合格银行商业票据利率eligible bank bill rate
售出票据贴现discount on bills sold
售出外国票据汇票foreign bills sold
《商业票据托收统一规则》Uniform Rules for the Collection of Commercial Paper
商业票据贴现率discount rate of a commercial bill
固定利率票据fixed-rate paper
国内票据inland bill
国内票据inland note
国内票据承兑domestic acceptance
国库票据Treasury note (美国政府发行的一种中期债券,最小面值为1000美元,期限为1 ~10年,可用现金申购,用已到期或未到期的政府债券进行交换,或以拍卖等方式出售,利息以息票支付)
国库票据期权Treasury note option
在银行付款的票据note payable at bank
填迟日期票据post-dated bill
外国银行票据foreign bank notes
外币贷款票据long bills issued in the operation of lending foreign money
外汇票据piece of foreign exchange
外汇票据foreign items
外汇基金票据exchange fund bill
外汇基金债务票据exchange fund debt instrument
外资银行承兑票据foreign acceptances
多元票据发行融通安排multiple component facility
央行票据central bank bill
存疑票据doubtful bill
定期票据term bill
定期付款票据bill payable on fixed date
定期付款票据bill payable at a fixed date
定期付款票据bill payable after date
定期存款票据time certificate
定期支付票据bill payable on fixed date
定期见票即付票据term sight bill
实际拒付票据actual dishonor bill
票据的权利主张rights to and upon the instrument
巡回票据circular note
已作拒付证书的应收票据note receivable protested
已开出票据drawn bill
已清偿票据bill retired
已背书票据backed bill
已背书应收票据帐户科目notes receivable endorsed account
已背书应收票据帐户科目note receivable endorsed account
已背书的应收票据notes receivable endorsed
已背书的应收票据note receivable endorsed
已贴现票据帐户note discounted a/c
已贴现票据账户discounted bill account
已贴现可流通票据discounted negotiable instrument
已贴现应收票据notes and bills receivable discounted
已贴现应收票据note and bill receivable discounted
已贴现应收票据note receivable discounted
巳作拒付证书的应收票据notes receivable protested
巳作拒付证书的应收票据note receivable protested
应付票据notes payable (bills payable)
应付票据note payable
应付票据到期登记簿bill payable maturity book
应付票据审计audit of notes payable
应付票据note payable account
应付票据帐户note payable account
应付票据帐户notes payable account
应付票据帐户bills payable account
应付票据帐簿bills payable book
应付票据折价discount on notes payable
应付票据登记簿note payable register
应付票据簿notes payable book
应付票据簿note payable book
应付合伙人票据partner note payable
应付商业票据trade notes payable
应付外国票据汇票foreign bills payable
应付已背书票据帐户endorsed notes payable account
应付按揭票据mortgage note payable
应付短期票据贴现discount on short-term bills payable
应付背书票据endorsed note payable
应付背书票据账户endorsed note payable account
应付进口票据账户import bill payable account
应付长期票据long-term notes receivable
应收票据note receivable
应收票据bills receivable book
应收票据与应收承兑汇票的贴现discounting notes and acceptances receivable
应收票据与承兑票据notes and acceptances receivable
应收票据与承兑票据note and acceptances receivable
应收票据交易的分录entries for note receivable transactions
应收票据估价valuation of notes receivable
应收票据帐户note receivable a/c
应收票据帐户note receivable account
应收票据帐户notes receivable account
应收票据帐户bill receivable account
应收票据帐簿bills receivable register
应收票据担保note receivable as collateral
应收票据登记簿notes receivable register
应收票据登记簿note receivable register
应收票据簿notes receivable journal
应收票据簿note receivable journal
应收票据贴现note receivable discounted
应收票据贴现收益gain from discounting notes
应收分期偿还票据折价discount on installment contracts receivable
应收商业票据notes receivable from trade
应收商业票据note receivable from trade
应收商业承兑票据trade acceptance receivable
应收外国票据汇票foreign bills receivable
应收客户票据notes receivable trade
应收客户票据note receivable from customers
应收客户票据notes receivable from customers
应收客户票据note receivable trade
应收已背书票据帐户endorsed notes receivable a/c
应收承兑票据promissory notes receivable
应收抵押票据mortgage note receivable
应收按揭票据mortgage note receivable
应收未决票据doubtful bill receivable
应收职员、股东及雇员票据notes receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
应收联营公司票据notes due to affiliated company
应收联营公司票据note due to affiliated company
应收股东票据note receivable from stockholders
应收背书票据账户endorsed note receivable account
应收长期票据long-term notes receivable
应收长期票据long-term notes payable
或有票据负债contingent liability incurred by notes
托收票据collecting note
,托收票据bill for collection
承兑票据bill acceptance
承兑票据到期日acceptance maturity
承兑一张票据honour a bill
承兑一张票据honor a bill
抵押票据bill as collateral
押汇票据兑现documentary bill for negotiation
担保票据security bill
拒付票据dishonored note
拒付票据dishonored bill
拒付票据dishonoured notes account
拒付应收票据notes receivable dishonoured
拒付应收票据dishonored note receivable
拒付应收票据note receivable dishonoured
拒绝承兑票据non-accepted bill
指定支付地点的贴现票据domiciled discounted bill
指定收款人票据bill payable to order
指数货币期权票据index currency option note
按揭票据mortgage note
提出承兑票据presentment for acceptance
支票及票据对存款总额比率ratio of checks and bills to total deposits
收入票据received note
收益率曲线票据yield curve note
整年票据year bill
票据清算certificateless clearing
无优先权票据subordinated note
无息票据non-interest bearing note
无抬头人银行票据banker's blank bill
无担保票据straight paper
无担保票据unsecured bill
无担保票据unsecured note
无担保票据uncovered note
无担保票据资产unsecured paper assets
无担保贴现票据unsecured discount bill
无期限浮动利率票据undated floating rate note
无条件票据托收collection on clean bill
无法兑付的票据uncollectible note
无法收现的票据uncollectible notes
无法收现的应收票据uncollectible notes receivable
无注明日期票据undated bill
无记名票据blank letter of bill
无记名票据bill payable to bearer
无记名票据bill drawn payable to bearer
无证券担保票据bill without collateral securities
无追索权票据bill without recourse
早填日期的票据back-dated bill
显示票据presentation of bill
有上下限的浮动利率票据collar floating rate note
有上限的浮动利率票据capped floating rate note
有下限的浮动利率票据floor floating rate note
有信用票据fine paper
有信用票据fine bill
有信用商业票据fine trade bill
有利率上限的浮息票据capped note
有抵押品的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
有担保票据secured note
有担保票据secured bill
有担保应付票据secured notes payable
有问题票据doubtful bill
未付票据unpaid bill
未支付的票据bills unprovided for
本期票据current papers
杂项交换票据miscellaneous exchange order
来人票据bearer instruments (paper)
欧洲中期票据Euro notes
欧洲定期票据Euro term loan
注迟日期票据post-dated instruments
流动收益期权票据liquid yield option note
流通票据running bill
流通票据negotiable document
浮动利率票据variable-rate note
浮动利率票据floating-rate paper
浮动利率票据floating-rate note
浮动利率票据floating-rate bill
浮动利率即期票据variable-rate demand note
清理逾期票据clean up past-due bills
清算所到期票据clearing house due bills
特定票据付与指定的人,不能转让bill payable to a specified person only
现付票据bills payable in cash
现金票据cash note
现金票据美国银行cash items department
生息票据interest-bearing note
电子票据兑换electronic bill presentment and payment
真正票据bona fide paper
真正票据bona fide bill
短期票据short-term instruments
短期票据current paper
短期票据current note
短期票据short-term notes
短期商业票据short trade bill
短期商业票据市场market for short-term commercial paper
短期应付票据short-term notes payable
短期资金市场票据short-term money market paper
票据bill and note
银行水兑的票据bank paper
票据之清偿payment of a note
票据交换bill exchange
票据交换bank clearing
票据交换业务clearing service
票据交换中心clearing center
票据交换差额clearing balance
票据交换所settlement house
票据交换服务热线中心clearing service call center
票据交换费用clearing expense
票据交提日期date of clearance
票据信贷bill finance
票据信贷bill credit
票据债务debt in bill
票据债权credit in bills
票据再融资bill refinance
票据再融资方式bill refinance form
票据再贴现bill rediscounted
票据再转让银行renegotiating bank
票据分录簿note journal
票据到期bill to fall due (to mature)
票据到期以新票据抵偿的分录entries for a renewal note
票据到期兑现的分录entries for collection of notes
票据到期如拒付的分录entries ir note is dishonored
票据印花税documentary stamp tax
票据发行bill issue
票据发行便利note issuance facilities
票据合同contract of commercial paper
票据合同contract of bill
票据回收款簿collection book for bills
票据契约contract of commercial paper
票据展期renewal of bill
票据岀售sale of bills
票据已付款通知advice of bill paid
票据已收款通知advice of bill collected
票据市场acceptance market
票据当事人party of bill
票据托收人bill collector
票据承兑分类账acceptance ledger
票据抬头人order of bill
票据拒付dishonor of bill
票据拒付证明书certificate of protest
票据支付payment of note
票据支付期限排列assortment of usances
票据收款人payee of bill
票据放款贷款bill loan
票据日期term of bill
票据日记帐note journal
票据清算差额基金fund for clearing balance
票据登记簿bill register
票据登记簿bill book
票据登记簿note register (notes book or bills book)
票据登记簿notes register
票据登记簿note of register
票据签发后过天付款pay…days after date
票据简约summary contract of a bill
票据簿note register (notes book or bills book)
票据簿note book
票据簿bill book (register notes book)
票据纠纷案件controversy over commercial paper
票据纠纷案件controversy over commercial instruments
票据经纪佣金bill brokerage
票据经销商paper dealer
票据结算settlement of a bill
票据股利scrip dividend
票据股息scrip dividend
票据要项essential elements
票据记后after date
票据责任liability for commercial instrument
票据贴现note discounted
票据贴现discounted notes
票据贴现note discount
票据贴现discount on notes
票据贴现保证金bill discount deposit
票据贴现净得net avails
票据贴现市场acceptance market
票据贴现率bill discount rate
票据贴现经纪人bill discount broker
票据转让transfer of bill
票据通知书drawing advice
票据钱数打眼机check protector
票据面额face value of note
票据面额face value of instrument
税收预期票据或供付证tax-anticipation note (or warrant)
空头票据accommodation note
空头票据accommodation kite
空白票据inchoate instrument
空白背书票据bill endorsed in blank
签发票据issuance of a note
签名于票据的背面back a bill
系列浮动利率票据serial floating rate notes
结构性票据structured note (结构性票据是场外产品,它将数种不同成分捆绑在一起,以组建单种产品,通常是在债务工具(如中期债券)中嵌人期权。结构性票据/债券一般是以对市场的观点为导向,并且其设计目的通常是吸引具有高度集中的风险/回报需求和市场观点的投资者)
结算票据bill for clearing
美元票据宽限期dollar usance
美元承兑票据dollar acceptance bills
联合票据joint note
联邦储备商业票据综合指数Federal Reserve Commercial Paper Composite
股息票据dividend coupon
股票挂钩票据equity-linked note
股票挂钩票据equity-linked instruments
股票挂钩负债票据equity-linked debt instruments
股票指数联系票据equity index-linked note
背书票据表示必要时即行付款back a bill
背书票据endorsed note
英格兰银行票据bank of England bill
英镑承付票据sterling acceptance bill
虚拟票据fictitious paper
虚构票据made bill
融通票据欠单accommodation paper
融通票据accommodation bill
融通票据accommodation note
融通票据关系人accommodation party
融通票据背书accommodation endorsement
融通票据背书人accommodation endorser
见票即付票据bill on demand
见票即付票据bill at sight
见票即付票据bill at sight (demand bill)
见票后... 天付款票据bill at... days after sight
见票后一定时期承付票据bill after sight
见票后即付的票据note at demand
见票后远期付款票据bill payable at long sight
见票后远期照付票据bill payable at long sight
见票或到期后分次承付的票据bill at usance
计息票据interest-bearing note
认付票据bill for acceptance
议付票据bill negotiated
记名票据bill drawn to order
证券商票据dealer paper
证券担保票据bill with collateral securities
证券担保的贴现票据bill discounted with collateral securities
请求认付票据帐簿book of bill for acceptance
负责总付票据back a bill
货币市场票据money market instrument
质押票据bill as security
贴现票据note on discount
贴现票据日记账bill discounted daily list
资产担保的商业票据asset-backed commercial paper
资产担保的商业票据管道asset-backed commercial paper conduits
资本票据capital note (企业发行作为短期债务来源的定息工具)
赎回票据ranson bill
跟单票据bill with attached document
跟单贴现票据documented discount notes
转账票据transfer document
过期票据void document
过期票据overdue paper
过期票据past-due notes
过期票据overdue note
过期应收票据note receivable past dus
过期应收票据notes receivable past dus
过期应收票据note receivable past due
过期的贴现票据bill discounted overdue
远期票据post-dated bill
远期票据long note
通知短期票据demand master note
通知贷款票据call-loan dealer's bill
通融票据wind bill
通融汇划票据accommodation bill
通融票据banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money
通融票据accommodation bill (kite-flyer)
通过交换托收的银行票据bank exchanges
逾期票据delinquent note
金币票据gold dollar bill
金融票据financial bill
金融票据financial instruments
金融票据finance paper
金融票据期货financial instrument futures
金融票据诈骗fraud against financial instruments
金融票据诈骗罪crime of fraud against financial instruments
金边票据gilt-edged bill (指由信誉度极高的公司签发、承兑和背书的票据)
银行票据bank's bill
银行票据bank bill (banker’s draft, bank draft, bank paper)
银行票据承兑率banker's acceptance rate
银行同业融资票据inter-bank financing bills
银行应收未收票据bank float
银行承兑票据bankable bill
银行承兑票据bank acceptance
银行贴现票据bankable bill
银行邮汇票据bank post bill
错配式票据mismatch note
长期票据long paper
长期票据long dated bill
长期浮动利率票据long-term floating rate note
附单票据bill with attached document
附息票据interest bill of exchange
附息票据彡生息券interest-bearing note
附担保的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
附条件票据claused bill
附条件票据承兑qualified acceptance of bill
附追索权票据bill with recourse
零息票票据zero-coupon note
预付票据advance draft
预付票据advance bill