
Terms for subject China containing 票 据 | all forms | in specified order only
保全票据权利preservation of right on the instrument
到期的票据matured instrument
根据候选人得票多少的顺序by the order of the number of votes that the nominees have obtained
涉外票据negotiable instrument involving foreign elements
票据上的记载事项particulars specified on a negotiable instrument
票据业务deal with negotiable instruments
票据债务人person liable for a negotiable instrument
票据当事人party to a negotiable instrument
票据承兑与贴现acceptance and discounting of negotiable instrument
票据权利right on a negotiable instrument
票据the Negotiable Instruments Law
票据活动activities involving negotiable instruments
票据管理administration of negotiable instruments
票据纠纷bill dispute
票据行为acts involving negotiable instruments
票据责任liability on a negotiable instrument
票据金额sum on a negotiable instrument
行使票据权利exercise the right on a negotiable instrument
转让票据权利assignment of right on the bill
金融票据诈骗finance bills swindle