
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一元钞one-dollar bill
一套汇set of bills (包括:汇票第一张 (first of exchange), 汇票第二张 (second of exchange))
一张大金额支解入他的账户A large check was paid into his account
一百美元的支check for US $100
一等商业prime commercial paper
三十天期的汇draft at 30 days sight
上等gilt-edged bill
不可转让unalienable paper
不可转让的non-negotiable instruments
不可转让的期non-negotiable notes
不可靠的股blue sky shares
不合格的银行汇承兑ineligible acceptance
不能贴现的non-discountable bill
不记名note to bearer (与记名票据 (note to order) 相对)
不附息亦缩为 X. C.ex coupon
不附息non-interest-bearing note (与附息票据 (interest-bearing note) 相对)
不附货运单据的汇clean bill
不附货运单据的汇bill unaccompanied by documents
东京据交换所Tokyo Clearing House
个人签发或背书的流通straight paper
中国银行照付的支cheque on the Bank of China
中长期应收据收买业务forfeiting business
临时股亦缩为 scr.scrip
临时股持有人scrip holder
为延期收款而填迟发日期dated billing
为接管另一企业而购买其股的岀价take-over bid
九十天期汇bill at ninety days' sight
习惯于按即期汇信用证销售货物be accustomed to selling against L/C available by sight draft
买入bill purchased
交叉开出抵用cross drawing
交易很少的股inactive stock
企业股enterprise shares
优等汇prime bill
式会计制slip system of accounting
伦敦兑现的支London cheque
伦敦银行业据交换所London Bankers' Clearing House
伪造发falsify invoices
低于面价值at a discount
作为债务抵押的股和债券-副的stocks and bonds as collateral
作抵押的股hypothecated stock
你方汇见票即付Your draft will be honoured on presentation
依照信用证所开具的汇应见票即付Drafts drawn in compliance with L/C shall be honoured on presentation
便宜股bargain stock
借款loan bills
假支bogus check
停止支付支stop a check
偿付payment of notes
偿付未付保险费支tender a check for the unearned premium
信用证clean credit (亦缩为 clean L/C)
托收clean bills collection
兑付汇retiring of draft
兑换honour a bill
英国全国据交换所National Clearing House
公司内部house paper
公司所发行的股总额capital stock
公司股corporation stocks
公开发行股public issue of shares
公证发notarized invoice
公证汇notarized draft
关于所发1,000公吨大豆,兹附寄发额外副本二份We attach hereto two extra copies of invoice covering the shipment of 1,000 M/T soybean
兹寄送我方第100号形式发一式五份Enclosed we are sending you our proforma invoice No. 100 in five copies
兹收到你方20,000美元支,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst
兹附去800美元支一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date
兹附寄汇一张Enclosed please find a money order
兹附120美元支一张A check for US $120 is enclosed
内部人对公司股的操纵manipulation of a company's securities by insiders
分割兑现支split check
创办人股promoters' share
创办人股founders' stock
到岸价格发CIF invoice
到期据兑现分录entry for collection of notes
副署的商业发countersigned commercial invoice
加发股而未增资stock watering
加批注claused bill
加拿大海关发Canada Customs Invoice
半数以上股majority of share
卖买股期权puts and calls
卖方开给买方的汇的款项须经更多时间才能由买方付清More time will pass before the bill of exchange drawn by the seller on the buyer is settled
即期prompt note
即期demand note on demand
即期据付现命令cash order
即期汇sight sight bill
即期汇demand note
即期汇bank banker's cheque
即期汇亦缩为 D/Dftdemand draft
即期汇draft A/S
即期汇,付款交单sight draft, documents against payment
即期汇汇率demand rate
参与优先股participating preference stock
双签名two name paper
发展希望很大的公司所发行的股growth stock
发行随时可换成现款的股投资公司mutual fund company
发行随时可换成现款的股投资公司mutual investment company
发货前开出的advance bill
合格商业eligible commercial bill
合法发legal invoice
向付款人再提示汇represent a draft to the drawee
向银行兑现支present a check at the bank
向银行再兑支represent a check at the bank
哄抬股行市bull stock
商业effets de commerce
商业据交换中心commercial clearing house
商业发trading invoice
商业发上的规格说明必须与信用证致The description of the goods in the commercial invoice shall correspond with that in the L/C
商业发抬头人栏内应填入买方名称The buyer's name should be given in the box of accountee
商业承兑trade acceptance bill (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
商业承兑banker's acceptance (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
商业承兑trade acceptance (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
商业承兑汇trader's acceptance (与银行承兑汇票 (banker's acceptance) 相对)
商业承兑汇merchant acceptance bill
商业本business paper
商业汇mercantile paper
商业汇mercantile bill
商号支house check
商品发merchandise invoice
据上盖章affix a seal to an instrument
在伦敦贴现discount bills in London
在承兑汇on acceptance of the bill
在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
在提示汇时照付protect a draft on presentation
在支上签字sign one's name to a cheque
在支上背书endorse a check
在流通的支circulating checks
在股市场赚了大钱clean up in the stock market
在银行兑现之前他必须在支背面签字He had to endorse the check before the bank would cash it
增改支raise a cheque
外国人股转移foreigner's shares transfer
外岀汇outgoing bill
外币应付款Foreign Currency Bills Payable
外送汇outward bill
大面值钞big bills
失效股forfeited stock
奖金股performance stock
套购股arbitrage in stocks
如不加修改,我方将无法议付汇In defect of amendment, we can not negotiate our draft
如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发金额加成10%投保综合险As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks
存款不足支no sufficient funds check
定期汇usance draft
定期汇usance bill
寄来inward bill
展期的renewed bills
后若干天days after date
授权书authority to draw
岀口跟单汇outward documentary bill
库存股repurchased stock
库存股reacquired stock
应付effets a payer
应付note payable (与应收票据(note receivable) 相对)
应付据对应付账款的比率ratio of notes payable to accounts payable
应付已背书endorsed note payable
应付抵押mortgage note payable (与应收抵押票据(mortgage note receivable) 相对)
应收effets a recevoir
应收亦缩为 B/Rbills receivable
应收据交易分录entry for note receivable transaction
应收据账目bills receivable account
应收商业trade note receivable (指期票(promissory note))
应签字照付的bill to order
make out a bill
后若干天days after date
开一张纽约银行支draw a check on New York Bank
开支write a cheek
开无记名支draw a check to bearer
开空头支kite flyer
开立光向客户收取样品费draw a clean draft on the customer for the value of samples
开立支draw a check
开立汇向买方收取余款500英镑draw a draft on the buyer for the balance of £ Stg 500
开记名支draw a check to order
开超价发over-invoicing (与开低价发票 (under-invoicing) 相对)
当期息current coupon
必须以即期汇支付Payment shall be made against sight draft
总计发上各个项目reckon up the invoice
coupon (附在债券上)
债券coupon bond (即无记名债券 (bearer bond))
支付coupon payment
我们的支付条款是即期汇支付的信用证Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight
我们相信你方将在汇提示时照付We trust you'll honour our draft on presentation
我方以发金额的110%投保仅至目的港Our insurance coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only
我方汇请予照付We commend our draft to your kind protection
我方的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的、见即付的信用证Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight
我方32,000美元光托收被拒付Our draft for US $32,000 on clean collection has been dishonoured
托收汇collection bill
托收汇collection bill bill for collection
承兑交单汇D/A bill
承兑单汇documents against acceptance bill
承兑汇honour a draft
承兑汇accept a draft
据权利背书转让给别人endorse over a bill to another person
据贴现为现值discounting to present value
把九十天期贴现discount ninety-day bills
把发打成一式四份type the invoice in quadruplicate
把支交银行出纳员兑换现金give one's check to the bank teller
把支兑成现金cash a check
把支兑成现金cash a check in
委托书proxy statement
人提单bearer B/L
人票据bearer bill
挂失汇lost bill of exchange
指不随附货运单据的clean draft (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指不随附货运单据的clean bill (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指定外地付款支domiciled check
指示order instruments
面价值in nominal value
面全值交款的股票non-assessable stock
按代收银行向伦敦开出的即期汇售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London
按信用证开具的汇draft drawn under L/C
按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
按要求的款项开立支make out the required check
掺水股watered stock
提示汇时照付meet a draft when presented
提示汇要求承兑present a bill for acceptance
提示的汇presented bill
提示的汇presented bills
上的签字不是我的而是伪造的The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery
存根stub of a checkbook
存款俟兑现后方可入账,别于现金存款collection item
存款checking deposit
岀票人check drawer
的有效性validity of check
支付到期汇meet a bill
收到发receipt of invoice
收取货款汇draft for purchase price
收取货款汇bill drawn for price value
放款与据贴现账户loan and bill discounted accounts
新西兰海关发new Customs invoice
旅行支travelling check
旅行支traveller's check
旅行支申请书purchaser's agreement
旅行支申请书purchaser's application form
普通划线支general crossed check (与特别划线支票 (special crossed check)相对)
有保证guaranteed bills
有信用支reliable cheque
有效信用支valid check
有表决权的股stock with voting power
亦缩为 P/N, pn, p.n.promissory note
信贷advance on promissory notes
簿note book
未兑现支unpaid check
未定值股unvalued stock
来人bearer paper
来人bearer instrument
来人或空白抬头的汇是可以转让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
检查look over the bills
欠资邮postage-due stamp
止付支stop payment on a check
止付的支stop ped check
正副汇double drafts
此处习惯于提交形式发一式三份It is customary here to have Proforma Invoice submitted in triplicate
此支来取即付The check is payable on demand
残损mutilated bill
lettre de change
mandat commercial
亦缩为 BEX, B.EX, B/EXbill of exchange
一式两份drafts in duplicate
之款已收进The draft has been collected
兑付通知advice of drafts
出票地点place of drawing
到期日time of maturity of the bill
原始当事人original parties to a bill of exchange (指受票人 (drawee), 岀票人(drawer),受款人 (payee))
可贴现The draft can be discounted
展期prolongation of a bill
已交银行进行光票托收The draft has been handed to the banker for clean collection
当事人parties to a draft (包括:受票人 (drawee), 出票人 (drawer)、受款人 (payee))
提示presentation of bill
收款人beneficiary of remittance
条款exchange clause
正本first of exchange (一般还有汇票副本 (second of exchange))
第二张second of exchange (国际贸易中汇票一般一式二份,汇票第一张为 first of exchange)
送交银行按跟单托收收取款项The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection
金额少于信用证规定的金额short drawing
汇寄五百英镑支remit a check for £ stg. 500
没有理由拒付汇have no warrant to dishonour the draft
流通negotiable instrument (常指通过移交或背书可转让的支票 (check)、汇票 (bill of exchange)、 期票 (promissory note))
流通汇bearer draft
涂改过的支altered check
清理过期clean up past-due bills
清算clear a bill
溢开汇金额excess drawing
瑞士法郎汇D/D on Zurich
瑞士法郎照付支cheque on Zurich
用支清算settlement by check
用期支付股利日后再兑现的股票红利scrip dividend
由卖方负担远期汇的贴现利息seller's usance
甲类股A stock
甲类股A share
电报汇telegraphic transfer
电报汇cable money order
盈余与股价格比率earnings yield
真实genuine bills
美国破产人所有的股拍卖creditor sale
据交换市场market for bill of exchange
据交换条件clearing term
据交易所clearing house
据到期become due
据到期at maturity
据到期通知bill advice
据到期通知note notice
据展期renewal of notes
据展期renewal of bills
据延期提示deferred presentation of bills
据承付通知advice of bill accepted
据承兑业务acceptance business
据承诺保证guarantee of notes
据拒付证明书protest jacket
据法negotiable instrument law
据的承兑acceptance of bill
据的流通性negotiability of bills
据背书人endorser of a bill
据背书人backer of a bill
据贴现押金bill discount BD deposit
counterfoil butt (美国亦用 stub)
counterfoil (美国亦用 stub)
demand note
draft transfer
缩为 DDsight bill
demand bill
缩为 DDsight draft
bill of remittance
面价值valeur nominale
面价值以下below par (与票面价值以上 (above par)相对)
面值以下的行市adverse parity
面加盖关于罚金及限制条款的戳记的债券stamped bond
第一流商业first-class commercial paper
第一流商业prime commercial paper
第三等商业汇third-class commercial paper
签发issuance of note
签名于支sign a cheque
签证发certified commercial invoice
红利稳定而值钱的主要公司股blue-chip stock
红利股bonus stocks
纽约据交换所new Clearing House
纽约股交易所指数new Exchange Index
美元汇draft in USD
美元银行汇D/D on New York
美国海关发United States Customs Invoice
美国股交易所American stock Exchange (ASE)
联营公司股stock of affiliated company
联运connection ticket
美国联邦资金Fed fund bill
share warrant
上涨收盘closing high (与股票下跌收盘(closing low) 相对)
交易stock swap
证券交易所securities exchange (所有证券交易由证券经纪人(stock broker) 、证券商(stock jobber) 在交易所内进行,世界上最大的交易所有纽约证券交易所 (New York Stock Exchange)、伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)、巴黎证券交易所 (Paris Bourse)、东京证券交易所 (Tokyo Stock Exchange))
证券交易所stock exchange (所有证券交易由证券经纪人(stock broker) 、证券商(stock jobber) 在交易所内进行,世界上最大的交易所有纽约证券交易所 (New York Stock Exchange)、伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)、巴黎证券交易所 (Paris Bourse)、东京证券交易所 (Tokyo Stock Exchange))
价值shares worth
出售期权put option
分割stock fraction
分红bonus on stocks
存货升值stock appreciation
发行stock financing
发行issue of shares
发行日期date of issue
发行溢价share premium (指超票面值缴入资本 (capital contributed in excess of par value))
发行费用stock issue cost
场外交易市场curb exchange
场外交易市场curb market
市场market for stocks
市场比率market ratio
平均价格stock average
延期日息contango price of money
投机speculate in stocks
股份投资stock investment
投资investment shares
折扣discount on stock
掺水watering of stock
支票stock check
数目stock number
汇票stock draft
流通市场share circular market
清算公司stock clearing corporation
溢价的实缴资本capital contributed in excess of par value (高于面值的部分)
牌价stock quotation (行市)
登记share register
登记register of shares
的票面价值nominal value of shares
等级stock bracket
红利share profit
经纪人有股票所有权stock jobber
经纪人代理作用stock broker
股数number of shares of stock
行情大跌价stock market crash
行情看涨的市场bullish market
行情看涨趋势bullish tendency
认购保证书stock purchase warrant
认购证stock subscription certificate
雇员购买权stock option
转让share transfer
转让代理人transfer agent
过户transfer of shares (转让)
过户stock transfer (转让)
选择购买stock option
背书back a bill
船上交货价格发FOB invoice
船边交货价格发FAS invoice
美国蒲耳氏股价格指数Standard and Poor's Composite Indices
补充追加supplementary invoice
补充追加supplemental invoice
被拒付的支protested check
装运shipping ticket
即付pay a draft on presentation
即付payable a vue
即付on presentation
即付的来人支票negotiable check 流通支票
即付的来人支票bearer check
即付的来人汇票negotiable draft
即付的来人汇票bearer draft
即付票据demand note on demand
after sight (支付)
后 M 日付款payment M days after sight
后30天付款30 days after call
后…日付款payment... days after sight
后30日付款payment 30 days after sight
后若干天days' sight
后若干天days after sight
后若干天付款dias vista
30天后付款payable at 30 d/s sight
规定发行价格的无面值股stated value no par stock
订购卧铺book a berth
议付汇negotiate a draft
议付汇negotiate draft
记名式附息债券registered coupon bond
记名股inscribed stocks
记名股nominative shares
记名股stock certificate
记名股certificate of stock
证券交易所中股及债券交易柜台trading post
货到付款汇arrival bill (draft)
货币市场流通money market instruments
货款支check for the price
货物必须按发金额加10%投保The goods shall be insured at invoice value plus 10%
一定时期按一定价格购买股的选择权与认股书option and warrant
购汽油petrol coupon
贴现比较: BD 银行贴现bill discounted
资本化股发行capitalization issue
赎回retire a bill
赎回股redemption stock
赠与支gift check
转换浮动利率本convertible floating rate note
转让的assigned instruments
转账支check only for transfer
转账支付传transfer payment slip
转账收入传transfer receipts slip
过半数的投majority of voting power
过期out-of-date bill
过期未付overdue bill
过期汇stale bill of exchange
退通知书protest jacket
退回的支returned check
送款memoranda of deposit
通融accommodation bill (受担保或短期借款票据可用 accommodation note, accommodation paper)
通融承兑accommodation acceptance
通融汇accommodation bill
通过招股章程公开发行股public issue by prospectus
道•琼斯平均工业股指数Dow-Jones Industrial Average
道琼斯股平均价格指数Dow-Jones Average (由美国 Dow Jones Co 编制,每日刊载于华尔街日报上,共有四种 DJIA, 30 家全美最大工商企业股票价格涨落平均数 (Dow-Jones Industrial averages), DJTA, 20 家全美最大铁路、航空、轮船、卡车运输公司股票价格涨落平均数 (Dow-Jones transportation averages), DJUA, 15 家全美最大(电力与煤气)公用事业公司股票价格涨落平均数(Dow-Jones utilities averages), 上述65家公司股票价格综合指数 (Dow-Jones Composite Average))
邮政支cheque postal
英国邮政汇post-office order
重购回股reacquired stock
重购回股repurchased stock
美俚bat hides
长期期papier long
长期汇long-dated bill
长期汇贴现率long rate
附去人民币1,000元的支一张enclose a cheque for CNY 1,000
附可转让提单的即期汇sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached
附提货单据发invoice with documents
附提货单据发invoice documents attached
附货运单据的汇bill accompanied by documents
面价no par value
面值no par value
非划线支open cheque
非合格商业non-eligible commercial paper
非法涂改提高面金额的支票raised check
顺汇汇bill by remittance
预先授权支preauthorized check
发货通知用预开发pro forma invoice
预期纳税tax anticipation notes
领事发consular invoices
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