
Terms for subject Economy containing 票据 | all forms | in specified order only
上等票据prime bill
不兑现的票据inconvertible paper
不可转让的票据a non-negotiable bill
不合格商业票据a non-eligible commercial paper
不生息票据non-interest bearing notes
不生息票据non-interest-bearing notes
不能兑现的银行票据irredeemable banknote
不能贴现的票据a non-discountable bill
不认付票据a non-accepted bill
不记名票据a paper to bearer
不记名票据presentation draft
不记名票据sight draft
不记名票据sight bill
不附货运单据汇票bill unaccompanied by document
丧失票据的追索权loss of right of recourse
中期票据medium-term notes
中转票据transfer document
二人票据two-name paper
交换票据bills in process of clearing
产权契约票据equity contract notes
产权承诺票据equity commitment notes
他们已收到我方3月1日的票据和发票,愿意接受我方见票20天付款的汇票They have received our bills and invoice dated 1st March and are willing to accept our draft at 20 day's sight
他无力兑付5月2日到期的票据He was unable to meet the bill due on May 2nd
他有权背签商业票据He is entitled to endorse mercantile papers
票据为根据的交易the transaction underlying the instrument
票据向银行贴现negotiate a bill to a bank
以应收票据担保a note receivable as collateral
优等票据a fine bill
优等贸易票据fine trade bill
优良票据a gilt bill
伪造票据a fake bill
作为抵押品的商业票据collateral surety
你必须把应付票据登记在登记簿上You have to record notes payable in a register
你方挂号件中必须封入发票及原始的或类似的装运单据Your registered letter should enclose invoice and original or comparable shipping document
你方汇票须附装船单据Your draft must be accompanied by the shipping documents
佣金票据commission ticket
保付票据guaranteed note
信用票据credit instrument
信用票据的或有负债contingent liability incurred by notes
信用好的票据a fine bill
大公司或银行背书的信用好的商业票据fine trade bill
信用的票据fine paper
倒签日期的票据an anti-dated bill
债务票据持单人holder of debt
票据a fictitious bill
其他办事处承兑票据acceptance by other offices
其他当事方不能提出权力要求或提出抗辩的票据instrument free from claims and defences of other parties
再贴现票据a bill rediscounted
农业票据agriculture paper
农业票据agricultural paper
农业交易中的票据integration paper
准流通可转让 票据quasi-negotiable instrument
出口跟单票据an outward documentary bill
出示票据the surrender of bill
出示票据surrender of bills
出票后 15 天支付的票据bill payable 15 days after date
出纳现金或票据receive and pay out money or bills
银行的分行票据branch bill
初级票据prime bill
到期票据a bill to mature
到期票据付款的担保guarantee of the due payment of a bill
到期票据兑现的分录entry for collection of notes
到期票据登记簿a tickler file
到期前已付的票据paid bull
到期即付的票据fixed bill
单张票据a sola bill
单签名票据one-name paper
单证票据law of negotiable instruments
即期票据demand bill
即期票据bill payable on demand
即期票据demand notes
可再贴现票据an eligible bill for rediscounting
可流通票据a negotiable bill
可转让票据negotiable papers
可转让票据a negotiable bill
可转让的票据assignability instrument
合格票据eligible paper
同城票据交换local clearings
售出票据a sold bill
商业票据commercial instruments
商业票据ordinary bill
商业票据the commercial paper
商业票据commercial papers
商业票据商号commercial paper house
商业票据托收统一规则uniform rules for the collection of commercial paper
商业票据贴现公司commercial credit and discount companies
商业信用票据instrument of credit
国内普通票据inland note
国际票据international law of bills
国际贸易上选用的特别流通票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international trade
国际贸易上选用的记名式票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international trade
在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
在欧洲大陆付款的票据continental bill
填发票据preparation of documents
外国票据foreign note
外国付款票据external bill
外地支付票据addressed bill
外埠某地付款票据domiciled bill
外汇票据foreign exchange instrument
外汇票据破产起诉prosecution for bankruptcy for exchange bills
大票面票据large bill
头等信用的票据first-class paper
存款票据demand certificate
定期票据period bill
定点支付票据domiciled bill
票据贴现discount a bill
巨额票据large bill
已付票据bill paid
已承兑票据a bill accepted
已承兑票据an accepted bill (汇票)
已拒付应收票据notes receivable dishonored
已拒付的票据note of dishonoured
已拒付的票据note dishonoured
已背书票据an endorsed note
已背书的票据a backed note
已解除票据汇票上义务的当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
已贴现票据discounted notes
已贴现票据discounted bills
已贴现应收票据notes and bills receivable disconted
已贴现应收票据discounted notes and bills receivable
已赎票据bill retired
B/P 应付票据bills payable (notes payable)
B/P 应付票据bill payable (notes payable)
应付票据note payable account
应付票据账户bill payable account
应付票据账簿bill payable book
应付合伙人票据the partner's notes payable
应付外国票据foreign bills payable
应付外币票据foreign currency bills payable
应付已背书票据endorsed notes payable
应付承兑票据the acceptance payable
应付银行的票据note payable to banks
应向负责人、股东及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
B/R 应收票据bill receivable (notes receivable)
应收票据notes receivable
应收票据上的延期利息收入dividends payment of interest on note receivable
应收票据上的延期利息收入deferred payment of interest on note receivable
应收票据上的延期利息收入deferred payment of interests on notes receivable
应收票据与应收承兑汇票的贴现discounted notes and acceptances receivable
应收票据交易的分录entry for note receivable transactions
应收票据的现值摊提present value amortization notes receivable
应收票据账簿bill receivable register
应收票据账簿bill receivable book
应收外国票据foreign bills receivable
应收已背书票据endorsed note receivable
应收销货票据note receivable trade
延付出口票据dividends export bill
开立票据drawing of a bill of exchange
开给第三者的票据a made bill
我们一经从银行取得货运单据就立即兑付你们的汇票We shall honour your draft as soon as the documents are received from the bank
我方同意接受各种票据、现钞、支票和商业承兑汇票We agree to accept notes, bills, checks and trade acceptances
我方确信他们在票据呈交时即行付款We are confident that they will meet the bill on presentation
所有票据和现金应该由财务监督保管All bills and money shall be in the custody of the finance controller
托收票据bill of collection
托收票据手续费collection fees
托运人远期票据the shipper's usance
投资票据investment bill
抵用票据accommodation bill
拒付应付票据note receivable protested
拒付应收票据note receivable protested
拒付的票据dishonored bill
拒兑票据dishonoured notes
据说上星期股票下跌It is said the shares performed badly last week
提出承兑票据the presentment for acceptance
提示票据的适当时间reasonable time
支付票据的款项payment of note
收入票据a received note
收入票据receive slip
收款票据collection papers
放款与贴现票据loan and bill discounted
无息票据non-interest bearing notes
无抵押的票据bill without collateral securities
无效的票据invalid bill
无日期票据an undated bill
无法兑现的应收票据uncollectible notes receivable
无记名票据bearer paper
无记名受托管票据bearer depositary receipts
无记名转让票据bearer instrument
日期填早的票据an antedated bill
普通票据promissory note
最佳商业票据first-class commercial paper
有抵押的票据bill with collateral securities
有条件的票据承兑qualified acceptance of bill
未付款的票据unpaid bills
未到期票据unmatured paper
未提示票据failure to present
未支付的票据bill unprovided for
未收妥票据uncollected cash items
本币票据home currency bill
本次发货的票据由装运港中国银行见票即付Draft under this delivery are to be drawn at sight on the Bank of China at the port of shipment
本票借据a promissory note
来人票据promissory note made out to bearer
来人票据sight bill
架桥票据指临时过渡性票据bridging over bill
根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
根据约定,你们应该把向我们开具的1200美元即期汇票附于装船单据上As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents
水路货运票据documentation of shipment
注册票据registered paper
注册票据registered bill
流动票据negotiable instruments
流动票据negotiable instrument
由个人签发的流通票据straight paper
流通票据negotiable instruments law
流通票据law of negotiable instruments
流通票据law of negotiable instrument (checks)
流通中银行票据平均额average outstanding bank notes issued
英国海军票据a navy bill
清白票据托收clean collection
现金票据cash order
现金票据cash items department (美国银行)
用抵押空头票据交易kiting transaction
登记短期票据entering short
相互承认可转让票据the reciprocal recognition of negotiable instruments
真实票据real bill
真实票据主义real-bill doctrine
真实票据学说real-bills doctrine (主义)
真正票据bona-fide paper
真正票据genuine bill
真正票据a bona-fide bill
短期票据short-term note
短期票据short exchange
短期票据a short-term note
短期贷款票据call loan dealers's bill
短期票据a short-dated bill
短期票据a short-dated note
短期票据short-term bill
票据commerce paper
票据accounting document
金融票据finance bill
票据promising note
票据上指明付款场所domiciliation of an instrument
票据上注明付款场所domiciliation of an instrument
票据上的保证人the giver of an aval
票据上的保证付款人the person guaranteeing payment by avail
票据或证券 上的记载事项statements in the instrument
票据交换代办所clearing house agent
票据交换所a clearing agency
票据交换所借据clearing due bill
票据交换所同意券clearing house agreed ticket
票据交换所证券clearing house certificates
票据交换所黄金证券clearing house gold certificate
票据交换监察员clearing house inspector
票据交换银行banker's bank
票据交易bill business
票据交结所付款转账制bank giro
票据信用证paper credit
票据分类簿note journal
票据分配员票据交换所delivery clerk
票据到期以新票据抵偿的分录entry for a renewal note
银行票据note teller
票据和有价证券再贴现rediscountable bills and acceptances
票据帐目bills account
票据引起的权利rights arising out of the bill
票据形式formula of bill
票据总存量bill holdings
票据承兑a bill accepted
票据承兑收讫、付讫通知书advice of bill accepted (collected, paid)
票据承兑银行accepting house
票据担保surety for a bill
票据拒付通知书a mandate of protest
票据期限term of a bill
票据未到bill undue
票据a note book
票据law of negotiable instrument (checks)
票据law of bill
票据清算差额基金funds for clearing balance
票据现率acceptance rate
票据登记本note register
票据登记本note of register
票据的保证guarantee of a bill
票据的延期renewal of bill
票据的贴现discount of bill
票据的贴现discount of bills
票据出纳簿bill book
票据流动经纪人running broker
票据经纪人汇水表丿exchange broker's quotation
票据经纪商bill broker
票据股利the scrip dividend
票据背书endorse a bill
票据背后的交易the transaction underlying the instrument (票据所优先的交易)
票据议付the negotiation of bills
票据账目bill account
票据贴现人员discount clerk
票据贴现押金保证金bill discount deposit
票据贴现率acceptance rate
票据贷款加收利息additionally collected interest on loans and bills
票据贻现bill discounted (notes discounted)
票据转期note renewal
票据鉴定法judgement of a bill
私人票据贴现率private rate of discount
税收提前使用票据revenue anticipation note (一种由市政当局发行的短期债券,其还款来源为预期今后可征收的某项税收)
税收预期票据tax anticipation note
税收预期票据revenue anticipation note
空口票据fictitious bill
空头票据uncovered acceptance
空头票据fictitious paper
空白票据a blank bill
空白背书票据the bill endorsed in blank
符合借款担保条件的票据an eligible security for collateral for a loan (或证书)
符合借款担保条件的票据an eligible bill for collateral for a loan (或证书)
第一流票据first-rate bill
第三者对票据的付款保证guarantee by avail
经更改的票据an altered bill
经注明的票据a noted paper
经背书的票据endorsed bill
经背书贴现或转让票据a note thus discounted or transferred by endorsement
结算票据clearing of bills
统一流通票据Uniform Negotiable Instrument law
综合票据omnibus bill
美元承付票据dollar acceptance
美国联邦准备银行接受再兑现的票据eligible bill
美币票据gold dollar bill
联营公司应选定专业会计师和代理人来检査各位合伙人的账册、票据、财产和业务The joint venture company should select expert accountants and agents to check the books, paper n., property and business of the partners
能融票据出票人accommodation maker
自清票据self-liquidating paper
英币票据汇票sterling bill
英镑承付票据sterling acceptance
虚构票据a made bill
融通票据accommodation paper (欠单)
融通票据finance bills
融通票据经营financing of accommodation bill
被窃票据a stolen bill
要扣除费用的票据a non-par item
见票即付款的票据instrument payable on demanding
诉讼中票据bill of interpleader
请保证,一经从银行取得装船单据就立即兑付我们的汇票We need your assurance that you will honor our draft as soon as you receive the ship ping document from the bank
货运票据shipping paper
购入外国票据foreign bills bought
购入的本币票据home currency bill bought
贴现票据bills discounted
贴现票据discountable bill
贴现票据discount cash book
贴现应收票据note receivable discounted
贷款票据loan bill
赎回的票据retired bill (bill retired (adj.))
转让票据deed of transfer
过期票据an overdue note
过期票据an overdue bill
过期票据past-due bill
过期应收票据note receivable-past due
过期汇票或票据overdue bill or note
返还票据the surrender of bill
这张票据3天后失效The document will lose it's validity after 3 days
远期票据day bill
远期票据的提前付款anticipated payment
迟填日期票据post dated bill
退回的票据reexchange bill
退还票据surrender of bills
通用票据a passable bill
通融票据an accommodation bill
通融票据背书accommodation endorsement' (indorsement)
金匠票据goldsmith notes
金边票据a gilt-edged bill
银行票据包括支票和汇票bank money
银行票据a banker's bill
银行票据交换bank clearing
银行中的票据贴现negotiate a bill to a bank
银行可承兑的票据bank paper
银行可贴现票据a bankable bill
银行售出票据超过购入票据的差额nostro overdraft
银行承兑票据bank note
银行承兑的票据bank notes
银行资金融通票据banker's long bills drawn for purpose of raising money
长期票据long-term notes
长期票据long bill (note)
附担保贴现票据bill discounted with collateral securities
附条款的票据claused bill
非流通票据non-negotiable instruments
非贴现票据a non-discountable bill
预定到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity
预支票据advance note (船员在航行中因预支薪水交给船主的票据)
预期债券票据bond-anticipation note