
Terms for subject Commerce containing 票据 | all forms | in specified order only
一等商业票据prime commercial paper
上等票据gilt-edged bill
不可转让票据unalienable paper
不可转让的票据non-negotiable instruments
不能贴现的票据non-discountable bill
不记名票据note to bearer (与记名票据 (note to order) 相对)
不附息票据non-interest-bearing note (与附息票据 (interest-bearing note) 相对)
不附货运单据的汇票clean bill
不附货运单据的汇票bill unaccompanied by documents
东京票据交换所Tokyo Clearing House
个人签发或背书的流通票据straight paper
中长期应收票据收买业务forfeiting business
买入票据bill purchased
交叉开出抵用票据cross drawing
代理行票据agency bill
以新票据抵换到期票据分录entry for a renewal note
伦敦银行业票据交换所London Bankers' Clearing House
信用可靠票据gilt-edged bills
借款票据loan bills
偿付票据payment of notes
兑换票据honour a bill
英国全国票据交换所National Clearing House
公司内部票据house paper
到期票据兑现分录entry for collection of notes
加批注票据claused bill
即期票据prompt note
即期票据demand note on demand
即期票据付现命令cash order
双签名票据two name paper
发货前开出的票据advance bill
可变利率票据variable-rate bill
可废票据avoidable instrument
可流通票据negotiable bills
可转让票据negotiable bills
可转让票据assignable instruments
合格商业票据eligible commercial bill
商业票据effets de commerce
商业票据交换中心commercial clearing house
商业承兑票据trade acceptance bill (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
商业承兑票据banker's acceptance (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
商业承兑票据trade acceptance (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
票据上盖章affix a seal to an instrument
在伦敦贴现票据discount bills in London
外币应付款票据Foreign Currency Bills Payable
寄来票据inward bill
展期的票据renewed bills
已承兑票据accepted bill
已背书票据endorsed note
已背书票据endorsed bill
应付票据effets a payer
应付票据note payable (与应收票据(note receivable) 相对)
应付票据对应付账款的比率ratio of notes payable to accounts payable
应付已背书票据endorsed note payable
应付抵押票据mortgage note payable (与应收抵押票据(mortgage note receivable) 相对)
应收票据effets a recevoir
应收票据亦缩为 B/Rbills receivable
应收票据交易分录entry for note receivable transaction
应收票据账目bills receivable account
应收商业票据trade note receivable (指期票(promissory note))
应签字照付的票据bill to order
票据权利背书转让给别人endorse over a bill to another person
票据贴现为现值discounting to present value
拒付票据bill dishonoured by nonpayment
拒付票据dishonour a bill
拒付票据分录entry of notes dishonoured
拒付的票据note dishonoured
拒付的票据dishonoured notes
持票人票据bearer bill
指不随附货运单据的票据clean draft (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指不随附货运单据的票据clean bill (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指示票据order instruments
放款与票据贴现账户loan and bill discounted accounts
无法兑现的票据uncollectible note
无记名票据paper to bearer
无记名承兑票据blank acceptance
日期提前的票据antedated bill
更改过的票据altered bill
有保证票据guaranteed bills
来人票据bearer paper
来人票据bearer instrument
来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以转让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
检查票据look over the bills
残损票据mutilated bill
流通票据negotiable instrument (常指通过移交或背书可转让的支票 (check)、汇票 (bill of exchange)、 期票 (promissory note))
清理过期票据clean up past-due bills
清算票据clear a bill
真实票据genuine bills
票据交换市场market for bill of exchange
票据交换条件clearing term
票据交易所clearing house
票据到期become due
票据到期at maturity
票据到期通知bill advice
票据到期通知note notice
票据展期renewal of notes
票据展期renewal of bills
票据延期提示deferred presentation of bills
票据承付通知advice of bill accepted
票据承兑业务acceptance business
票据承诺保证guarantee of notes
票据拒付证明书protest jacket
票据negotiable instrument law
票据的承兑acceptance of bill
票据的流通性negotiability of bills
票据背书人endorser of a bill
票据背书人backer of a bill
票据贴现押金bill discount BD deposit
第一流商业票据first-class commercial paper
第一流商业票据prime commercial paper
签发票据issuance of note
纽约票据交换所new Clearing House
美国联邦资金票据Fed fund bill
背书票据back a bill
见票即付票据demand note on demand
请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进口许可证Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence
货币市场流通票据money market instruments
贴现票据比较: BD 银行贴现bill discounted
赎回票据retire a bill
转让的票据assigned instruments
过期票据out-of-date bill
过期未付票据overdue bill
通融票据accommodation bill (受担保或短期借款票据可用 accommodation note, accommodation paper)
通融承兑票据accommodation acceptance
金融票据finance bills
银行票据bank paper (包括支票、本票、汇票)
银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
银行承兑票据bank acceptance bill
银行长期票据banker's long draft
银行长期票据banker's long bill
附提货单据发票invoice with documents
附提货单据发票invoice documents attached
附货运单据的汇票bill accompanied by documents
非合格商业票据non-eligible commercial paper
预期纳税票据tax anticipation notes