
Terms for subject Business containing 票据法 | all forms | in specified order only
票据法保障的执票人protected holder
合法商业票据即中央银行可贴现或再贴现的票据eligible commercial paper
合法的票据juridical bill
合法票据just bill
合法票据指再贴现票据eligible bill
国际票据法law of international bills
国际票据法law of international bill
无法兑现的票据uncollectible notes
无法收现的票据uncollectible bills
流通票据法law relating to negotiable instrument
流通票据法negotiable instrument law
流通票据法law of negotiable check (instrument)
票据法law of negotiable instrument
票据法上的抗辩权defence upon the bill
统一流通票据法Uniform Negotiable Instrument Law
转让票据法law of negotiable check (instrument)