
Terms for subject Business containing 票人 | all forms | in specified order only
中位投票人原理median voter theorem
临时股票证券持有人scrip holder
人民币旅行支票Renminbi traveller's check
人民币汇票draft in RMB
付持票人pay to the bearer
付持票人payable to the bearer
付持票人pay bearer
付签票人pay to one's own self
付给发票人本人pay to one's own self
代兑退票付款人payer for honor
代理人跟单汇票托收collection of documentary draft via agent
伪造支票人paper hanging
债权人开出票据creditor's bill
债权人所开汇票creditor's bill
凭票即付持票人来人note order payable to bearer
票人bill drawer
票据票人paper maker
原始出票人prime maker
票据法保护的持票人protected holder
票人名称drawee's name
受款人支票cheque to payee
受票据法保障的执票人protected holder
合法持票人lawful holder of a document
合法持票人holder in the course
向岀票人追索recourse to drawer
向开票人查询refer to drawer
向持票人付款的汇票bill drawn payable to bearer
向票据间接人追索recourse to a remote party
车、船、飞机等售票代理人ticket agent
商业票据借款人commercial paper name
场内股票经纪人指场内股票经纪人不代理个人买卖股票,而是向交易所内的经纪人买进或出售股票,按规定他不得直接与股民大众做买卖。他是交易所会员stock jobber
场内股票经纪人买卖业务stock jobbing
外国人购入股票alien stock buying
对出票人负责drawn with recourse
已解除票据上义务的当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
应付合伙人票据partner's note payable
应付执票人payable to holder
应向负责人、股东、及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
票人bill drawer
开票监察人counting overseer
开空头支票的人paper hanger
开给某人支票check to be drawn in favor of somebody
息票食利人coupon clipper
票人bill holder
票人note bearer
票人holder of bill
票人背书endorsement to bearer
票人验讫支票check receipted by holder
指定人支票cheque to order
支票付款人check drawee
支票兑取人cheque collector
支票托收人check collector
支票持票人cheque bearer
支票持票人check holder
支票签发人check drawer
期票出票人maker of promissory note
来人支票bearer's check
来人支票cheque to bearer
来人支票即票面抬头开列持票人bear bill
来人汇票bearer's draft
来人票据bearer bill
正当持票人holder in the course
正当持票人-指期票、汇票或支票的合法持有人holder in due course
正当持票人holder with good title
正当持票人innocent holder for value
正当持票人bona fide holders
汇票各方当事人parties to a draft
汇票各方当事人parties to a bill of exchange
汇票当事人parties to a bill of exchange
汇票当事人party to a bill of exchange
汇票持有人draft holder
汇票持有人possessor of a bill of exchange
汇票持有人holder of a bill of exchange
清理人所掌握的债券和股票liquidation holding
清理人所掌握的债券或股票liquidation holding
英格兰银行特定股票购销经纪人special buyer
用假钞票的人paper hanger
由出票人签署signed by the person giving it
破产人股票拍卖creditor sale
〈法〉票据上的保证人giver of an aval
票据交换代理人clearance agent
通融票据保证人accommodation party
票据持有人holder of bill
票据收款人payee of a note
票据收款人bill collector
票据经纪人note broker
票据调整人bill adjuster
私人票据private bill
经执票人出具收据的支票check receipted by the holder
股票持有人分配股利证certificate of participation
股票经紀人stock broker
股票经纪人agent de change
股票过户转让代理人stock transfer agent
解除汇票上前手当事人的责任discharge of a prior party
解除汇票签字人义务discharge of a party to a bill of exchange
请与出票人refer to drawer
请与出票人接洽指银行由于发票人存款不足,票面金额与数字不符或发票人已破产等原因而拒付,并在支票注明"请询出票人"字样。简称 R/Drefer to drawer
请与票据承兑人洽refer to acceptor
请询出票人refer to drawer
请询问出票人refer to drawer
按照认股证上注明购买退股人股票的价格exercise price
购货发票抬头人意谓单列货款由 XX 付款bought of
非股票交易所经纪人kerb broker
验明支票取款人identify the payee of a check
验明支票受款人identifying the payee of a cheque
验明支票收款人identifying the payee of a check