
Terms containing 票人 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一个人投资于股票时,除投资付款外,无额外责任When one invests in stocks, he is non-assessable, except for the payment for investment
China, law一人一票one-person-one-vote basis
tech.一人一票one-man one vote
gen.一部电影是否继续投资,海外票房潜力是好莱坞电影制作人考虑的主要因素Most notably, potential overseas ticket sales nowadays determine whether or not a studio executive gives the go-ahead to a movie
securit.三人联署支票three-name paper
securit.上市后表现令人失望的股票stock performed disappointingly after listing
econ.不可撤销的对出票人无追索权的信用证irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit
fin.不接受私人支票no personal checks
shipb.与出票人接洽refer to drawer
securit.专人票据bill payable to a specified person only
fin.两人签名票据two-named paper
fin.个人票据individual bill
commer.个人签发或背书的流通票据straight paper
busin.中位投票人原理median voter theorem
fin.《中华人民共和国票据法》Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China
busin.临时股票证券持有人scrip holder
commer.临时股票持有人scrip holder
securit.买人股票buy in stocks
securit.买人股票收益buy earnings
econ.二人票据two-name paper
tech.交与持票人to nearer
shipb.交付出票人refer to drawer
econ.人民币外价票证Renminbi foreign exchange instrument
econ.人民币外价票证RMB foreign exchange instrument
econ.人民币外汇票证Renminbi foreign exchange instrument
econ., int. law.人民币外.汇票证RMB foreign exchange instrument
econ.人民币旅行支票Renminbi traveller's checks
busin.人民币旅行支票Renminbi traveller's check
busin.人民币汇票draft in RMB
securit.人民币特种股票special Renminbi denominated shares
securit.人民币特种股票RMB special stocks
securit.人气旺盛的股票glamour stock
securit.从子公司直接购人的股票stock acquired directly from the subsidiary
econ.他们不得不换乘另一航班的飞机,因为他们的票与人定重了They had to change their flight as they were double-booked
econ.票人的汇票money order payable to bearer
busin.付持票人payable to the bearer
railw.付持票人payable to bearer
busin.付持票人pay to the bearer
busin.付持票人pay bearer
econ.支票用语付签票人pay to selves
econ.支票用语付签票人pay to self
busin.付签票人pay to one's own self
busin.付给发票人本人pay to one's own self
busin.代兑退票付款人payer for honor
econ.代兑退票的付款人payor for honour
econ.代兑退票的付款人payer for honour
busin.代理人跟单汇票托收collection of documentary draft via agent
China, law以个人身份投票vote in the individual capacity
econ.以自己为收款人的汇票出票人drawer payee
tech.价值持票人holder for value
econ.任何人不得出售或抵押公司总股本的股票Nobody can sell or pledge the share of capital stock of the corporation
securit.优先股票持有人preference stockholder
securit.优先股票持有人preference shareholder
securit.优质票据出票人prime paper maker
busin.伪造支票人paper hanging
econ.但是,我们愿意每个季度向你方开具以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore
securit.借人的股票borrowed stock
securit.借人的股票stock acquired by borrowing
securit.借人的股票borrowed share
fin.借人股票borrowed share
fin.借人股票borrowed stock
securit.借人股票stock borrowed
tech.债务人传票debtor summons
tech.债务人的期票promissory note
econ.债务票据持单人holder of debt
securit.债权人开出汇票creditor drawing the bill
busin.债权人开出票据creditor's bill
busin.债权人所开汇票creditor's bill
econ.免除作成拒绝证书义务的发票人声明stipulation "sans protest" (喊"without protest")
securit.全国股票经纪人协会National Stockbrokers Society
securit.全美股票经纪人协会National Association of Stockbrokers
securit.公众收人票据public income notes (上市公司发行的无担保短期债券)
securit.公债投资人成长票据treasury investors growth receipt
econ.公证人作成汇票拒绝承兑或拒绝付款的证书noting and protest
securit.共同代理人股票common nominee share certificate
commer.内部人对公司股票的操纵manipulation of a company's securities by insiders
econ.准备买卖未上市股票的经纪人market maker
gen.票人admission by ticket only
busin.凭票即付持票人来人note order payable to bearer
tech.凭票即付持票人money order payable to bearer
tech.凭票即付持票人note order payable to bearer
tech.凭票即付持票人draft or note payable to bearer
tech.凭票即付持票人的汇票draft or note payable to bearer
busin.票据票人paper maker
busin.票人bill drawer
China, law票人maker of a promissory note
securit.票人drawer (of a bill)
securit.票人托收款项未到drawn against uncollected items
tech.票人agent's coupon
commer.创办人股票promoters' share
econ.创办人股票founder's shares
commer.创办人股票founders' stock
securit.卖出借人股票sell borrowed shares
securit.即期汇票银行买人价格demand draft buying price
econ.原始出票人a prime maker
busin.原始出票人prime maker
securit.票人drawer (of a bill)
econ.票人限制责任的规定the stipulation by drawer restricting liability
tech.发起人股票founder's shares
securit.发起人股票又称后分股息股founder's share/stock
busin.票据法保护的持票人protected holder
securit.票人payee of bill
securit.票人drawee of a bill
busin.票人名称drawee's name
securit.票人须背书endorsement required
busin.受款人支票cheque to payee
busin.受票据法保障的执票人protected holder
tech.可流通来人支票negotiable check
securit.合伙人应付票据partner's notes payable
busin.合法持票人lawful holder of a document
busin.合法持票人holder in the course
gen.合金钢股票持有人协会Alloy Steel Stockholders' Association
commer.向付款人再提示汇票represent a draft to the drawee
busin.向岀票人追索recourse to drawer
gen.向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim
busin.向开票人查询refer to drawer
busin.向持票人付款的汇票bill drawn payable to bearer
econ.向某人开出汇票value on
busin.向票据间接人追索recourse to a remote party
tech.向签票人本人支付pay to self
busin.车、船、飞机等售票代理人ticket agent
commer.商业发票抬头人栏内应填入买方名称The buyer's name should be given in the box of accountee
busin.商业票据借款人commercial paper name
econ.善意执票人bona-fide holder
tech.善意执票人bona fide holder
fin.在线股票经纪人on-line stockbroker
busin.场内股票经纪人指场内股票经纪人不代理个人买卖股票,而是向交易所内的经纪人买进或出售股票,按规定他不得直接与股民大众做买卖。他是交易所会员stock jobber
tech.场内股票经纪人stock jobber
busin.场内股票经纪人买卖业务stock jobbing
securit.基础股票借人交易underlying stock borrowing transaction
econ.外国人持有股票比率foreign stockholding ratio
commer.外国人股票转移foreigner's shares transfer
securit.外国人购买股票alien stock buying
busin.外国人购入股票alien stock buying
securit.大宗股票承购人block positioner
securit.大宗股票持有人block positioner
China, law票人person who loses the instrument
gen.如果你跟洛杉矶任何一个电影人交谈,他们一定会告诉你全球电影票房的上升给好莱坞带来的是根本性的改变Speak to anyone in the film industry in Los Angeles and they will tell you that the growth in global box office is bringing about fundamental change in Hollywood
China, polit.委托他人代写选票entrust another person to write a ballot for him
gen.对不起,先生,我们无法立刻兑现这张支票。这是一张个人支票,先生sorry, sir, but we cannot cash this check immediately. This is a personal check, sir
China, polit.对候选人投反对票vote against a candidate
China, polit.对候选人投赞成票vote for a candidate
econ.对出票人免责drawn without recourse
tech.对出票人无追索权drawn without recourse
econ.对出票人有追索权with resource to drawer
busin.对出票人负责drawn with recourse
commer.对岀票人无追索权draw without recourse
securit.对应股票借人交易underlying stock borrowing transaction
econ.将股票转让给别人assign shares to someone
gen.就我们的情况而言,不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance
tech.已付价持票人holder for value
securit.已付款执票人holder for value
econ.已解除票据汇票上义务的当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
busin.已解除票据上义务的当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
econ.应付合伙人票据the partner's notes payable
busin.应付合伙人票据partner's note payable
busin.应付执票人payable to holder
tech.应募股票人applicant for shares
econ.应向负责人、股东及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
busin.应向负责人、股东、及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
busin.票人bill drawer
securit.票人bill clerk
securit.票人免责的条款drawing without recourse clause
busin.开票监察人counting overseer
busin.开空头支票的人paper hanger
busin.开给某人支票check to be drawn in favor of somebody
econ.当期持票人holder in due course
China, polit.得票数相同的候选人candidates to resolve the tie
securit.息票收人coupon yield
busin.息票食利人coupon clipper
gen.想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?
tech.成人票adult ticket
econ.我们盼望下月将得到我方代理人的支票We are expecting a check from our agent next month
econ.我方 5000 元人民币的汇票可向中国人民银行提款Our draft for RMB ¥5000 will be drawn on the People's Bank of China
econ.托运人远期票据the shipper's usance
busin.票人bill holder
econ.票人支票a bear check
securit.执行人员股票期权认购计划executive share option scheme
commer.把票据权利背书转让给别人endorse over a bill to another person
econ.投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers
econ.抬头人支票order cheque
tech.押运人票价caretaker ticket rate
busin.票人holder of bill
fin.票人lawful holder bearer
fin.票人person in possession of an instrument
fin.票人note holder
China, law票人holder of a negotiable instrument
busin.票人note bearer
securit.票人储蓄单bearer deposit note
securit.票人印章signature of holder
commer.票人提单bearer B/L
fin.票人支付债券debenture to bearer
commer.票人票据bearer bill
securit.票人票据document to bearer
busin.票人背书endorsement to bearer
fin.票人证券document to bearer
tech.票人证券bearer instrument
busin.票人验讫支票check receipted by holder
econ.持有某家公司股票的人称为股东Those who own shares in a company are called shareholders
busin.指定人支票cheque to order
tech.指定人支票order cheque (俗称抬头人支票)
tech.指定人支票order check (俗称抬头人支票)
fin.指定人汇票order bill
law指定人票据order bill
fin.指定受票人背书endorsement to order
fin.指定收款人票据bill payable to order
fin.按持票人per bearer
securit.按高于法定或正常贴现利率买人的票据shaving a note
econ.支付对价持票人holder for value
busin.支票付款人check drawee
busin.支票兑取人cheque collector
tech.支票出票人cheque drawer
commer.支票岀票人check drawer
busin.支票托收人check collector
busin.支票持票人cheque bearer
busin.支票持票人check holder
tech.支票持票人cheque holder
econ.支票持有人holder of check
tech.支票持有人check holder
busin.支票签发人check drawer
securit.收人传票credit slip
securit.普通股票持有人ordinary shareholder
securit.更改股票持有人姓名name change request on stock certificates
econ.有人警告他投机股票有破产的危险They warned him of the danger of bankruptcy in stock exhange speculations
fin.有代价持票人holder in value
econ.期望股票下跌的股票市场经纪人a bearish stock market operator
econ.期票出票人a maker of promissory note
busin.期票出票人maker of promissory note
securit.期票的出票人maker of note
securit.本票付款人payer of promissory note
securit.本票出票人maker of promissory note
securit.本票收款人payee of promissory note
gen.本酒店恕不接受任何私人支票This hotel declines any private check
securit.杀价买人的票据shaving a note
tech.来人即付的支票check payable to bearer
commer.来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以转让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
busin.来人支票bearer's check
econ.来人支票a bear check
busin.来人支票cheque to bearer
busin.来人支票即票面抬头开列持票人bear bill
busin.来人汇票bearer's draft
commer.来人票据bearer instrument
econ.来人票据sight bill
econ.来人票据promissory note made out to bearer
commer.来人票据bearer paper
busin.来人票据bearer bill
tech.查问开票人refer to drawer
China, polit.核对投票人数和票数check the number of people who voted against the number of votes cast
China, polit.根据候选人得票多少的顺序by the order of the number of votes that the nominees have obtained
econ.正当执票人holder in due coarse
securit.正当执票人bona fide holder
busin.正当持票人-指期票、汇票或支票的合法持有人holder in due course
busin.正当持票人holder with good title
busin.正当持票人innocent holder for value
busin.正当持票人holder in the course
busin.正当持票人bona fide holders
tech.正当持票人holder in due course
tech.每天购票乘客人数paying passengers per day
commer.汇票原始当事人original parties to a bill of exchange (指受票人 (drawee), 岀票人(drawer),受款人 (payee))
busin.汇票各方当事人parties to a draft
busin.汇票各方当事人parties to a bill of exchange
econ.汇票开票人draft drawer
securit.汇票当事人prior party to a bill of exchange
busin.汇票当事人parties to a bill of exchange
busin.汇票当事人party to a bill of exchange
commer.汇票当事人parties to a draft (包括:受票人 (drawee), 出票人 (drawer)、受款人 (payee))
China, law汇票当事人party to the bill of exchange
securit.汇票当事人party to a bill/draft
railw.汇票承兑人draft acceptor
econ.汇票持有人the possessor of a bill of exchange
busin.汇票持有人draft holder
busin.汇票持有人holder of a bill of exchange
busin.汇票持有人possessor of a bill of exchange
securit.汇票持有人holder of bill of exchange
commer.汇票收款人beneficiary of remittance
securit.汇票收款人payee of bill
China, law汇票的出票人drawer of a bill of exchange
econ.法定持票人holder in due course
econ.注册股票持有人holder of record
econ.注明付款地点的汇票付款人person named for payment in a domiciled bill
tech.洽询出票人refer to drawer
busin.清理人所掌握的债券和股票liquidation holding
busin.清理人所掌握的债券或股票liquidation holding
busin.英格兰银行特定股票购销经纪人special buyer
securit.独立股票经纪人independent stock broker
securit.现金收人传票cash debit slip
econ.用假钞票的人paper hanger
busin.用假钞票的人paper hanger
busin.由出票人签署signed by the person giving it
securit.疯狂购人防御股票mad dash into defensive stocks
securit.相关股票借人交易underlying stock borrowing transaction
commer.知内情人的股票交易insider trading
securit.短期执票人holder in due course
commer.美国破产人所有的股票拍卖creditor sale
busin.破产人股票拍卖creditor sale
econ., jet.票人drawer
econ.票据流动经纪人running broker
econ.票据上的保证人the giver of an aval
busin.〈法〉票据上的保证人giver of an aval
econ.票据上的保证付款人the person guaranteeing payment by avail
securit.票据上的间接关系人remote party
busin.票据交换代理人clearance agent
busin.通融票据保证人accommodation party
China, law票据债务人person liable for a negotiable instrument
tech.票据当事人parties to a bill
China, law票据当事人party to a negotiable instrument
securit.票据当事人parties of bill
securit.票据抬头人payee of bill
busin.票据持有人holder of bill
busin.票据收款人payee of a note
busin.票据收款人bill collector
securit.票据的参加承兑人acceptor by intervention
securit.票据管理人bUl clerk
busin.票据经纪人note broker
econ.票据经纪人汇水表丿exchange broker's quotation
commer.票据背书人endorser of a bill
commer.票据背书人backer of a bill
busin.票据调整人bill adjuster
econ.票据贴现人员discount clerk
securit.票据通融人accommodation party
econ.私人支票personal cheque
securit.私人汇票private bill
busin.私人票据private bill
securit.私人票据贴现private discount
econ.私人票据贴现率private rate of discount
securit.私人股票分析员private equity analyst
econ.租地人投票权occupation franchise
commer.英国租地人投票权occupation franchise
securit.第三债务人传票garnishee summons
securit.签过名但未填人金额的支票blank check
China, law经一人一票on a one-person-one-vote basis
econ.经公证人盖章证明的汇票a notarized draft
tech.经公证人签章证明的汇票notarized draft
securit.经公证人证明的汇票notarized draft
China, law经出票人授权by the drawer's mandate
econ.经执票人付款的汇票a check receipted by the holder
busin.经执票人出具收据的支票check receipted by the holder
securit.经纪人股票行情报告broker's ticket
econ.绑某人的票hold sb. to ransom
econ.联营公司应选定专业会计师和代理人来检査各位合伙人的账册、票据、财产和业务The joint venture company should select expert accountants and agents to check the books, paper n., property and business of the partners
securit.票人寿保险stock life insurance
econ.股东为了估算本人拥有的股票的价值,必须阅读公司的年度财务报表Stockholders must read the annual financial statement of a company in order to evaluate their own holding
securit.股票买人价格beginning price
securit.股票交易所交易权持有人holder of stock exchange trading right
securit.股票交易所场内代理人stock exchange pool nominee
econ.股票交易所经纪人stock jobber
securit.股票借人和借出stock borrowing and lending
securit.股票借出人留存记录record keeping by stock lender
securit.股票和股票经纪人stock and stock broker
securit.股票商人stock jobber
securit.股票承押人参与者stock pledgee participant
econ.股票持有人shareholder (stockholders)
busin.股票持有人分配股利证certificate of participation
securit.股票持有人很少的股票thinly held stock
tech.股票等有价证券的经纪人note broker
securit.股票等有价证券经纪人note broker
econ.股票经济人share broker
busin.股票经紀人stock broker
commer.股票经纪人有股票所有权stock jobber
busin.股票经纪人agent de change
econ.股票经纪人stock and share broker
commer.股票经纪人代理作用stock broker
securit.股票经纪人securities salesperson
securit.股票经纪人协会National Association of Stockbrokers
commer.股票转让代理人transfer agent
busin.股票过户转让代理人stock transfer agent
securit.股票过户登记代理人stock transfer agent
tech.背书票据转让他人endorse over a bill to another one
econ.能融票据出票人accommodation maker
securit.被保荐人股票sponsees' shares
econ.支票 被拒付而退还给开票人bounce
commer.见票即付的来人支票negotiable check 流通支票
commer.见票即付的来人支票bearer check
commer.见票即付的来人汇票negotiable draft
commer.见票即付的来人汇票bearer draft
busin.解除汇票上前手当事人的责任discharge of a prior party
tech.解除汇票上签字人的义务discharge of a party
econ.解除汇票前手人的责任discharge of a prior party
econ.解除汇票签字人或背书人的义务discharge of a party to a bill of exchange
busin.解除汇票签字人义务discharge of a party to a bill of exchange
econ.解除汇票签字人的义务discharge of a party
China, polit.票人vote-counters
econ.认票不认人pay to selves
econ.认票不认人pay to self
commer.询问出票人refer to drawer
busin.请与出票人refer to drawer
econ.请与出票人接洽refer to drawer (咨询)
busin.请与出票人接洽指银行由于发票人存款不足,票面金额与数字不符或发票人已破产等原因而拒付,并在支票注明"请询出票人"字样。简称 R/Drefer to drawer
tech.请与出票人洽询refer to drawer
busin.请与票据承兑人洽refer to acceptor
tech.请查问出票人refer to drawer
busin.请询出票人refer to drawer
busin.请询问出票人refer to drawer
tech.负汇票上的债务的人parties liable on a bill of exchange
econ.货到目的地方向付款人提示的汇票arrival draft
econ.货款应付给支票持有人The payment shall be made in checks payable to the bearer
busin.按照认股证上注明购买退股人股票的价格exercise price
securit.购人外币汇票foreign currency bill bought
securit.购人外币票据foreign currency bill bought
securit.购人的本币票据home currency bill bought
securit.购人股票待涨价后出售long of stock
busin.购货发票抬头人意谓单列货款由 XX 付款bought of
securit.跳出跳人浮动利率票据floating rate notes
econ.通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖给儿童Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child
tech.通融票据关系人accommodation party
tech.通融票据出票人accommodation maker
commer.银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
econ.银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check
securit.锁人柜内的股票cabinet stock
securit.长期购人股票long pull
commer.附去人民币1,000元的支票一张enclose a cheque for CNY 1,000
busin.非股票交易所经纪人kerb broker
securit.预期收人本票revenue anticipation note
securit.预期收人票据revenue anticipation note
securit.香港股票经纪人协会Association of Stockbrokers in Hong Kong
busin.验明支票取款人identify the payee of a check
econ.验明支票受款人identify the payee of a check
busin.验明支票受款人identifying the payee of a cheque
busin.验明支票收款人identifying the payee of a check
securit.骗人的股票blue sky
econ.高级管理人员买下子公司全部股票以收购子公司产权或管理权management buy-out
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