
Terms for subject Business containing 社会 | all forms | in specified order only
上流社会select society
上流社会high-class society
下级社会lower class
个别价值平均化为社会价值averaging individual value into social value
《丰裕社会美国经济学家加尔布雷思著The Affluent Society
亚太经社委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
人类社会经济制度human social-economic system
社会上借款borrowing from the public
企业的社会责任social responsibility of enterprise
非营利的会社账户一般只立收支账户club account
传统社会阶段traditional society stage
信息社会科学information social science
信息导向服务社会information-oriented society
动态社会经济学dynamical social economics
单位社会产品平均资金占用量average amount of funds spent per unit of social product
合作社会cooperative accounting
同质社会homogeneous society
同质社会群体homogeneous social group
同阶层社会差距horizontal social distance
同阶层社会流动性horizontal social mobility
后工业社会post-industrial society
商业社会mercantile society
商品化社会commercialized society
国家社会保险基金national social security fund
多元社会pluralistic society
多元社会heterogeneous society
大众消费社会mass consumption society
大型社会技术系统large-scale society-technical system
大规模社会间接资本计划large social overhead capital project
大规模社会间接资本计划large-scale social overhead capital projects
社会保险、养老金及类似计划的贡献contribution to social security, pension and similar scheme
小经营者社会atomistic society
平均社会利润率average social profit rate
平均社会劳动average social labour
平均社会工资盈利率average social rate on wages
平均社会必要劳动量average socially necessary amount of labour
平均社会必要耗费量average socially necessary expenses
平均社会投资利润率average social profit rate on investment
平均社会投资报酬率average social return rate on investment
平均社会资本利润率average social profit rate on capital
平均社会资金利润率average social profit rate on funds
年度社会生产价值annual social productive value
心理—社会系统psycho-social system
成熟社会mature society
房屋贷款会社building and loan association
扩大的社会参与管理enlarged community participation
投资社会溢价social premium on investment
控制社会集团购买力controlling social group purchasing power
提供社会劳动日contribute the social working day
无现金无支票社会cashless-checkless society
无钞票社会cashless society
柏格森社会福利函数Bergsonian social welfare function
株式会社即股份有限公司kabushiki kaisha
现代信息社会Advanced Information Society
现金少、支票少的社会less cash fewer checks society
社会不均衡social imbalance
社会业绩会计social performance accounting
社会中有职业的那部分人active and employed sector of society
社会主义企业socialist business
社会主义企业模式socialist enterprise model
社会主义再生产socialist reproduction
社会主义国营企业socialist state-run enterprise
社会主义国营企业socialist state-run entry enterprise
社会主义国营企业模式socialist state-run enterprise model
社会主义工业化socialist industrialization
社会主义所有制socialist property
社会主义所有制socialist ownership
社会主义积累socialist accumulation
社会主义经济学socialist economics
社会主义经济学派socialist school of economy
社会主义经济学派socialist economic school
社会主义经济成分socialist sector of economy
社会主义计划socialist planning
社会事业概念sociobusiness concept
社会产品储备inventory of social products
社会产品平衡表balance sheet of domestic product
社会产品生产量amount of social products produced
社会产品量amount of social products
社会人口统计系统System of Social and Demographic Statistics
社会价值esteem value
社会会计social accounting
社会会计体系social accounting system
社会保险指政府向公民提供的健康保险等social insurance
社会保险型养老金social security-type pensions
社会保险税与福利受益social security taxes and benefits
社会保障付款social security payment
社会保障保险social security insurance
社会保障制度social security system
社会保障支出social security expenditure
社会保障福利social security benefits
社会保障补助金Supplemental Security Income
社会保障计划social security programme
社会信息沟通social communication
社会信贷运动即提高群众购买力运动social credit movement
社会债权说主张工业利润应归全社会所有Social Credit
社会倾销指廉价商品推销social dumping
社会公益服务social service
社会公益服务学硕士Master of Science in Social Service
社会关系social interrelationship
社会出身social origin
社会利益social interest
社会制度分析social system analysis
社会劳动labor of social character
社会劳动分配distribution of social labour
社会劳动分配allocation of social labour
社会劳动性生产率productivity of social labor
社会化大生产large-scale socialized production
社会化生产social production
社会医疗保险socialized medical insurance
社会协作系统cooperative social system
社会压力pressure of society
社会各阶层all others of society
社会名流elite of society
社会后果social consequence
社会团体储蓄savings of a society
社会地位social position
社会均衡social balance
社会基础设施费用social overhead cost
社会失调现象social imbalance
社会契药social contract
社会学方法social approach
社会学观念sociological concept
社会安全保险social security insurance
社会实际收入community real income
社会导向规划socially-oriented program
社会工作social work
社会工作social job
社会工厂social workshop
社会差别social inequality
社会市场制度social market system
社会市场经济social market economy
社会平均先进定额advanced average social quota
社会平均利润率average profit rate of society
社会平均劳动熟练程度与强度average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time
社会平均生产率social average productivity
社会开发social development
社会开发系统social development system
社会开发计划social planning
社会心理因素socio-psychological factor
社会心理学家social psychologist
社会必要劳动时间socially necessary labor-time
社会性影响social influence
社会总产量total products of society
社会总产量aggregate social product
社会总供求平衡balance between total demand and total supply of society
社会总生产aggregate social production
社会总资本total capital of society
社会成本指控制水及其它环境污染的维持费用social cost
社会技术法sociotechnical approach
社会指标social indicator
社会福利指标social indicator
社会援助social assistance
社会收入social income
社会收益率social surplus rate
社会政策social policy
社会教育social education
社会文化community culture
社会文化力量socio-cultural forces
社会文化因素socio-cultural factor
社会文化因素social-cultural factor
社会无差异曲线social indifference curve
社会无差异曲线community indifference curve
社会智力投资social intelligence investment
社会有机体论theory of social organism
社会服务中心community service center
社会权力social power
社会消费函数community consumption function
社会消费能力consumer power of society
社会环境social setting
社会环境系统socio-environmental system
社会生产两大部类two major parts of social production
社会生产力social productive force
社会生产平均条件average conditions of social production
社会生产总值Gross Social Product
社会生产资本平均利润率average profit rate of the social production capital
社会生产资金平均利润率average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital
社会疾病society's sickness
社会研究social research
社会研究公司social research inc.
社会福利事业保险social welfare insurance
社会福利保险social welfare insurance
社会福利费social welfare expense
社会科学Sci social science
社会科学博士Doctor of Social Science
社会科学学士Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
社会科学家Sci social scientist
社会科学应用统计组合程序statistical package for the social science
社会科学硕士Master of Social Science
社会等级层次hierarchy of social rank
社会管理social control
社会管理费用social overhead
社会组织social organization
社会经济会计socio-economic accounting
社会经济信息socio-economic information
社会经济制度socioeconomic system
社会经济发展计划social-economic development program
社会经济后果economic and social consequences
社会经济地位socio-economic position
社会经济地位低下阶层socially under privileged group
社会—经济基础计划social-economic basic program
社会经济状况socio-economic aspects
社会经济状况socio-economic conditions
社会经济病态socioeconomic diseases
社会经济破坏socioeconomic disruption
社会经济秩序social economic order
社会经济管理social economic management
社会经济结构socio-economic structure
社会经济结构socio-economic formation
社会经验social experience
社会结构composition of society
社会统计social statistics
社会自我social self
社会良心society's conscience
社会范围行动acts perform on a social scale
社会营利分析social profitability analysis
社会营销观点social marketing concept
社会规划social program
社会角色social role
社会计量工具sociometric device
社会调查social study
社会调节social adjustment
社会责任social role
社会购买力society's purchasing power
社会贷款服务community financial service
社会间接资本social capital
社会资金积聚accumulation of social capital
社会边际产品social marginal product
社会边际成本social marginal cost
社会连带关系social solidarity
社会通货膨胀指由社会舆论造成的通胀social inflation
社会问题society's problem
社会阶层social class
社会阶层social strata
社会集团social groups
社会集资concentration of funds in society
社会需求society's needs
社会顾虑倾向audience anxiety
社会预测social forecast
社会预算social budget
社团会计group accounting
管理思想的社会制度学派social system school of management thoughts
管理的社会制度学派social system school of management
管理研究会社management research groups
管理社团与协会management society and association
系统的社会经济因素systematic socioeconomic factor
经济社会开发计划economic and social development program
经济与社会文科硕士Master of Arts in Economic and Social Studies
联合国经社理事会Economic and Social Council
老年社会保障old age security
老年社会保障措施measures to provide social security to the elderly
耐用消费品社会持有量amount of durable consumer goods available in society
虚假社会价值artificial social value
贝弗里奇社会保险方案Beveridge Plan
边际社会净产值marginal social net product
银行的社会责任social responsibility of banks
附加社会净产出率added social net output rate
附加社会国民收入率added social national income rate
附加社会生产力added social productivity
附加社会纯收入率added social net income rate
雇主对社会保险计划的分摊额employer's contributions to social security schemes
雇员的社会地位social status of employees
预期社会劳动节省程度anticipated extent to which social labour is economized
高密度经济社会high-density economy and society
高消费社会high consumption society