
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
tension loss
kilo pound
力/英寸²kips per square inch (压力及机械强度单位。1千磅力/英寸² =70千克力/厘米2 =0. 7千克力/毫米2 = 6894760牛顿/米²)
力/英寸²kilo pounds per square inch (压力及机械强度单位。1千磅力/英寸² = 70千克力/厘米²=0. 7千克力/毫米2 = 6894760牛顿/米²)
/英寸²kilopounds kips per square inch
千英尺•kilo foot-pounds
扭矩压力力数/平方英寸torque pressure in pounds per square inch
每平方英寸千kips per square inch
瓦/watt per pound
瓦每watt per pound
/分钟pound per minute
pound-force (磅力为英美制质量或重量单位,符号 lb。1磅合0.4536千克)
力/制动马力pound force per brake horsepower
力每制动马力pound force per brake horsepower
力每平方英寸pounds-force per square inch
力每平方英尺pound force per square foot
力/英寸²pounds per square inch (压力及机械强度单位,1磅力/英寸² = 0. 07公斤/厘米² =6894.76 牛顿/米²)
力/英寸²pounds-force per square inch
力/英尺²pound force per square foot
力/英尺²pounds force per square inch
/平方英寸绝对值pounds per square inch absolute
/平方英寸表压pounds per square inch gauge
/平方英寸表压pounds per square inch gauge
/平方英寸重力pounds per square inch gravity
推力pounds of thrust
每分钟pound per minute
每马力pounds per horsepower
/英寸2 表压pounds per square inch gauge
/英寸2 绝对压力pounds per square inch absolute
静推力pounds of static thrust