
Terms for subject Aviation containing 磁器 | all forms | in specified order only
主动磁粒子跟踪探测器active magnetospheric particle tracer explorers
全向磁指示器omnibearing magnetic indicator
全向磁方位航向指示器omni-bearing magnetic omnimagnetic indicator indicator
分布式发射磁控管放大器distributed emission magnetron amplifier
助磁式电抗器saturable reactor
半导体磁场探测器semiconductor magnetic filed detector
双速磁传感器dual speed magnetic transducer
双重无线电磁指示器dual radio magnetic indicator
可更换磁盘存储器exchangeable disk storage
大容量磁心存储器large capacity core storage
大容量磁芯存储器large code storage
〔计〕大容量磁芯存储器large core memory
太阳异常与磁层粒子探测器solar anomalous and magnetospheric particle explorer
娱乐磁带扬声器entertainment tape reproducer
宽频带磁记录器wideband tape recorder
〔计〕小型磁芯存储器small core memory
恒磁场自动补偿器automatic permanent magnetic field compensator
感应式磁传感器flux valve
手动磁指示器manual magnetic indicator
数字式无线电距离磁指示器radio digital distance magnetic indicator
数字式距离和无线电磁指示器digital distance and radio magnetic indicator
旅客广播磁带扬声器passenger address tape reproducer
磁器gyro magnetic device
旋磁振荡器gyro magnetic oscillator
旋磁滤波器gyro magnetic filter
旋磁限幅器gyro magnetic limiter
〔客〕无线电双重距离磁指示器radio dual distance magnetic indicator
无线电方位距离磁指示器radio direction distance magnetic indicator
无线电磁指示器radio magnetic indicator (一种飞机导航仪表,和陀螺罗盘或其他罗盘系统连接在一起,来指示所选的导航设备的方向和相对飞机航向的方位)
无线电磁航向指示器radio magnetic direction indicator
无线电距离磁指示器distance radio magnetic indicator
无线电距离磁指示器radio distance magnetic indicator
晶体管驱动磁芯存储器transistor driven core memory
机载反潜磁性探测器magnetic airborne detector
机载中央数据磁带记录器airborne central data tape recorder
机载磁性探测器magnetic airborne detector
模拟磁带报警指示器simulation tape alarm indicator
流体液面磁指示器magnetic fluid level indicator
混合式电磁天线耦合器hybrid electromagnetic antenna coupler
电磁加速器electromagnetic accelerometer
电磁变换器electromagnetic transducer
电磁干扰探测器electromagnetic interference detector
电磁振动进料器electromagnetic vibration feeder
电磁武器electromagnetic weapon
电磁脉冲武器electromagnetic pulse weapon
电磁辐射对武器的危险hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
磁传感器flux detection unit
磁传感器装置magnetic sensor unit
磁传感器装置magnetic pickup unit
磁位置指示器magnetic position indicator
磁光调制器magnetooptical modulator
磁光转换器magnetic-optic converter
磁力起动器组magnetic starter group
磁动态传感器magneto dynamic motion transducer
磁化率测定器magnetic susceptibility meter
磁卡随机存取存储器card random access memory
磁场探测器magnetic filed explorer
磁增强器magnetic amplifier
磁墨水字符读出器magnetic ink character recognition
磁差校正器micro adjuster
磁带控制振荡器tape controlled oscillator
磁带记录器始端magnetic tape recorder start
磁带记录器控制面板tape recorder control panel
磁异常探测器magnetic anomaly detector
磁异常探测器magnetic anomaly detection
磁异探测器magnetic anomaly detector (可以探测到因铁质物体如水下潜艇而引起的地球磁场的微小变化的灵敏的磁强计。它装于从飞机尾部突出的梁的末端,用来精确测定水下潜艇或地下磁性沉积物的位置)
磁强显示器magnetic level indicator
磁强显示器机架magnetic level indicator housing
磁性传感器magnetic sensor
磁性放大器magnetic amplifier
磁性武器传感器magnetic weapon sensor
磁性等离子体推进器magnetoplasma thruster
磁性闩锁继电器magnetic latching relay
磁性频率检测器magnetic frequency detector
磁性飞机武器连接magnetic aircraft weapon link
磁悬浮激励器magnetic actuator
磁感应传感器flux detector unit
磁指示器magnetic indicator
磁流体动力激光器magnetohydrodynamics laser
磁流体发生器mhd generator
磁流变制动器magnetorheological brake
磁激励器actuator magnet
磁电式继电器magnetoelectric relay
磁致伸缩式换能器magnetostriction transducer
磁致弹性称重传感器magnetoelastic weighing cell
磁航向传感器magnetic detector
磁航向传感器装置magnetic heading sensor unit
磁航向指示器magnetic heading indicator
磁航向指示器magnetic direction indication
磁荷随机存储器magnetic RAM Magnetic Random Access Memory
磁通压缩发生器flux compression generator
磁通量探测器装置flux detector unit
磁铁管扫雷器magnetic orange pipe
磁鼓处理器drum processor
磁鼓数字微分分析器magnetic drum digital differential analyzer
磁鼓辅助存储器辅助装置drum auxiliary memory subunit
综合电磁系统模拟器integrated electromagnetic system simulator
自动定向仪/雷达磁性指示器automatic direction finder/rader magnetic indicator
致动器磁滞actuator hysteresis
航空器磁场aircraft magnetic field
辅助磁心存储器auxiliary core storage
辅助磁芯存储器auxiliary core memory
远程数字方向磁指示器remote digital direction magnetic indicator
遥测磁罗盘指示器remote magnetic indicator
金属屑磁性探测器magnetic chip detector
雷达磁指示器radar magnetic indicator
高密度数据磁带记录器high density digital tape recorder
高密度模块磁芯存储器high density modular core memories