
Terms for subject Advertising containing | all forms
二手数据secondary research
产品product research
产品product research and development
价值观念与生活方式values and lifestyle research
使用习惯和态度usage and attitude
使用情况usage study
创意开发creative development research
初步pilot study
区域性消费者划分perceptual mapping study
印刷、包装及同业究协会Printing, Packaging and Allied Trades Research Association
即时事件调concurrent method technique
即时事件调concurrent method
发行量调circulation research
受众audience analysis
受众广告印象viewer impression study
国际印刷究所协会International Association of Research Institutes for the Graphic Arts Industry
国际大众传播究协会International Association for Mass Communication Research
媒介调公司Media Research, Inc.
媒体media research
定性subjective research
定量quantitative audience measurement
定量objective research
实地field research
实证究方法empirical research method
市场版图market mapping study
市场结构market structure study
市场营销marketing research
市场调主任director of research
市场调部主任research director
市场调部主任marketing research director
广告媒介advertising media research
广告接触人次impression study
广告调advertising research
广告调服务公司advertising research service
态度attitude study
战略strategic research
新产品制团队venture team
新产品发部research and development
期刊订户subscriber study
案头desk research
案头调desk research
次级资料secondary research
注意力attention study
消费者反应究小组consumer panel
消费者族群点market mapping study
由广告主题与产品类别提示而说出品牌产品的关联究法triple associates method
盖普洛受众究所Audience Research Institute
究用广告样本sample of ads for study
第一手primary research
结论性调conclusive research
美国密西根大学的消费者调查究所Institute of Survey Research
美国广告究基金会Advertising Research Foundation
美国形象艺术究所American Institute of Graphic Arts
美国户外广告究所Institute of Outdoor Advertising
美国民意究中心National Opinion Research Center
美国舆论究协会American Association for Public Opinion Research
美国调查究组织理事会Council of American Survey Research Organization
舆论opinion research
英国纸业与纸板业究协会British Paper and Board Industry Research Association
营销究协会Marketing Research Association
虚拟virtual research
行为究法behavioral approach
西蒙斯市场究公司Simmons Market Research Bureau. Inc.
试验pilot survey
读者readership study
读者广告印象reader impression study
服务research service
部门research department
调查research study
调查究小组Survey Research Group
质化subjective research
追踪tracking study
量化objective research