
Terms for subject Geology containing | all forms
美国全球盆地究网络Global Basin Research Network
全球石油究学会Global Petroleum Research Institute
关键井key well study
美国加利福尼亚地壳究财团California Consortium for Crustal Studies
勘察exploratory research
勘探exploratory research
勘探和开发究所Exploration & Development Research Institute
美国北美极地究所Arctic Institute of North American
区域科学究所Regional Science Research Institute
十年海洋究计划Ten Year Oceanographic Research Program
原油crude oil research
美国古生物究学会Paleontological Research Institution
古生物究所Paleontological Institute
美国国家地质科学究咨询委员会National Advisory Committee an Research in the Geological Sciences
国际水力学究协会International Association for Hydraulic Research
国际第四纪究协会International Association on Quaternary Research
国际第四记究联合会International Union for Quaternary Research
国际粘土究协会International Association for Clay Research
加拿大地下究实验室Underground Research Laboratory
俄罗斯地球化学究所Institute of Geochemistry
地球化学与环境究组Geochemical and Environmental Research Group
美国地球化学勘探究组Geochemical Exploration Research Team
美国地球化学海洋剖面计划geochemical ocean section study program
美国地球化学评价究小组Geochemical Evaluation Research Team
地球物理究快报Geophysical Research Letters
美国地球科学究所Institute for Earth Sciences
地球资源究资料机构earth resources research data facility
英国地质究所Institute of Geological Studies
地质究所Geological Institute
地质究杂志Journal of Geological Research
地质与地下究所Institute of Geology and Subsurface Research
俄罗斯地质与地球化学究所Institute of Geology and Geochemistry
俄罗斯地质与地球物理究所Institute of Geology and Geophysics
地质与地球物理究所Geological and Geophysical Research Institute
地质与采矿究所Institute of Geological and Mining Research
日本地质古生物究所简报Short Paper from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology
加拿大地质技术究联合委员会Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research
英国地质科学究所Institute of Geological Sciences
大洋洲采矿、冶金究所Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
大湖区地壳演化国际多学科究计划Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution
天然气究所Natural Gas Research Institute
美国哈佛大学太平洋盆地究中心Pacific Basin Research Center
太平洋西北地区第四纪海洋古环境Investigation on Quaternary Marine Paleoenvironment of Western North Pacific
美国,得克萨斯经济地质局岩心究中心Core Research Center
微生物究机构Microbiological Research Establishment
美国新墨西哥勘探开发究所New Mexico Research and Development Institute
日本国土地理究所Geographical Survey Institute of Japan
极地究与发展中心Polar Research and Development Center
极地究所Institute of Polar Studies
极地究所Arctic Institute
沉积地质与石油地质究所Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology
国际河口究联合会Estuarine Research Federation
油气田oil and gas field study
油藏特征描述究实验室reservoir characterization research laboratory
海湾河口究学会Gulf Estuarine Research Society
溶蚀采矿究所Solution Mining Research Institute
澳大利亚矿业究协会Australian Mineral Industries Research Association
环太平洋深成作用究项目计划Circum Pacific Plutonism Project
生物究索引bio-research index
白垩纪一新生代盆地究计划Cretaceous-Cenozoic Basin Studies Program
盆地究所Basin Research Institute
矿业究和开发机构Mining Research and Development Establishment
矿物究实验室Minerals Research Laboratory
碳水化合物Carbohydrate Research
刊名,荷兰碳水化合物Carbohydrate Research
磷酸盐岩究所Phosphate Rock Institute
第四纪Quaternary research
美国第四纪究协会Quaternary Research Association
综合究区和监测区integrated research and monitoring areas
美国地理究所American Geographical Institute
美国地质究所American Geological Institute
美国第四纪究协会American Association for Quaternary Research
英国流体力学究协会British Hydromechanics Research Association
裂缝究调查fracture research investigation
重点井key well study
长石高级究所Advanced Study Institute of Feldspars