
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
上海国际非织造布讨会暨展览会Shanghai Nonwovens Conference and Exhibition
世界经济world economic research
中国服装究设计中心China National Garments Research & Design Centre
中国纺织科学究院China Textile Academy
产品product development
产品research on products
价值工程value engineering study
价格research on prices
克莱姆森大学服装中心Clemson Apparel Reseach
冲击式impact mill
加拿大洗衣业与干洗业究所Canadian Research Institute of Launders and Cleaners
南非毛纺织究所South African Wool Textile Research Institute
印度南方纺织究协会South India Textile Research Association
印度孟买纺织究协会Bombay Textile Research Association
印度黄麻工业究协会Indian jute Industries' Research Association
印度黄麻工业究协会Indian Jute Industries Research Association
印度黄麻工艺究所Jute Technological Research Laboratories
反应表面设计究法response surface design methodology
可行性究报告feasible study report
商品市场调survey of commodity market
商情business condition study
商情market research
商情conjuncture research
商情business condition research
因果causal study
因果关系causal study
国家健康究所National Institute of Health
国家环境究所National Institute of Environment
国际商品市场调research on international commodity markets
国际市场international market research
国际市场调research on international markets
国际市场调study of international market
国际市场调international market study
国际干洗究委员会International Drycleaning Research system (IDRC)
国际干洗究委员会International Dry Cleaning Research Committee
国际干洗究委员会International Dry-cleaning Research Committee
国际纺织品洗涤究所International Fabricare Institute
国际纺织品洗涤究院International Fabricare Institute
国际纺织品维护标识讨会International Symposium for Care Labelling Textiles
国际纺织生态领域究及检验协会International Association for Research &Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology
国际货币市场调research on international currency markets
国际贸易international trade research
国际贸易市场调research on international trade markets
地毯究院Carpet and Rug Institute
孟加拉黄麻究所Jute Research Institute
宏观经济macroeconomic research
定量quantitative research
工业品市场调industrial product market survey
工业市场industrial market research
工时time-and-motion study
市场究机构market research agency
市场调marketing research
市场调market survey
市场调查research on markets
市场需求market demand research
德国地毯究所Deutsches Teppich-Forschungsinstitut
德国纺织与纤维究所Institute für Textil-und Faserforschung
德国罗伊特林根纺织技术究所Institute for Textile Technology, Reutlingen
投入产出input-output research
投资前preinvestment studies
投资机会性preinvestment studies
操作operation study
数量quantitative research
新西兰毛纺织工业究所New Zealand Wool Industries Research Institute
新西兰羊毛究组织Wool Research Organization of New Zealand
旅游市场调travel market survey
《日本纺织究》期刊Japan Textile Research
服装究所英国Clothing Institute
服装究所clothing institute
服装究网Apparel Research Network
服装究设计中心garments research and designing centre
服装究设计中心garments research and designing center
服装工业技术究中心法国Centre dy Etudes Technique des Industrie de l'Habillement
服装、纤维和纺织品生产究会美国Consortium for Research in Apparel, Fiber and Textile Manufacturing
服饰research of dress and decoration
服饰research of dress and adornment
染料制造工业生态和毒理究协会Ecological and Toxicological Association of Dyestuff Manufacturing Industry
棉、丝、化学纤维究协会英国Silk and Man-made Fibers Research Association
棉、丝及化学纤维究会Cotton, Silk and Man-made Fibers Research Association
棉花技术究实验所印度Cotton Technological Research Laboratory
毛纺究委员会Wool Textile Research Council
毛纺工艺究所Institute for Wool Technology
法国服装工业技术究中心centre d'Etudes Techniques des industrie de l' Habillement
法国服装工业技术究中心Centre d'Etudes Techniques des Industries de l'Habillement
法国纺织究院Institute Textile de France
法国针织工业究中心Centre de Recherches de la Bonneterie
法国鲁昂纺织工业究中心Centre de Recherches des Industries Textiles de Rouen
流行fashion research
流行服饰fashion research
流行色究机构fashion color research organization
海军服装与纺织究所Navy Clothing and Textile Research Unit
消费市场consumer market research
澳大利亚羊毛究委员会Australian Wool Research Commission
澳大利亚联邦科学与工业究组织Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
澳大利亚联邦科学与工业究组织纺纱法spin-twisting process
澳大利亚联邦科学与工业究组织纺纱法,双纱纺捻法,西罗纺捻法Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization process
瑞典纺织究所Svenska Textilforskningsinstitutet
制型development type
磨纤维milled fiber
究公司research finn
究基金research foundation
究成果result of study
究机构research finn
究费research costs
究费用research expenses
究领域region of research
成果result of study
时兴产品体现新材料,新工艺,新功能等产品风格science fashion
流行式样science fashion
research costs
科学和工业究协会Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
窄幅织物究所Narrow Fabric Institute
窝工比率究《管理》ratio-delay study
纤维究与纺织技术Faser forschung und Textiltechnik (德国刊物)
纺织究协会会长委员会英国Committee of Directors of Textile Research Associations
纺织究所Textile Research Institute
《纺织究杂志》期刊Textile Research Journal
纺织技术究院Institute of Textile Technology
纺织究院Institut Textile de France
纺织品及纤维究所Institut fur Textil-und Faserforschung
纺织工艺究所Institute of Textile Technology
纺织科学究所Institute of Textile Science
经济economy study
经济economic consideration
经营operational research
结构究服装fully constructed garment
罗马尼亚纺织究所Institutul de Cercetari Textile
美国南方纺织究中心Southern Regional Research Center
美国南方纺织究所Southern Regional Research Laboratory
美国南方纺织究所多刺辊开棉机SRRL opener
美国南方纺织究所多刺辊开清棉机SRRL opener-cleaner
美国南方纺织究所空气动力清棉机SRRL aerodynamic cleaner
美国国家健康究所National Institute of Health
美国棉花质量究所Cotton Quality Research Station
美国洗涤究所American Institute of Laundering
美国纺织究所Textile Research Institute
美国纺织工艺究所Institute of Textile Technology
美国织物究试验所Fabric Research Laboratory
艾哈迈达巴德纺织工业究协会Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association
花边究协会Lace Research Association
英国国家环境究委员会National Environmental Research Council
英国国际市场和舆论究所Market Opinion and Research International
英国染色与干洗业究组织Dyer's and Cleaner's Research Organization
英国棉纺织工业究协会British Cotton Industry Research Association
英国洗衣业究协会British Launderers' Research Association
英国皮鞋制造究协会British Leather Manufacture Research Association
英国羊毛工业究协会Wool Industries Research Association
英国针织业究协会The Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association
英国针织物究会British Jersey Fabric
营销学究所marketing research institute
营销调方法marketing research method
营销调机构marketing research agency
蚕丝中心究所印度Central Tasar Research Station
行情调conjuncture survey
行情调conjuncture research
西班牙棉纺织工业究协会Asociación de Investigación Textil Algodonera
设计综合design comprehensive studies
调查investigation research
质量quality research
针织业究协会the Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association
针织业究协会The Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association
针织工业究中心Centre de Recherches de la Bonneterie
锡莱究所Shirley Institute
霍恩施泰因服装和生理究所Institute of Clothing and Physiology in Hohnstein
非织造布合作究中心Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center
预算budget study
风险收益比较risk return trade-off studies
黄麻工艺究所Jute Technological Research Laboratories
黄麻工艺究所Jute Technological Research Laboratories