
Terms for subject United Kingdom containing 研究 | all forms | in specified order only
全国研究发展公司National Research Development Corporation
全国环境研究理事会National Environmental Research Council
军械研究发展局Directorate of Armament Research and Development
军用工程实验研究Military Engineering Experimental Establishment
反潜研究Anti-Submarine Establishment
发动机研究与发展局Directorate of Engine Research and Development
国防研究Defence Research Agency
国防鉴定研究Defence Evaluation Research Agency
国际战略研究International Institute for Strategic Studies
声与振动研究Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
天文物理研究Astrophysics Research Unit
导弹研究Guided Projective Establishment
工业销售研究组织Industrial Marketing Research Organization
工业革新研究中心Centre for Study of Industrial Innovation
无线电和空间研究Radio and Space Research Station
机床工业研究协会Machine Tool Industry Research Association
火箭推进研究Rocket Propulsion Establishment
爱丁堡大学防务研究中心Defense Studies, University of Edinburgh
皇家军械研究与发展院Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment
皇家国防研究学院Royal College of Defense Studies
皇家飞机研究Royal Aircraft Establishment (已改为 Royal Aerospace Establishment 皇家航空航天研究院)
研究咨询委员会Research Consultative Committee
科学研究委员会Science Research Council
科学和工程研究委员会Science & Engineering Research Council
粒子物理与天文学研究委员会Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC)
粒子物理和天文学研究中心Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Centre
自然环境研究委员会Natural Environment Research Council
莱彻斯特大学空间研究中心Space Research Center of University of Leicester
质量保证研究IQA The Institute of Quality Assurance
防空研究和发展局Air Defence Research & Development Establishment
高级机器人研究中心Advanced Robot Research Centre